they say that in the army...

Jus njoy ur civilian life now, no need to know all those army acronyms...u learn them soon enough..Jus njoy life now
What in your opinions is the easiest and toughest postings?
OCS stands for Officer Cadet School.
Easiest postings will be any Pes C and below postings like clerk, storeman and etc. Toughest will be commando
my sergeants always say commandos are all brawns no brains

OCS is just as tough.. ocs cadets are the 'lowest lifeforms' in the SAF

tough or easy also depends on which company you go to in your vocation.
If you end up in white horse company or welface company.. you'll have a good life. but if you end up in a company where the CSM and OC wear red beret.. well good luck
Actually we all say initially we want to be commandos, then later when we are actually faced with reality, we want a good relaxing life instead. :wink:
hey guys..sorry off thread abit..need all u guys advice...i will be taking my NAFA test soon in my poly for NS...but the problem is...i got a dislocated joint in my right arm which cos my right arm to be unable to put in much strength...hence...i cant do pull up for more den 3 or 4 times...

now the problem mum lost the medical report when we moved hse last i dun think i can be excuse from the pull up should i re-do a medical checkup on my right arm now before the NAFA test...or wait till the offical NS medical checkup...??
hifi_killer said:
but if you end up in a company where the CSM and OC wear red beret.. well good luck
i beg to differ.. my pc and rsm both red berets, and they're damn nice ppl.. my 2i/c also guardsman n oc ranger... all very nice... welfare.. =p
my unit(vocation) is a infantry unit yet i hv so many commando in my unit when i was serving NS.... my HQ csm, RSM, Bravo coy OC, Support Coy OC all commando... and one of the support coy PC is a SOF....

they are definately very "on" ppl in my camp...

now my re-service CO is a commando....

so many reds in my unit....
hifi_killer said:
my sergeants always say commandos are all brawns no brains


my dad was a commando. and my dad sucks. he has no brains to do anything right.
signing on as infantry is quite sad lah..

at least in the air force or navy you get to go to alot of places around the world , and theres also a decent proportion of women serving in the navy and airforce.
Sign on for the job not for the $$ they say.... coz if u sign on for the $$ after a few years(before your contract ends) u will feel very crappy...

Coz in the organization of army, sad to say they tends to do things in a "(fill in the black)" way... People who have serve army should know what i mean... esp those vocation that fights the front

coz i juz don't wan to mention that word... it is rather insulting
ah army stories ...heng la I finish NS and reservist oleady....

happiest recruit memory: POP (and OC evening - played lead guitar in the Batalion band for eve of pass out show).

Happiest operation memory: ROD (now called ORD)

Happiest Reservist memory: Last incamp and getting letter confirming NO MORE reservist.

Biggest regret: Why did I ever differ for studies after O levels> I should have just gone straight as I was offered POLICE at first. After the A levels came back kena TEKONG!

Anyways - over & dun with and water under the bridge.
talked to a few regulars during my NS. Most of them regret signing on becos they only think of the short term benefits. They din think long term. They say that they are more or less stuck in the army now, cos they don have any relevant experience for the jobs in the civilian world. And to start all over again from scratch is really daunting. Unless u can see urself in green uniform for more than 10 or more years, then sign on. If not then don, don be lured by the short term monetary benefits. Think carefully.
I see, that's what guitarman78 told me too. Maybe signing on isn't such a good deal afterall.

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