Thank You to all for the 5th Meet Up..

Bro DT, you know it, I know it, everyone knows about my Fabian Paragon. Haha. You were the first one to laugh at it man! :lol:

Ah ya, that girl friend of mine is interested in drums too. Do you guys mind if I bring her along the next meet up?

Ya, I was the one who led him to find his shoes but he wasn't grateful man.

ah ya, I love the Omar Hakim.

Marc, thanks for the recap on how to polish cymbals.
hahaha.... power fabian!!!

anyway, just bring her along, but remember to tell her its SABIAN.. hee he
just joking...

oooohhh.. this meetup is really great!
glad i stay throughout!!!!
altho i haf to take 1/2 day urgent leave.. hahahah

and yeah, i really love rupert's referance snare!!!!
pls pls pls...
i hope somebody selling it!!
wink wink!
Just came home from a discussion/drinking session with some folks. Exhaustion plus a little tipsy from the beer. So forgive me if I miss out some people/things! :lol:

As always, great thanks to RD and reuben for organising the meetup. drum_hobbyist for providing us with sweeeeeet sounding cymbals everytime. Love the Paiste alpha cymbals man. James aka Mr Soft for finding time to come down too.

blissuicide, great to see you as usual. Always fun talking cock with shred5 and Dulltheater. I still have much to learn about tuning and drumheads from you shred5.

rla, your reference snare sound sweeeeet man. Thanks frummer for bringing the Flying Dragon. Finally get to try on it after hearing so much about the pedals.

Surprise visit by Alvin. Always great to see my Shifu :D blurred for sharing his funk stuff, even though I didn't come in time for his demo. Luckily I went for his funk workshop the other time heheh.

caijunlong, nice Paragon ride! Jiv, power power pants on fire grooves man! myner, next time must check out your self hammered cymbals :D

smildrumez, techno powerrrrr! hahahaa! danial, next time don't always run off so early lah. Must hear your hair-metal chops man!

snowflier, you're most welcome. We are all there to help one another out. You're one brave girl I must say! :D

marcdadrummer, who always bangs on the gong randomly and not forgetting the star of the day, jimmy! KILLER! :lol:

Hope I didn't leave out anyone? I think there were a couple others I don't know their nicks/names. Missed the self intro part of the gathering lah. Anyway, it was certainly great to meet everyone and have fun sharing knowledge at the gathering.

An awesome gathering and more to come! YUM SENG!!!! :partyman:
haha! mel80, i like ur saying, power power pants on fire grooves.. hahaha
Blurred! after seeing so many comments, I regret not coming early to see ur funk stuff man..

nvm next time i chabot archery earlier by shooting my coach.. my coach will nvr understand a drummers needs..

haha guys i had a great time.. nice meeting everyone. haha my HOOPS i guess some of you understand some dun. the bloody lacquer came out. lill bit. some one hit too hard.. :( haha nvm i think its ok. my heart aches. but nvm the joy was more worth it
yes marc YOU GOT THAT RIGHT MAN!!!!!!
Snowflier....ur snare is gonna rock with that skin.....
yaahooo....can play nightwish songs.........
HA HAA :lol:
reason why I took off my shoe cause I not use to pad with shoes and I wanted to wear my shoes before I could help moving kit but I did not do so just to help out never mind guys and especially to the person who took it! :x
Woah rla,

Thx for the snare man... The sound of it Really made me enjoy the latin grooves i was playing.. it came out perfectly well.. that was exactly the sound sound i was looking for.. nice and tight, suits funk and latin...
YO! Thanks guys for having me. Just a suggestion:

I think its fun for everyone to share their ideas...but it is useless if one is sharing and half the people are talking and poking! When I walked in, Bliss (I hope I got the right nick) was sharing his shuffle groove with ghost notes thrown in (nice groove by the way). But half the time, people were laughing and talking and I was continuosly spoken to when I was trying to listen. I could see how uncomfortable Bliss was and I felt really awful.

I know its a casual event but I think we should still have the courteousy to behave with a certain amount of respect for the person talking and sharing his/her ideas. ....listening = learning!!!!

As for those who shared: You guys played great! I wish I could play the double-kick at the speed of some of ya...haha...but its work in progress for me for now!

P.S. KUDOS to Eric and committee for organising this event...keep it up!!
yeah bro, you are ryte, i got abit pissed off too when some of them are laughing loud and i pity the guy on the throne
(tho i must admit i was one of them, BUT NOT most of the time!!!)

this time round, really learn more things, like latin percussion things from rla....
grroves, esp ghost notes thingys like Rosanna beats, from bliss and blurred....
one of the best meetup so far, and that's why i'm willing to take half day leave for that....

you still amuse me , till now you got the owner of those pearl's wood hoops snare wrong.... hahaha...
but seriously, its a nice snare....

wondering if there's anyone out there willing to sell... hahahah
Yes I consider this 5th meetup - very very successful and fun day.....

I just found out something NEW this Meetup - Our Drumming Bros were very participative in Drumming there - but when they all see a :smt061 Drummer [with the exception of jimmyplaydrums, (of course myself & blurred also not as socialable as him)] ......the rest of the brothers are very shy much to really my surprise..when they saw snowflier...Hahahahaha :lol: - they all sitting far far away.....

Think we really need to get a good mix of male & female drummers together for the next few meetup.......but you are all wonderful....I love it !...thanks you people make it happen...happening !