The 7 String guitar, and beyond..


New member
The 7 string guitar. Mention it to many guitarists and they will give you a similar response; "Can't handle 6 strings, why play 7 strings?" or "Play so low for what? Might as well play a bass"
In that event, 8, 9 strings would probably be out of the question, not that i've played those, but i certainly intend to sometime in the future. But i personally feel that there's a different method of thinking when playing an instrument like that. The experimental factor, what to do with the extra bass strings. And i certainly feel a sense of comfort with the presence of the extra string, something i don't feel while playing a normal 6 string guitar.

So i was wondering, how many Softies here actually do own and play guitars with 7 strings or more? What prompted you to make the purchase of such an instrument, and moreover, what genre of music do you play with it?

And for those who haven't ventured there yet, what is the reason you don't?
I don't because I can't find a left handed version haha. An extra low string would definitely be great, give you a higher range of notes on the guitar
well...i guess one of the reason i and most of the ppl dun play the 7 strings is because theres no use of it for me...and what u say...cant play the 6 strings properly to play the 7 strings...
thats the main reason why i dun pick up a 7 strings....

but i know a few bands who do use 7strings...such as Mushroomhead...
well. for one thing though im not good enough to play a 7 string properly i aim to cover a tonne of dream theater songs one day and it requires me to own a 7. and hey if my brothers 5 string bass can have a low B is dun see y my guitar shouldnt have one too.. :D
most songs dont need a 7 string and finding one will be ex and hard to do so...must as well upgrade ur 6 string or get a new one...
7 strings are GOOD.
Experiments = Even better.
They can give the low end and you can get easier chord progressions, of course depending on your tuning.
tany wat if i already have a $2900 guitar with a pair of newly installed seymour duncans in it and a new set of steel ferra glide saddles and modded wiring in it? should i go for another 6 or should i get a 7?
7 strings or more, i got 12, can i join the club? haha, anw ive always been fascinated by 7 stringers, and could have bought 1...always evades me when i have the money........
Haha, yea sure you can join the club. After all, it's 12 eh? Get yourself a 7 when you can before the fascination wears off. You won't have regrets. :lol:

Sad thing is, not many 7s available locally. They just don't sell so companies don't bring many models in.. :(
why i embrace 7strings

*i like low bass notes, but i don't detune
*1 more string triggers lots of ideas for me
*the willingness to embrace something which isn't a common staple

my RG7620, mainly for black metal/ fusion...
penta-tonic said:
tany wat if i already have a $2900 guitar with a pair of newly installed seymour duncans in it and a new set of steel ferra glide saddles and modded wiring in it? should i go for another 6 or should i get a 7?

well it's personal opinion. but if the present is real good i'l go for a 7string for smth new :D
*the willingness to embrace something which isn't a common staple

If only more people would think that way. I would certainly love to see the local 7 string, and beyond community grow.

Btw Sub, why did you leave the locking nuts off? Blocked the trem perhaps?
ah yes.......the 7620. in my opinion that guitar plays even better than the uv. love it. i too plan to own a7 string one day, but as stated, not really a wide variety to choose from in s'pore. and ofcourse, i still gots save up.
on the day i went shopping for a 7string, i chose the 7620 over the Universe simply because i don't have a need for a single coil- why pay for one?
imo they're fugly expecially rusty cooley's brand of guitars..anything beyond a 7 string just doesnt cut it in the looks department..sorry but for me a guitar must have sex appeal. :lol:
blahblah said:
imo they're fugly expecially rusty cooley's brand of guitars..anything beyond a 7 string just doesnt cut it in the looks department..sorry but for me a guitar must have sex appeal. :lol:

You're talking about the Conklins yes? I think those are an acquired taste. I think they look great, but heh, tastes vary.

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