The Bass Picture Gallery

exin said:

btw i love your yamaha collection .. nice...
+1 & +1
don't like the looks of soapbars(mm not counted as soapbar right?) on any bass. but i guess it's the sound that matters.

yamahas are nice and under rated. the bb5000a at g77 absolutely rocks. but selling for 1100... no money :(
Ken said:
haha, tht's damn farnie lah.

Eh Renta Bass, give me your address lah, I come and relieve you of your jazz basses, the more I look at them the more I like siah....

The part about presenting you with my address seemed innocent enough....was about to do so out of goodwill, then I saw what followed it.

NOOOO!!!!! NOT MY BABIES!!!!!! :lol:
chester277 said:
pardon for askin but wad's G.A.S???

GAS from the musician's dictionary

(1) the exhaust as a by product from biological reactions within the body. -also see GERMAN GAS

(2) the term for fuel, ranging from 92-98 octane in the united states of america. short form of GASOLINE

(3)getting angry syndrome. occurs when a person needs anger management theraphy

(4) Gear always super. thinks that any other form of musical equipment that you dont have in your current gear rack is a must get and definte buy buy buy.

(5) Guitar anomaly syndrome. obessive compulsive desire to own , buy and play every guitar / bass on the planet.

(6) guitar annoymous singapore. an association formed to combat the harmful effects of GAS on local musicians. like ALOCHOLICS ANNONYMOUS

(7) gear acquisition syndrome. see guitar anomaly syndrome
stars said:
chester277 said:
pardon for askin but wad's G.A.S???

GAS from the musician's dictionary

(1) the exhaust as a by product from biological reactions within the body. -also see GERMAN GAS

(2) the term for fuel, ranging from 92-98 octane in the united states of america. short form of GASOLINE

(3)getting angry syndrome. occurs when a person needs anger management theraphy

(4) Gear always super. thinks that any other form of musical equipment that you dont have in your current gear rack is a must get and definte buy buy buy.

(5) Guitar anomaly syndrome. obessive compulsive desire to own , buy and play every guitar / bass on the planet.

(6) guitar annoymous singapore. an association formed to combat the harmful effects of GAS on local musicians. like ALOCHOLICS ANNONYMOUS

(7) gear acquisition syndrome. see guitar anomaly syndrome

alright stars .. that's the way to go ...

current GAS items ...

Fender Custom Classic 5-string Jazz Bass
Victor Bailey Signature Series 5-stringer
Highway 1 Fender P-bass
Ibanez SR886
Brice 5-string Fretless
'75 Jazz Bass

DOD Envelop Filter
BOSS Octaver
BOSS Bass Chorus
Ibanez SB-7
BOSS Loopstation

After that i'm a happy man..
half-grown-idiot said:
with the list you have. i think it'll take you a looonnggg time before you become a happy man. :D

if i do become a happy man . i'll be a seriously broke happy man .. ahahahah .. okay . i'm just dreaming okay .. =P .. bleah .. reality check ..
well.... i am a happy man... but i never really have much cash..... heh, worth it if ya ask me. =p
dream gas list :

G&L L-2000 USA gun oil tint , maple / maple , cherryburst #8 neck

custom shop ernie ball musicman black onyx sterling

ampeg B-15R

maybe a stingray HH 5 black onyx/ butterdream

defintely a lined fretless curbow 6 (non-cort, from curbow's shop)

plus maybe a dingwall for the fun of it
Ay, i'm a bit slow la, but just saw ken's room/guitar display room/"i'll trade my room for your room any day"

is tt a nikki sixx t-bird???? where the heck did you get it and for how much??????
yeah, its a nikki sixx blackbird. I bid like mad for it on ebay, not terribly happy abt its condition and I think i paid a lil too much, but oh well, i love it to bits.
Even if it's only for one week... I get to play with 2 more basses:

3notesAbar said:
hows the boss OD pedal? take off lows?

Actually, no... I tried the ODB-3 but it gave me too much fuzz. The OD-3 just drives my tone nicely but has a pretty even response. Maybe a little bit of drop-off that happens with most OD pedals anyway but nothing that can't be compensated on the post-EQ side with a little notch. I don't really notice any drop-off myself, but maybe that's because I'm using it to boost the Bass Driver.

If you get it modded for some bass boost then it's perfectly fine la :) Buy 2nd hand on the cheap and add a little bit here and there and you've got a really good drive/boost pedal.

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