The 2nd Soft Drummer Meet-Up - 21/4/2007

Venue: Ulu Pandan CC, Wind Symphony Room
Date: 21th April 2007 (Saturday)
Time: 12pm to 4pm
Fees: It's Free (just bring yourself and join in the Fun !)

The 3rd & 4th Meet-Up is also already confirmed on the 3rd week of May & June at the Same Venue (for the time being) least we have a monthly meet-up place from now till June.

How To get There: - Alight at Bona Vista MRT Station – Get down MRT turn Left – walk all the way up – asked people around (about 5 to 10 minutes walk only).

Pics: Of Venue from Bro rla:-






Note: -
- - Dear Bros, the 1st meetup had been a great success - and as all previous meetup - The only problem (a minor one indeed) is that not many participate as in sharing with fellow bros....I notice that this is not because...Bros are selfish, nor was it due to reasons that they can't play...but because - most people are by nature a little shy (being very modest) - The 1st meet-up would to a great degree had "Brohen The Ice" as those attending get to know each other better..............That was the ultimate intention of the 1st-Meet-Up and to this it had achieved it's main goal. Would you all not agree?.

Thus the 2nd Meet-up would only get better in fostering closer relationship and share programs between us all within SOFT.

OBJECTIVE OF 2nd MeetUp wpuld like wise be as the 1st, but very much more informal in a way......we meet, we talk, we share...ALL ARE WELCOME..and please try to come (if you can)'s really nice.eeeee

I have a request: - : - Can I have the same Committee Members helping out in this 2nd Meet-up (and all future events?), and if any Bros here would like to join in this committee It would be highly appreciated -

Also EVERYONE...please chip in here and give us some idea on - HOW TO ORGANISE THIS 2ND EVENT .... though Informal but yet make it interesting for all of us....

Some Problem: -

(1) Only 1 Drum-Kit is available (Should we have more - HOW???)

(2) There is no double-Pedal with the Kit (It's inconvenience to take out from our own kit bring it there & bring it home then refix the double pedal)

(3) The Cymbals are not very good ones) - This one no problem...drum hobbists...please.eee

Thank YOu All
No problem... Cymbals on me... every month I will bring a different brand... Bosphorus will be the first to go... the Antique 22" Flat Ride will be the main attraction... 8)
I can bring my Pearl Elims, if it ships in on time :wink:

Got to check my work schedules first though. Hope I don't have to work on this day ah :?

Don't want miss the cymbal education by drum_hobbyist!
hey guys, sorry to intrude but while i would like to participate in this meet up, the drums there are really really bad. they have not been tuned or had their skins changed in at least 10 years or something.

i've played on that kit dozens of times. perhaps it would be better to bring another great sounding kit for the pros to use while the audience gets to use the "home" drumkit... otherwise anything the pros play will not sound at its best.
i dont know about you guys...
but i still wud prefer to haf it at L-Cube studio

looks can be deceiving, but still, i dont like the look of that kit..
i can imagine how it wud sounds like..
but still its my personal thoughts...
Hey Bro DT and Funkifized,

Some bros will be bringing their own snares there. And the toms will 'agar agar' be tuned before you bros arrive. And cymbals will be provided by our very respectable Drum_Hobbyist.

Thus I believe it won't sound that bad afterall.

Anyway, the change of venue is so that everyone don't have to pay to enter. L cube's rental can cost some money. But if everyone really don't mind chipping in some money like the first meet-up, maybe we can let RD know.
Ever since I tried on the Elims at Fourtones (remember that jam?), I couldn't forget how smoooooth it was. Been wanting to get it for ages! Probably will need some tips from you on how to tweak it when it arrives :D

My IC has served me well for the past few years. I think it's about time to let it go, although I'll miss it :cry:
Hmmm i think i'd rather bring my pedals rather than snare bag :(

And last i played on that drumset ( which was a couple of years back )...i thought it sounded great....especially the bass drum...very nice boom.
Thank You All for the response.

drum_hobbist: Thank you so much for helping out with the Cymbals.

smildrumez & mel80: please do brng the Double-Pedals and thank you for the help too

Funkifized: HI, I guess you must be the "House-Drummer for the Orchestra" there and it's nice to have you providing all these value-info to us - so that we have a better idea of the Kit there.

