Thank You to all for the 5th Meet Up..

hey, thanks marc for the tip!

oh maybe i should have come in a disguise :oops:
hmmm...but at least i wasn't dressed in some pink frilly Barbie doll dress...would have totally stuck out like a sore thumb, prob scare everyone home too...haha

ok...enuf sillyness from me...i should be working now..ugh :?
Sorry gota rush off early, duty calls. :lol: Glad to noe many of u guys had fun thruout. Would love to stay longer and interact wif the brothers and sister, oh well, till the next one i guess and thx to everyone who turned up and make it a lively exchange. Hope all's well and if at any moment during the exchange i did screw up, just take it as a blemish and imperfection on my part as a living being. And on a side note, tis meetup we've had the best snare collection ever, sorry abt the non-appearance of the 9ks, as some of u've already known, its gone. Will promise to lug down other stuff for the next meetup, maybe snares and cymbals. Oh btw, DH, sorry abt the 'minor' tumble of the Alpha Soundedge, really didnt mean to. Maybe u can take it out on my pies on the next exchange. :P Till the next one guys..
Bliss... no worries... 'accidents' happen here and there and were never intentional... and we know Paiste Alphas can take the 'beatings and knocks' without a scratch... 8)
i must really thank DH...

i learnt how to cut nice nice hole in drum skin... now i feel like cutting my house one
maybe we shud like impose a new rule for thenext one...

no talking while there's somebody teaching on the throne, unless discussing..
how's dat?
Reuben... since you know how you can cut nice holes without rings, you may want to try cutting a few hole sizes like the ovation guitar at the top and bottom of the bass drum head both for sound and cosmetic... 8)

DT... we make you our DM for future meet ups... :lol:
I think we need to bring a proper boom stand for the ride. Cos the one in the room is quite loose already...any suggestions?
Yeah, i agree with Alvin and Dull..

Its not nice to see ppl Making Noise while Our fellow mate's trying to share.. And cmon, Why play snare rite beside someone who's sitting on the throne trying to share with the rest?

We should have fun, Yes, But We gotta Learn to, And how to Learn, By listening ofCOs..

I second Dull on having the rules for not making noise while a drummers trying to share..
Bro Alvin and Dull,

While we try to make everything as informal as possible, I guess we have overlook the minimum respect that we ought to give to the drummer sharing. It is hard to keep things informal yet demand discipline from everyone when it comes to sharing. Furthermore, sometimes it's hard to differentiate people who are sharing/teaching and people who are just goofing around with the kit.

I think we're all adults, we should all learn to take some initiative. I'm afraid that we might not have the kind of percussion jam in future if there's too many rules enforce and some shy drummers will feel too embarrass to go up to the kit to share something when it's too quiet and everyone's eyes are on them.

Now that many people have brought it up, I believe everyone, including me, will be more aware of it. Let's try our best to give respect to our bros who are sharing!

P/s: Bro DT, don't worry, no one is laughing at any drummers who's on the kit. The only drummer they laugh at is probably the one who lose his shoes when playing drums. haha.
Nah, I'm not proposing any rules at all. I'm just voicing out the fact that it is RUDE to be interrupting while someone is sharing or talking. Look, if someone is truly shy, it'll be even harder for that person to go up knowing that he or she will not be taken seriously. And its a real pity cos I believe even the youngest kids can have some of the most amazing if we can just listen with attention we can all gain something. Just like what you said, everyone in that room is old enough to know this basic just throw in some respect if we could eh?

Jam all you want, but I believe you guys can definitely differentiate between a jam and a sharing session right? Just my thoughts really, if you guys think I'm yaking crap then just ignore me....old man mah...tends to nag a bit.
Bro Alvin, don't say that. When you say old, you're hurting many people too. haha. What you say is very true. We just have to know when's the right time to do the right things.
Hmm yeah. Alvin has a point there. Perhaps some of us got too excited/engrossed when we see some drummer friends whom we only know their nicknames here. Then we start yakking without remembering to pay attention and give due respect to the guy on the drumkit.

Perhaps a little discussion about what's going on is fine. What's really rude is when someone is demo-ing some stuff on the drumkit, there are others who whack on the snares nearby. I guess that's partly because some guys may be anxious to try out the gear? Perhaps we can rectify this problem by setting aside around 1.5 hours for the sharing. After that, the remaining time we all can go around trying the different gear and goof around.

We can keep have a simple format and structure for the gathering while still keeping it informal.

Now that these issues are being brought up, we all know what we have to take note of in the future. It's all good :D
wat u mean by DM?
i no understand you

its not a matter of demanding discipline
its a matter of having the discipline instilled inside us and initiative to keep quiet and listen....

youre not yanking crap..
wat u say its right....
very paiseh for someone to keep on talking in front wif all the dings and dangs going around....

its just one word that diana ross always sings
DT, i think DH meant DM as Discipline Master heh!

my dad was the DM in my secondary school can!

not that i support the chitter chatter, but i'd gasp in excitement if i saw drummers like you guys up there demo-ing!

but yeah i agree with alvin!
i think i cant, coz i usually haf to off early during the meetups.. hee hee
work lah...

somebody else ah can be wat.. hahahahah

hopefully u still remember us after you come back from overseas
hey i suggest this format

12-1... informal chit chat... just warm up.. set up ...

1-2.30... sharing... but before that intro

2.30 - 5 ... do wadeve you wan... clean cymbal, show equipment, etc etc..


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