The Calm Before A Storm (sort of weird rock instrumental)

shredcow... people are not very forgiving towards shredders.... :lol: :lol: :lol: :twisted:

no lah.... its just my personal opinion. those who don't agree are free to whack me off this planet but who cares....

they love their noise so much and love to be sikit atas let em be. I happen to like the noise and all those boring seamless things thats out there but spare me that super drama "concept".... a bit is fine but to go to mars and back is not.
Hehe... is there... something between you and rotten? :lol: Classifying noise...

People aren't forgiving to those who mis-quote genres...
i'm only curious by what you define as safe and boring and out of boundary

From a rock instrumental guitarist PoV, which might be easier to sum up:

Safe & Boring is John Petrucci. Its Paul Gilbert. Its Kiko Lourenro (sp). Its Malmsteem. Its Satriani (nowadays).

Note: Safe & boring doesn't denote poor playing.

Out of the Norm is Ron Thal, Buckethead, Mattias Elkundh.

Going out of bounds doesn't mean throwing away all rules and just wantonly massaging the instrument... It could mean the simple things...

- Don't do the A B A B kind of song structure.
- Play with less often used modes/scales
- Choose the wrong notes
- Use a weird chord progression

Stuff like that, of which you can take to greater levels.... perhaps it is too "mild"?

I don't want to sound like any other guitarist... I hope to have a style, a voice, where when I play, its evidently me, hopefully not because I sound bad lah.
By the way, like what bro rottenramone bro says, you can classify it anything you want. But to me, it's just rock music and yes, with what you've said, weird chords and intentionally placed wrong notes...
ambient guitar music has to be without gain? hmmm.... interesting...

Shall chekc out this lanterna, though I think I shall just remain rocky rock. :P
Listen to Jeff Pearce for some ambient guitar. He DA man for me.

Listen to Jon Durant for some ambient stuff, i listen to him cos he plays a fricken KLIEN guitar. Its all about the looks. Anyway to be honest... ambient should be in the background and not to LISTEN to.

Listen to David Torn for some wayout unconventional guitar. He DA man for me for unconventional whoopass guitar playing.
ambient guitar music has to be without gain? hmmm.... interesting...

Eh, well, not really. You can check with bro Pathein bro about his favourite SUNN O))), metal ambient droners…

But for me, I prefer something gentler…
hohoho... thanks for the many suggestions... its good to have them!

Ambient Metal? Uh... hahaha... likely to be labelled as "poseurs"!

But yeah lah... ambient reminds me of background elevator music...
Yo Daniel
May I humbly suggest that you listen to Miles Davis or some other trumpeter instead of another guitar player - lots more to appreciate cos' it'll be a totally new experience and you'll get closesr to your goal of sounding original - on the guitar.

Here's a song that I heard a loooong time ago that I thought was so freaky yet so magically beautiful.

Do a guitar take of the vocal melody and listen to the trumpet and keyboards for ideas for a backing track. Freaky but they gel so well, it's almost music meets art and turns into something magical. I like!

wow, 3 pages liao.

Heh, shredbroshred, as from what we been conversing in pm. I still think you can play and shud pursue in what you are doing. The ambient thing dont have to do it too hard. I believe as you go along, you will find a voice thats you and no on can take that away.

Try more on the composing side, programming the beats, playing the bassline, rhythm, keys, aka pao ka liao and i think you can go even further.

if you decided you are tired of guitar music as guitar sound, then we can do collaboration. Recording the mudane voices of everyday life in hawker center/kopitiam, ah bengs ah lians making out, remix into the next singapore songs! Power! :D
RoRk sir, its loading but loading slow! I shall have to head home to check it out... :D

I have realised that looking to another instrument is another good way... we guitarist tend to think in up & down, string 1 to string 6 on the guitar... very boxy... where else, a sax player doesn't have that physical limitation so no inclination to do so.
Got a nice little book to help me in my vertical thinking/playing... book draws its inspiration/examples from sax players too!

Pathin... no no... I'm not going to force myself to play ambient music.. its really not in me blood.. not yet. :D I mis-understood the term thats all...
For the programming side ah... hehehe... I NEED BETTER PATCHES, or what do you call them sound samples?, you remember that track, "Desensitised"?

Sampling stuff... when I get bored ah... hahaha... will let you know... if SOFT is still around...
bro pathein bro... can i tag along when you guys are recording the ahbeng and ahlian making out?

thanks in advance bro!
- Don't do the A B A B kind of song structure.
- Play with less often used modes/scales
- Choose the wrong notes
- Use a weird chord progression

These points should not be in a checklist. They should be instinctive. And that is precisely what makes your music so phony.

It has this weird vibe, as though you are going out of your way to be innovative.

Eklundh is from another planet, but at least his stuff is interesting.

Grinder, the points weren't in a checklist... they were in response to a question that Rotten asked. Perhaps a context check would do you good. ;)

It is very interesting that you mention that the points should be instinctive. For example, it is instinctive to play with the western major scale because we grow up in a society that embraces it, that is filled with it... its not instinctive to say, play an Indian scale because... we just don't do it. I fail to see how "instinctive" it can be when one is usually immersed in such normality.

I don't understand this phoney ideal, perhaps it is because its my music, but you are the 1st to comment on this... it is an interesting comment nonetheless - but I assure you that I do not go out of some way to try to be different, give me any piece of music to improvise over and I just do it my way, been there done that - however I am inclined to take your comment with a pinch of salt due to the (really) sweeping generalisations you have made about my music (in that rash kickback you did in the other thread).

In anycase, I don't find this particular piece I've posted to be revolutionary in any way... its just something new for myself. Took me all of 2 hours.

Did you even listen to this piece or did you come to start a discussion? I am fine with a discussion, really.

Elkundh is from another planet and I've had people bash him saying its noise and he has no feel. What would you say to that?
Where is DA LURVE?????

What bro Pathein bro said has a point. It'd be interesting to see more peeps starting building a composition from the ground up. Beats/ drums, bass, synths, guitars, vocals, etc.

That might be da ultimate innovation/ breakthrough for some folks!

But then, the whole idea of ripping off other famous musicians will kick in later. But we'd take things one step at a time eh?