Its up to you, but i am one of those millions of people who against the state of israel and supporter of Dr Mahathir controversial statement "The Jews Rule The World" 8)
I never read propaganda, but i study the Arab-Israel war and such. How the Jews exterminated in almost every country in Europe, The Holocaust, The Freedom, How US support Jews to migrate to Palestine (The US themselves doesnt wants Jews to Flock the country), How the Jews formed the Jewish Monetary Funds to buy most of the land in Palestine from the Arabs, how the Arabs and the British overthrow the Ottoman empire, how big the UN partition for the Jews, for the Palestinians, how the Jews slowly takeover the lands who supposed belogns to palestinian by un partition, how israel won the war where israel has only 10,000 force where the arabs has 200,000 force... or more, how this how that... this ideological+political conflicts always interest me...
Ok ok.. enough. Thats the furthers i can go.