floyd rose(if possible as i am a lover of the trem bar, without it the guitar will go out of tune easily with a few pulls right?)
oh ive got a squier hello kitty. got it as a birthday present from my frens. using it as a backup for my suhr ahaha. heres me caught in the act.
oh ive got a squier hello kitty. got it as a birthday present from my frens. using it as a backup for my suhr ahaha. heres me caught in the act.
hahaha. yeah man had i taken out the bandage i would have a slide cos inside was a metal splint. it was an interesting journey having injured both fingers cos it made me analyse my playing alot.
before that happened i could never use a slide to play so during those times i had nothing but 5weeks mc from army so i had to do something so i got myself 1 glass and 1 chrome slide and learnt how to use em.
also due to the lack of 2 fingers i forced myself to learn how to use my thumb in relation to chording and fretting the thicker strings. and in learning that i improved my vibrato as well with the thumb over giving me more control.
and lastly ive got alot more chords in my dictionary which only requires 2 or 3 fingers.
I'd get a regular trem equipped guitar and install a tremol-no.
The hassle of changing strings on a FR equipped trem pretty much outweighs the tuning stability it offers now with the availability of the tremol-no.
Unless you want to do crazy whammy stunts, then that's another issue.
Originally Posted by lightice
I'd get a regular trem equipped guitar and install a tremol-no.
The hassle of changing strings on a FR equipped trem pretty much outweighs the tuning stability it offers now with the availability of the tremol-no.
Unless you want to do crazy whammy stunts, then that's another issue.
Originally Posted by lightice:
It'll stop the guitar from going out of tune from trem use.
You can't pull up though.
I won't say it will replace, but I'd favor it over a FR equipped guitar due to the ease of changing strings. Considering the trem won't go out of tune so easily with a tremol-no equipped guitar.
You can of course equip a FR guitar with a tremol-no as well.
Do a google search on it and read about what it does.
There are also reviews here on soft about it, maybe it'll give you some insight of how it performs.