It is a big matter. Because initially, the death rate in Mexico is unsually high. However, that cannot be confirmed elsewhere. If that rate is translated to worldwide numbers, then it's a really scary situation. However, now it seems that is just like any other flu virus. The mortality rate is around 3-4% which is the same as other flu viruses. Still, flu viruses are known to be unpredictable, hence it needs to be closely monitored.
Quite a bit is now known about the new strain of H1N1. We now know for certain that the pigs, bird, and human are involved as the 3 genes are found in it, although the mixing actually happened some time ago. The other interesting thing is that the mixing probably occured outside Mexico, although it cannot be confirmed. It appeared that it is of Asian origin since there are genes of Asian origin. The suggestion is Korea who imports pigs from the States - which means the mixing probably occured there. The first case is therefore possibly not from Mexico or the States.