thoughts on Epiphone LPs

epi les pauls (pronounced 'ler-paw') are endorsed by les paul himself so its definitely of a certain quality. u can tell that they're quite good since 1 out of 5 prob owns one.
ehh les paul is read as les paul. not the french ler paw.. Les Pauls name is Lester William Polsfuss i dun tink he was french..
guitarsarefun said:
epi les pauls (pronounced 'ler-paw') are endorsed by les paul himself so its definitely of a certain quality. u can tell that they're quite good since 1 out of 5 prob owns one.

Is it cheap or is it good? Is it cheap or is it good? Leh Paw, Leper, Less Paul, Les Paul, whatever his name is to most endorsement is merely a deal struck between the artiste and company, quality or anybody's assumption/speculation :roll:
edder said:
My Aria PE 40th Anniversary Edition eats your Epi Lay Por breakfast lunch and dinner!

my lerr paw make sure ur aria gets indigestion and lao sai! ehh my one is Jibson one lehh...... =(
I pulled out my old Epi Les Paul over the weekend out of nostalgia (bought it from Davis a good 10 yrs ago). The volume and tone pots were stuck and couldnt turn, my nut was broken at the B-string, the binding was totally yellowed, i couldn't switch to my treble pup as the pup selector was spoilt/stuck. I plugged it in with strings that i hadnt changed since 2004. Body all battered from misuse and abuse over 10 yrs (i never took care of that guitar - hundreds of dings, potholes, huge gashes all over, cracked binding etc),

I wasnt expecting anything, but wow.. i forgot how good it sounded, just the LP straight into an overdriving tube amp. Now i'm convinced that i should bring it to somebody to change my vol/tone controls, my nut, my pup selector, to basically breathe new life into my old guitar. I've gone thru a couple humbucking LP style guitars, but have never sold this one because it sounds and feels so alive and good. Proves that cheap korean guitars can give expensive Gibsons a run for their money. Its not the best comparison, but this old Epi LP rocks out a lot harder than my Gibson 335 in terms of response and tone... steady lar, Epi... I would totally recommend one, but make sure you go and test and play first...
cheap doesn't mean bad

same shape doesn't mean same tone


not the same tone doesn't mean BAD tone

Its all good. Tone is in the ears of the beholder.