fantastic thread!
i was 16 when i went lepak in pertama kompleks(popular hang outfor rockers in 1989)wearing those aliph search hicut shoes:-Dsaw they jammed using san dimas jacksons(amerah,babylon studios)

at the time the studio owners sold used stuff like rare dm2,od1,ad9 for like rm200!the babylon studio owner was selling a 1st year kramer usa sambora production!i even saw people sold 69 strat for rm400..i was being offered a white 60"s sg for rm200 at the time,many 70 strats were sold at the time for about rm800 each!really,u know why?because pointy guitars were in at the time.i knew one crazy guy modified his vintage strat head to look like pointy kramer
in the 80's-early 90 only the best guitar player could be a guitarist in a band,a second best would become bassist.even the drummer back then can goreng michael schenker licks like kacang only

,nowadays you know basic chords and power chords can make an album?
i used to collect hundreds cassete of old bands like may,search,belantara and foreign like accept,tnt,y&t,masi,cinderella,john byrds,saraya but now all kena makan anai anai already:mrgreen: