The Best and Worst Bands of 2008

What i don't like is that,

People would say, Metalcore is not metal. Pop-punk is not punk rock. I don't listen to it.
I mean so what if they/we blend in other elements in :) its ok to categories genre. But please don't say till like 'im a die hard metal fan' haha.

Its funny. oppz sorry if i sounded pissed. Its becoz my sentence construction sucked :)

My -0.02 cents.
10 dollars added.

well, metalcore is not metal and pop-punk and is not punk rock. thats why they are different terms in the first place lol.
If you google and look at some of the list generated for best album 2008, you'll see these list of albums on most of them...

TV On The Radio - Dear Science
Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
Portishead - Third
Vampire Weekend- Vampire Weekend

I have the above albums, Portishead and Vampire Weekend are probably the better ones imo, Portishead is my fav of the year and Vampire Weekend is one of the most fun records I have listened to in a while.