The John Myung Tone... On A Budget?

well i still think that just because it doesn't matter much on DT records that his tone is 'undesirable' or doesn't sit well in the mix, doesn't mean that he shouldn't care about his tone.

i was just highlighting his apathetic attitude towards tone.

lest there should be such a thing that a bassist is too good to care about tone, or that the music his band makes warrants him not to care about tone. anyway, in conventional thought, if a bassist could make any aspect of his playing better, why isn't he doing it? myung has other ideas though, but it's difficult to understand some aspects of his interpretation of the instrument, and while to each his own, it is not something that many would model (for good reasons). i'm just trying to say that there shouldn't be reasons why people don't need to care about tone.

tone aside, he is a technically gifted musician, that is something you can't deny.

anyway back to the topic, you could probably try yamaha's or ibanez's. those can probably do modern easily. i would advise against swapping pups, especially on classic designs. some pups were voiced with the characteristics of certain instruments in mind i.e. the swap may not pay off.
It's either due to his shyness or the domination of his other 2 bandmates ( Portnoy and JP ). I'm far from being a world-class bassist like him but I do feel I would have gotten more definition with my tone if I were in his shoes. You can definitely support without intruding on others with a better defined tone.

Then again, his earlier works had far greater tone. Ytse Jam, which I think was done on his Fender Jazz had some pretty sweet tone that cut through the mix well enough.

He doesn't require to have blaring, treble-laden tone like Chris Squire or Lemmy from Motorhead but he certainly does not have to rely on murky tone. His extraordinary amount of practice certainly warrants better tone.

On topic, a good distortion unit and/or heavy attack would roughly approximate what he has as of now. I agree with the sentiment that an OLP bass would suffice for a choice of bass.
MM Stingray6!!! TUNG!!!

Ridiculously expensive basses aside, I think that his heavy reliance of effects/distortions really kill off any tone that was originally in his bass. If you want to listen to his sound, which is decent, as compared to his tone, go listen to The Jelly Jam instead, which he plays in. Killer basslines and he really cuts through. I guess having Portnoy and Petrucci in your band means you have to fight with two gods to be heard. And you know what they say about defying gods...

Any modern jazz bass with soapbars should be able to achieve his tone, after listening to the jelly jam. Scooped mids(I think) and a kickass distortion pedal. By the way, get a good amp if you're getting one for the first time.

Oh, presenting THE JELLY JAM:

Ending note:
I quite like his tone in tjj actually. It cuts through all the time. And it's quite sweet actually. Shinobi bro, take a listen. I hope it will change your mind. I am starting to think the producers in DT are killing it for him. Ah well.
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how much are these retail OLPs?

if its too expensive then i might have to wait for angpow day, next year. haha!
anyway. i had a look at the OLP, but it has this black circle design thingy in the middle of the body.

i dont like weird designs in the middle of my bass... haha.

what about the Yamahas, or ESPs, or even LTDs and Vantages?


i went to Yamaha Music Centre in this shopping centre at Dhoby Ghaut.

i saw the Yamaha RBX270J for sale, at 465 dollars. i think im going to get that.

...looks like i will have to save up until after angpowday.
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Lol tastes and preferences, ftw! Some people actually see the pickguard as hawt for a musicman, but oh wells. Rbx are good basses. :)
i played the rbx270 during my poly days.. and yes it's a good bass.



This will get you closer though :D
ive decided on that!

...unfortunately i will have to wait until January 09 to get enough money.

im going to get one of them in the RBX series.

thank you guys so much for the information and advice and stuff!