I have a question: Since you and the other drummers there knew that the Tama Kit doesn't sound at it's bet there and the main reason is due to Stock Batter Heads & Resonants - did you all try to convince the committee there to change it?...Do you have the approval to do so if you want to?....If the answer is yes - Let's change it...get it well-tuned up and the kit will be even better then the Yamaha Stage Custom at L Cube Studio (which is using Stock-Head) and I believed all those that tried the Yamaha kit there knew - the sounds of all the Toms sucks too at L Cube cause it's using Stock-Heads (no matter how well we can try to tune it).

PS; Bro Justee - can you help us on this, it's your area of expertise here

Bro DT: Yes L Cube Studio is indeed a nice place, we have 2 things to consider. (1) The Cost Of Rental is Very High (2) The PLace is only good & comfortable for 30 to maximun 40 people after our 1st meet-up experience there.

Besides the above 2 points, the committee here also take into consideration long-term area of having a Regular-Monthly-MeetUp Venue for all drummers here in Soft. I do agree the Tama Kit is an Old-One and The Yammies at L Cube is a better Kit, but this is really not the Most Important Criteria here, but being able to have a Larger Venue that can house all the Drummers here comfortably is. Lets' just say - the day will come when we all decide it's time to organise some Formal Events eg A Drum Clinic by ..say Alvin, Brandon, or by some Professional Drummers who will help us out here (of course we all pay a small fees lah), Ulu Pandan CC does have An Auditirium for this very purpose too which we think is practical and required. Within the room (for our regular meetup) also we have plenty of chairs (I'm requesting for that from Bernard) we can sit comfortably mah...Old man like me wait sit on the floor 3 hours cannot get-up how?...must take care of me also what correct? Hehehe :lol:

I know people/drummers here would also prefer to have this kind of meet-up at many other different venue if possible eg A Pub (during it's Off-Peak Hours as an example) where we do not need to pay Rental Fees just Individual pay for their own drinks (from eg 12pm to 4pm)...but if it's not profitable to them (as they are commercial enterprise just like L Cube), they will not rent us the place - to this I personally feel - yes we can still try this kind of Venue - but WE ALL NEED A PERMANENT GROUND FOR MONTHLY MEET-UP , do you all not agree?

Bro DT, we appreciate your kind understanding on this matter - as there is no way we can pleased everyone as much as we would want to - but in the real world we can only come to a best trade-off.

Nevertheless, the Committee will and really did try their best - so that everyone can enjoy the monthly meet-up.
A couple of Drummers who came for the 1st-MeetUp Proposed:

To Make The 2nd INFORMAL Meet-Up More Interesting - Let's Bring Our Own Personnal-Snare Drums if you want to (But NO Repeatition Of Similar Snares) - For Trying Out & For Photo-Taking. If there is not enough Participants than - this Snare-Collection thing will be abolished on 2nd-Meetup...

PS: - This is a great idea, but let's bring along also our own Personnal-Snare-Stands....The Committee wil not be responsible for any loss of your personal properties (as there are so many drummers attending) - so please look after your own Snare & stuffs.....

I suggest also if we wanna try out a Snare - ask the owner courteously lah (just a form of respect among ourself)....

Kindly List (1) Snare you will be bringing on the 2nd Meet-Up Below

(1) 14" Pearl 20 ply Reference Series Snare - RD
(2) 14" Ludwig 1969 SuperSensitive Snare - RD
(3) Bliss - your DW NP Snare...can ?

And also Attendance Just For Info

Committee Members: - James (Soft), RD, rla, drum_hobbist, Reuben, Weckl, caijunlong, jimmyplaydrums.

(0) James
(1) RD
(2) rla
(3) drum_hobbist
(4) Reuben
(5) Weckl
(5) caijunlong
(6) jimmyplaydrums
(7) - - - Please just continue adding on from here - Many Thks
HI Everyone...

Wish to give my 1 cent here..

From the pictures, the big room are just right & great for the planned meetup. Futhermore it's FREE!.

As for the drums, the only problem I see is the BD pedal,(Plates too big for ordinary drummer) the rest are just right for a normal setup. BD, Toms & Snare can usually be retuned to fit the room size..Cymbals, the more the merrier but whatever there is in the pictures are OK...

It all depends on what you need to highlight with it. If you intend to showcase a rudiment or is more than enough a setup...If you plan to do SOLO on it... it will depend on what kind of Solo....

"If you can groove the most with the basics, more toys will only add to the tango"

Remember those days drummers,
1 Bassdrum, 1 Tom, 1 Snare, 1 Floor. 1 Hihat, 1 Crash 1 Ride is enough to make a drummer a legend like eg. BuddyRich-jazz, Ian Paice-Rock/Pop.

Those who yearned for mindful of what you intend to bring or it will waste your effort to transport it to this place...unless you intent to share your product OR to trade. If you plan to showcase your Chops/SOLO with above basic setup + your TOYs, make sure you really use it to really make your CHOPS sing.else what a pity.

My word to the Committee/Organiser...You guys did great organising these kind of event. KEEP IT UP!...It is the crowd problem that need solution. The set were just right unless you want to highlight "Advanced Drummer DRUMMING and that definitely needs more TOYS ...the most Twin-Pedal,more Crashes,some Splash,a Chinas or two and a cow or two as well.

Why not test everyone who turn up to groove with above basic setup first?
See who can share the most beautiful grooves that can win the heart and soul of another drummer. IF YOU CAN FEEL & PASS THE BASIC, YOU MAY DO BETTER WITH WHATEVER.

To all drumming bros in soft past, present and comin over to L cube to jam.

We at L cube thank Mr RD for his comments and feedback and would like to

We woudl like to take this opportunity to clariffy some doubts..

The current toms in the suite room are indeed from stock. However, we do not forsee any problem with tuning it. If there is any problem any bros have here for tuning the drums, please let our friendly staff noe. If the problem is the overring, there might be some slight issue. However, we are troubleshooting it.

The stock heads are single ply and they are also produced by remo for yamaha. Please be rest assured that once the drum heads are due to be replaced, be it due to cracks or is broken, it will be replaced immediately with remo or evans skins. They will be twin ply, either Evans G2 or pin stripe.

We would very much prefer the pinstripe (by remo) series, twin ply. However, we do have some problems with the 12" toms replacement. Remo is carried only by Swee Lee. For the info, SL currently do not have stocks for the 12" pinstripe and only CS batter. The staffs at SL are also not able to give us a firm date on when the stocks would be coming. Hence, we are a 12" short...
As such, we are left with no choice but to use the stock drum heads for now.

If any bros here could recall, the executive room in L cube, near the toilet, all uses the remo pinstripe, including the bass drum. IF bros here prefer a subtle overring, the Exe room may be a beta option at this time being, for a very short time only ?

Please be rest assured that L cube would ensure that quality of sound is always of paramount importance.

Quality of sound is also our motto and top priority.

L cube would like to take this opportunity to thank all the bros here in soft.

L cube music studio
On behalf of the Committe, 1st we would like to thank you alzdrummer for those kind words support & encouragement (we sure need that)...We hope too that you can join us in this 2nd meetup.please come.

Our objective of these meetup is to Share among each other the different area of drumming. Some Drummers are more into certain area than others and as such better in certain things themselves....

There shall & will be no TEST on any of our SOFT DRUMMERS here attending all our meet-up including this one (anyway we are in no position to judge anyone here), but just plain sharing of the passion in any given area of drumming. Testing defeat the core purpose of all our meet-up and get-together and I believe a drummer can play on any kit - it's only a matter of getting use to it that's all

Grooves are nevetheless important especially the most beautiful one as quoted by you - but not the most important factor that wins the heart & soul of another fellow drummer - It's having the right ATTITUDE that counts most.

Having the right attitude towards drumming is core to all our meetup....through time, it build disclipline, stamina, passion, inspiration, involvement, whatever - Every drummer here will progress through time maybe some in smaller ways and some in much bigger ways - that's the only difference - it's the spirit and togetherness we are trying to incalculate in our meetups........

There shall be no test !
Hi Bro Liveinsin and thank you for the wonderful place..We had a great time at L Cube. What's most impressive is that you and your staffs were actually there all the time. Providing us extra cymbal stands and such enabling our Cymbal Talk very successfully...thank you all too...superb services indeed from L Cube - no doubt about it.

No hard feelings - I brought up the example just to share the facts that both the Yamaha (which of course is a newer kit looks better) than a 20 year old Tama kit - but changing any one of these Kits Batter or Reso does made a huge difference on the's just an example I set here - to drive home the point that The Kit is Not the MOST IMPORTANT CITERIA for meetups here...there are many other factors I stipulated that we also take into consideration...

PS; - Anway L Cube is one of the best studio providing indeed the best instruments to a (Jamming Band) My apology here for using a strong words as "Sucks" which actually means doesn't sound at it's best...kindly accepy my hunble apology....

Cheers bro