The Bass Picture Gallery


ha..ha.. djtommy, you should copy and paste the
under the pix. :lol:
ha yeah..bought it during the SL sale.
i own the 4 string version of this model...was so impressed i decided to buy the 5 string as well... :D
nice rickenbacker u got ther...let me guess..on it's left,a headless?on it's right,a G&L?n u a tunderbird fan?n do i see a tele at the back?
Its a 1991 kubicki beside the rickie and a early 80's Honer headless behind it..and yes I am a real sucker for Thunderbirds!!! oh, yeah, that's a MIM Mexican thinline telecaster...very nice.
Ken, nice to see someone else appreciate Thunderbirds! Have a Goth Epi thunderbird myself. Must say its got a damn nice tone. And playing is super smooth... My first and only bass so far. Don't feel like I need any other...
Hey Phoenix, you should really consider saving up for a Gibson Thunderbird, you may be payinng a lot more for that Difference...but trust me, its really worth it!
Hi Renquan,

I got the white T-bird for a reasonable price. Not dirt cheap but cos it was below the market rate for an out-of production color, I think I better not say so as not to devalue it for the sake of anyone else who might own the same bass.

Cheers! can make a deal with rotten ramone and 3notesABar to rob me lah, they know where i live! Anywas, we should all just get a bass whore gathering and then we can take time to appreciate each others' basses man.

Rottenramone? 3notesABar..pls organise our much talked about bass whores gathering man.

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