The worst thing you've done to someone.

you all cannot beat me, i ever langgar some guy's parked car and drove off. dented one of his doors


this thread's bout the worst thing YOU've done,
mine's all outdated and not as funny sooo
i guess i should tell you what my buddy did.

all of us had malay rice with drumstick,
A went to buy drinks for all of us..
and L drops his drumstick accidentally on the floor..
he swaps his with A's before he came back.
and we kept laughing, when he asked why we told him it was because of some joke.

been 2 years already. and when i meet up my sec school mates we never fail to laugh about it.
A wasnt in our clique sooo... he doesnt go out with us, we just eat together.
i think till now he still knows nuts about it
have a friend who prank called his classmate/close friend (a girl).
uses someone else's phone which she doesnt know and told her that she was the top 10 sexiest girl in school.
he told her that she need to come down to xxx to have a photoshoot and she agreed.
so my friend ask her whether she wants to take photoshots in school uniform, bikini or nude, but he wouldn't recommend nude because she's under 18.
so she picked bikini (because she thinks she is sexy enough).
so my friend ask her whats her size and she confidently replied 34B.
he and his friends, who were at the background, started laughing.
she realise it was his classmate/close friend when he told her his name.
she was so embarass she didn't come to school for 2 days.

and when she came back, they kept calling her 34B.

so if not for those guys laughing i could be seeing some young bikini chick lah

i dunno which is worse, tricking the girl, or not getting the pics :evil:

shit lah i need to go to rehab or sth
i remember shoving some fhm and maxim magazines into an ex-friend's file bag during recess. hahaha i guess my enemy had an awesome time at home.
see? i'm a great guy.

oh yeah i fought with one of my close friends over something. i can't remember what. yeah with fists and all till my other friends broke us up.
Hmmm, breaking up my best friend and his girlfriend?

That was the worst thing I could have ever done in my whole life.
Smashing some asshole in the face with skateboard in my younger days in Tanglin Halt
Fight with someone when I was p5 till his dad came to look for my mum and I still talked back to the father... Then another was in sec1 over some disagrements...

Bad ? hmm .. young and brainless? .. LOl
Stabbed a mech pencil lead in some guys leg in P2.

Was sent to sit on floor. You know those pri sch chers always punish ppl sit on floor? So then I need to go take pencil from my seat. But the guy in front of the row don't let me in. Keep trying to kick my d1ck. So I take my mech pencil, extend the lead until damn long, stabbed it into his leg.
After that teacher didn't sent me to principal office 0.0 just scolded me.

And Sec 1 I use various weapons to attack people. Cos they always disturb me.

And just 1-2 wks ago. I had a opportunity in class. This lovelovelove came stading like tower over me( I was sitting down he came to my seat, standing up and look down at me). He screamed shut up even when he's in the wrong. I was writing, had a mech pencil again in my hand.

Since he was towering over me, like I'm sitting on chair, his face is above mine screaming, I could've taken my pencil and given him some Joker scars..

chose not to. not worth it. my dads colleague is a ex police officer, now doing their networking . told my dad, if I use weapon, even if they start it, i'm wrong.

although I still imagine what would've happen if I gave him the jokers smile eh?
bloody fight with a friend over a misunderstanding, but now we're good friends

used to scribble nonsense on ppl from the previous class who left their books behind, example "If u get your book back you're a f**kin retard"
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I was 14 years old back then. Bought those fire-cracker (where you pull 2-end of the strings and it fire-up in a box)…..

Me and another of my friends wanted to disturb my friend at the 2nd-floor in Redhill (cause he play us out the previous night for not turning out)… we tied 2 of the crackers (One to the Main Gate and the other to the Door Handle) – we then knock his door (so that when he open the door there will be a loud bang by the fire-crackers) and ran away as fast as possible to the coffee shop just downstairs and had coffee…..We heard the loud bang…..but we both was happy as we thought we’ve got back on him.

Then about 5 minutes later we saw an ambulance, 3 mans carry a strecher up to my friend’s home…and we saw my friend’s Grandmother lying on the strecher to the ambulance…..Both me and my friend was scared to death…we thought she died….

So, we bedek bedek went up to my friend and ask “What Happen har?”…and he says “Some MF wanted to trick me but my granny open the door and she fainted because of that” …. “she is 70 years old “ ………..

Both me and my friends regretted and feel remorse for what we have done (but we didn’t tell my friend)…The grandmother was discharged in the evening…we never play such a trick on anyone again.

PS; Anyway this is just one of the many many not so worst things I have done to many. Kekekeke.
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