Swine flu outbreak .....

wow, alert yellow. does it make a diff?? i mean compared to alert orange, purple, pink and rainbow

it's just an effort to wayang lah

it`s not wayang.why would anyone think that??..

it`s better to take the necessary precautions then wait till shit happens..
My sister, who works in a polyclinic, says there's already one suspected case in Singapore, and that it's probably going to be worse than SARS.

SINGAPORE (AFP) - - The global swine flu outbreak could set back a recovery for Singapore's recession-hit economy, the central bank said Wednesday.

"Depending on how the global outbreak of the swine influenza develops, there could be repercussions for the domestic economy," the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) said.
"Nonetheless, the domestic economy is not expected to stage a decisive rebound this year," the MAS said in its twice-yearly report.
"Indeed, the path to recovery is uncertain and hinges on external developments including the recent outbreak of swine influenza in Mexico, which has added a new dimension to the risk outlook."
Singapore, an open economy largely dependent on external trade and tourism, has stepped up measures against swine flu, drawing lessons from its fight against the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003.
SARS killed 33 people in Singapore that year.
Authorities have deployed thermal scanners at the airport and seaports and stepped up infectious disease control measures at hospitals.
Influential former prime minister Lee Kuan Yew also said any residents returning from Mexico, the epicentre of the current swine flu outbreak, will be quarantined.
As of Wednesday, authorities said 17 people had been referred to two hospitals for precautionary medical assessment and four of them had tested negative for influenza A, the virus type associated with swine flu.
Singapore's economy slipped into a recession last year and is tipped to contract as much as 9.0 percent this year as export demand dries up due to the global downturn.
tts wat i heard from my boss to... which he heard from his son who is a doctor in US...
i dun reli understand wat he said... too cheem words... but i understood at "its reli hard to tell even if the person is running a fever"
There's no need for panic. The virus is contagious, but how deadly is it still remains to be determined. There are too many holes in the info given by Mexico. Some of them make us scratch our heads a little. We should be vigilant as we don't want to get caught off-guard. Raising to Level 5 and to Orange code is a right move. I'm pretty sure Margaret Chan will err on the careful side since she was in the middle of the SARS problem in Hong Kong, and Hong Kong had learned some hard lessons.

I'm sure more info will be available soon, particularly when more virological info comes in.
FGL: Naw, it's not her fault she got TB anyway. Not like she was given a choice.

My school got very paranoid about the swine flu. They made everyone who was coughing/having a flu wear a face mask during the exam. And when they disposed the mask, they had to wrap it up in a piece of paper and it had to be thrown in a common area where the bins are cleared frequently.

I told my friends to look on the bright side, at least when they drool during the exam, it won't get onto the exam script. :\

Anyway, anyone else finds it ironic that pharmacies are jacking up the prices of face masks? It's seriously stupid imo. Pharmacies are like supposed to help people get rid of their sicknesses and they can bring themselves to raise the price just to generate more income. Ah, what to do. Supply and demand crap. Urgh.

I'll turn up for my O levels wearing this:
2 h3n2
1 h1n1

Im not sure if this is 100% correct, but if im right, there are 3 confirmed cases of swine flu in sg now
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As of 30th April, there are zero (0) cases of confirmed Swine Flu in Singapore. 2 tested positive for seasonal strain of Influenza A, 1 still pending lab investigations.

Indeed, 2 were tested positive for H3N2, which is not swine flu. Swine Flu is H1N1, and there are subtypes of H1N1, not necessary the Mexican variant. Therefore, H1N1 does not equate to Swine Flu either. At the moment, zero confirmed cases in Singapore.
As of 30th April, there are zero (0) cases of confirmed Swine Flu in Singapore. 2 tested positive for seasonal strain of Influenza A, 1 still pending lab investigations.

Indeed, 2 were tested positive for H3N2, which is not swine flu. Swine Flu is H1N1, and there are subtypes of H1N1, not necessary the Mexican variant. Therefore, H1N1 does not equate to Swine Flu either. At the moment, zero confirmed cases in Singapore.

that is good news - for god sake lets keep it that way
reminds me of during the sars period.. come home from school feeling damn sian.. suddenly got announcement "Schools closed for 2 weeks". like news from heaven man whahahah.

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