Swee Lee End of Year Sale

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actually sweelee's pricing policy and year end sales are good... for all kinds of consumers...

i'm sure the person who came up with this whole system is a economics genius...

if u guys think about what has been said on pages 5 and 6, maybe u'll realise sumthing...

as for the sales... its good for us poor ass cheapskates with no money but a lot of time... no matter how much they jacked up the prices, their 50% discount still > all...

if u think they are losing $ during the sale, definately... but if so, why do that? just think a bit more...

anyway, their whole pricing system and sales thingy, currently, makes them earn, i believe, the highest possible profit... though the sales make ppl like me tan tio and they lugi...
thus we have price elastic demand. as price of the goods drop, quantity demanded increases more than proportionately, thus more ppl want to buy.

and that's why they have sales.

without sales, they still can earn money because the raised price allows them to earn supernormal profit.

hehe. econs. bleahs.
Here's my view on the subject about pricing:

Pain in the A$$ ?? :butthead:

S.L. don't care because they are the sole distributor/retailer of the biggest and most popular brands in guitardom - Gibson and Fenders. Others include Ibanez and Peavey. As a monopoly of these brands in S'pore, they can charge whatever they want, and consumers have to take it or leave it (I personally find their Gibsons and Fenders overpriced!). Other retailers can only play in the second-hand market or Japanese made version. If Davis was not around back then, S.L. would also seize the sole dealership for Marshall and PRS!

Buy Online? :smt024

Some would suggest we buy online. But buying a guitar, bass or amp is not like other products. We got to try and test the equipment first, unless we already have previous experiences with it. That's why reviews are useful because most of us buy our equipment blind online.

Way Out? :smt059

If we could have more than one retailer/distributor for Gibson, Fenders and other major brands, we could see a more competitive pricing (unless they don't "pakat" lah). And most of all, better services! In long run, consumers like us will benefit. IMO, Gibsons and Fenders should give dealership to other retailers in S'pore because:

(i) Unlike yesteryear, the market in S'pore has become bigger as population has grown. Demands for electric guitars, bass, amps and drums have increased due to cultural/society changes, awareness and trend (forming a band, gigs, etc.). Compare to a decade ago, your mother wouldn't scream at you if you told her you wanted a electric guitar. Not only that, she would go buy you a classical guitar from Yamaha to prevent you going to the "dark side"! :lol:

(ii) Most cities in US, UK and Europe have more than one dealer! And some of the city's population is smaller than S'pore.

"Ask and you shall be received". I don't know if other retailers in S'pore have actually ask for dealership from Gibson and Fender? If they provide facts and reasons why S'pore should have more than one supplier, maybe things might go their way. Anyway, I heard a rumour Gibson might set up a branch in S'pore for Asia/Pacific region, and that may put S.L. in a tight spot. In a nut shell, what we want as a consumer is (1) reasonable and fair pricing and (2) good services.

Just my 2 cents.

yup.. The news about Gibson is true.. their setting up their regional HQ here in Singapore.. so it might mean better pricing and service when it comes to Gibson products being sold here.

About why other shops don't ask for dealership, it boils down to some factors. Firstly, you need capital. No $$ no talk. Secondly, it might be possible that all the huge guitar brands still think that Singapore has a very small market base of consumers in such products, thus they're not willing to supply us with more??

We need something or someone to raise awareness among the guitar, amps and efx companies. Something like NAMM perhaps? :lol:
guitarsan, imcorn,

"Gibson might set up a branch in S'pore for Asia/Pacific region". 8O

Interesting, where did you guys hear this news? I guess it's not official enough for google to locate such news.

Oh man, if it's true, then, there's hope... :D
Gibson has registered a regional office here (reported in the papers)- read that again: regional office, not showroom/ shop front.
guitarsan said:
As a monopoly of these brands in S'pore, they can charge whatever they want, and consumers have to take it or leave it (I personally find their Gibsons and Fenders overpriced!).

yes they can but they didn't. the current pricings are based on a certain formula which are privy to them more than to others. otherwise, an American Series Fender Strat would have cost $10K- take it or leave it...

consider the following:

Fender Highway1:

List: USD999 (with reference to the currency rate on 26th Nov 2006, it would be about SGD1,550)

Swee Lee List: SGD1,450

as we note, SL's list pricing isn't too far off...

am i trying to prove something? not really, just that one needs to be objective when dealing with 'over priced' price tags in the domestic market.

am i working for swee lee? certainly not...
sqoobs said:
however, there must be a purpose for the setting up of the regional office in Singapore right? can't be setting here for nothing right?

Gibson cited S'pore to be the preferable venue for promotional reasons in S'pore itself & the immediate vicinity.

i'm actually studying this prospect from a legal front- what if the office initiates a product registration here in S'pore...?

Answ: All the LP copies would effectively be illegal... so we can kiss goodbye to all the Burny/ Greco/ Edwards/ POT models.
!??!!?!?!?!!? Holeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! Nvr though abt that! U actually mean 2 say that my MIJ Edwards LP ordered online and coming in Deccember will be outlawed!? Confiscated? Ok, am I being too extreme?
not quite.

usually, the manufacturer will effect a legal procedure to stop other distributors here who are selling products that are infringing their design. as for those of us who order stuff online- life goes on... 8)

let's not forget the Les Paul vs Singlecut showdown- but let's not conjure the haunting of that debacle either; it happened elsewhere, not here.
Sub, deja vu lah...
remember we talked about PRS and POT?

i tot replicating the brand's decal is illegal?
but for copying guitar details, Burny, Greco, Edwards, had been building LPs for a long time. Why nothing done? My guess is that these brands are not as threatening as PRS. But even for the PRS singlecut issue, Gibson lost in that lawsuit ...

let's see what the regional Gibson office in Singapore can do. :wink:
brand decal replication + promoting an unauthorised copy with the brand decal with the intention to 'impersonate' the real article, is illegal.

if a product design is registered (even without the brand name attached to it), it is protected within the realm of the law- copyright issues might be invoked.

sqoobs bro- let's not prompt what others should do for their wares/ coffer$... ok you can blame me for hinting 8)
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