The Bass Picture Gallery

i just saw this on Satch's photo blogsite. a 30th anniv SR

Sorry, its so pretty that i just gotta post it here... i'll take it down if he asks...

Hmm i got an SX Bass, And An Ibanez GSR 200. Will post soon.

Btw, do you guys know who much it will cost, If i change the pickups and the strings on my Ibanez?

Thanks all
*Warning* Nordy-ty inside

Look what showed up today :)

Don't you just love the G&G case?? I don't use hardcases, but I just had to have this one just because... :p

This is one helluva bass. I can't get over how easy it is to play, and how incredibly good it sounds!


The basses you guys have are insane.

I wish I could start earning money soon to get a collection like yours!


Btw... I'd just like to ask where you guys get all these basses? I can't seem to find them =X
My pair of 4 bangers... Going to get one more some time in the future but this 2 will keep me satisfied for some time:
1. MTD Beast 4 w added bartolini preamp
2. Pedulla Rapture RB-4: the used to be muse bass...
latest wishlist..

heh..i want..a cherns! me on the price can bro...? hehe...and i still havent got the marcus gonna have a b*&ch fit soon...hehhaa