Tone is everything <fight starter>

to me tone is something that belongs to u..u r the creator of that tone..
same like singers..who have tone like bryan adams? mariah carey? liam gallagher? eminem? sting? rod stewart? axl rose? jamban jovi? joss stone? stone cold? hehe
people can copy tone but it does not belong to them...

tone is nice to listen to..attracts guys create ur own tone..

tone/sound is an art...lets put playing style, guitars and pickups aside although its part of it..vital part to me are the processor and the speaker..not all have the ability to tweak and experiment with knobs to achieve great sounding guitars..u can tweak but its about how u tweak them....its not about wat pedals or wat effects u use although its partly bcoz of them..hehe..its not about expensive means good...its about how u understand ur babies and their reactions and make full use of not an always tweaking to get different tones everyday..and remember good tone means nice to ur ear AND their ears oso..

we all haf diff taste so de judgement of tone is very subjective. like sum pple may not like satrianis tone but i love it. so yeah. not really much point comparing. its like trying to make every1 love a certain type of guitar when we all dont. u got fender pple and u got gibson pple. theres always diff tastes. :D
yeah tone is subjective..different people got different pair of ears..u're damn rite...but the rule is ur tone must be appealing to other people much people as u do it, its up to u..
:lol: the best will shine..

not all people will like zack de larocha's tone...bryan adams, axl rose and so on..but they have millions of fans rite? same like a piece of art, u try as much as possible to attract people but not all will like it..and not all will agree to wat u say and wat i say...BUT WE TRIED OUR BEST TO ACHIEVE WAT WE WANT..a good tone? good sales? good voice? a good guitar? pickups? effects? u name it..BUT ONLY THE BEST WILL SHINE

yeah to make people like u so u can becoma an idol? u answer..a good tone muz pe appealing to others too..thats y its hard to get a good me ITS AN ART ..if u guys tink wat im saying is crap so be it :wink: wat matters most is how u work hard on something to achieve it...
Tone is definitely subjective.
To me, Satch's tone on G3 sounded very plasticy and soul-less.
You don't have to agree with me.

But I have yet to hear anyone diss Eric Johnson's tone 8)
Just wondering if anyone have heard izzy stradlin's tone after he went solo? i think its great, but sounds kinda common.
i like joe satriani's tone on me its warm..
but im definitely sure: people who like his tone > people who dislike it
thats y he's up there..
Mr_X said:
Just wondering if anyone have heard izzy stradlin's tone after he went solo? i think its great, but sounds kinda common.

yeah the juju hounds :) Without him GNR is nothing.....too bad because of axl he is already too scared to join a band.
gordonzz said:
pooo said:
i think satch's tone is fat....hmm thin? maybe its me....i got my mids full i love mids.

I hope i don't offend Satch fans by saying this but his tone on the G3 Live in Denver absolutely sucks...

yea.. u noe when the 3 started blasting on rockin in the free world? u can barely hear satch's.. malmsteens one is the sharper lah..

eh i heard nothing during the it because i dun have the 5.1 speakers? Barely audible.
audio said:
i like joe satriani's tone on me its warm..
but im definitely sure: people who like his tone > people who dislike it
thats y he's up there..

Don't get me wrong. I was referring to his tone on the latest G3.
Not his records. I like the tone from there.
yeah..i was referring to the latest G3 also..with malmsteen..not his records..although his records are not bad at all.
does anyone find John Frusciante (sp) tone very weird , unique and lousy at the same time?

he did alot of meaningless notes on the live DVD...
wah lau.... u all tok about g3... so i go take out the latest g3 album to listen.... its been 3 days liao.... i have not stopped listening to them man.... haha... i think i psycho a bit liao... wah but their version of vodoo child and little wing... huah.... zai zai sia....

i think in terms of tone... one guy must be mentioned... Mr jimi hendrix... his tone is legendary and very unique.... i saw multi-Efx pedal got a " jimi Wah" setting somemore
beckerfan said:
Hendrix tone= average, Hendrix style = legendary/unique/etc..

/Prepares to be insulted by Hendrix fans

Lol, but what you've said's quite true. I believe most people would agree. :)
tone i think kick mondo ass.

strats: eric johnson
Stevie Ray vaughn

Les pauls: Slash
Zack wylde


Ibanez : Vai
Paul gilbert.

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