Swee Lee End of Year Sale

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loldude333 said:
PLEASE DO NOT LAMBAST PEOPLE JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T AGREE WITH THEM. We, as a community shld stock together, not be seperated over trivial matters like that.

It is not called lambasting when we point out stuff which may not be true. I gave rationales for my disagreement and if you disagree, please feel free to give LOGICAL arguments against it. We all learn this way
Heh..the only thing worth anything inside the pack is the bass..........seriously. I bought it as my fray into the bassists world, and now its sitting in the garbage dump. I threw it out 2day, can't stand these packages. U may find 1 or 2 gems but out of 1000000s of lemons, it isn't worth the effort. Get the ESP LTD B-154 from Luther, very good price for a wonderful bass, only gripe is the Agathis body. But it sounds very good, at $400+ its a steal. As for an amp, i dun have much experience but an Ibanez amp in the $200-$300 range shld do it.
doomzz said:
did u call them up or went over there personally to check on its availability? if so u can take the gamble of wanting to stay overnight or not. its abt luck :D

i did call them yesterday and had to make several calls to finally get true, and i must say the dude on the phone was pretty impatient and rude. granted there are prolly many peeps dialing in, he couldve done abit better
Ok...this is my first SWEE LEE sales. This is virgin territory...must I really camp out, and is it true that going on SUNDAY means an empty warehouse except for the pretty salesman there.
if you really want something that every one else wants, you'll probably need to camp.

last mid yr sale i arrived before 8am. i got in before 12noon. there was still quite a selection when i got in. i got my epi lp std that i was eyeing and there was still a lot of items available when i got out

the only diff is that it was in BB and not in sims. hopefully its the same

actually i might not be able to go this weekend... im also eyeing a pedal from citymusic and i recently bought a squier so there goes my money hehehe
ah crap, of all the times to have to go to china! (i'm leaving on friday)

they should make it on the 30~31st! :cry:
loldude333 said:
Hey shadow its alright. Guys, the purpose of this thread is to share with others abt the swee lee sale. Its ok to share ur views and all right to clarify but PLEASE DO NOT LAMBAST PEOPLE JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T AGREE WITH THEM. We, as a community shld stock together, not be seperated over trivial matters like that.

Lambast is a nice word, nice choice of vocabulary.

However I tend to disagree with regards to sticking together as a community. I don't see a need for everyone to be united along the same opinions.

If you want something like that you might as well have a one member forum.

I don't see anything wrong with people pointing out flawed arguements if it's done in a logical fashion.
ya so sad...i got camp from friday...anyway it is on sat and sun but i dun tink there will b much on sun
Thanks man.

I apologize in advance if my opinions offend anyone but honestly all this complaining has got to stop. I mean just because our opinions are different, someone terms it as LAMBAST-ing.

Bottom line right...

Sweelee sale is good shit.

Boys and girls, plan ahead, with what time you have left. Go there to the actual place at sims drive, make friend if you can, get kaki to come along help you snatch also. Know what you wanna get already, beg borrow or steal for the money, Chinese new year coming can slowly pay back, now holidays also can work part time.

If you think your playing cannot make it, nevermind...buy nice amp/effects/guitar/Big Stub picks first....can practice until the next sale to justify the gear.

If not for Sweelee sale, I'd still be playing with my peavey blazer 158 and Korg Pandora version 1...very the budget old skool.
Hellcat said:
They announced it TOO LATE, the kids are unable to save up in time. .....
Too bad for those plannin a trip outta their country during this period... That means ME!!

Dear good people of Swee Lee,

we owe it to you for making our dream gear affordable every SALE event, this has been an applaudable move, thank you...

however, in light of the timing of your current SALE announcement, it could have been done earlier to allow us ample preperation prior to the sale day. unlike students, those of us in full employment (including the cohort in NS) are, you guessed it, working & do not enjoy the benefit of having spare time to check products & prices out. prior SALE occurrences gave us enough leeway to do so. it is also rather too late for us to apply for a leave day, hope you realize the gravity of the matter...

citing the specific quote above, those of us who would be out of the country; timing is everything. *sigh* :smt011
Well, I am happy that Swee Lee is offering it's Yearly - "Year End Sales" of up to 50% Discounts again for 2006.....I mean everyone is looking forward to an Event like this...isn't it. Besides getting a good-Buy on whatever you wanted, you get to meet many other musicians..friends even there - a wonderful once a year experience.

I am going there for sure to join in the fun, and if I'm lucky, I'll probably be able to get some good-buy on something that catches my eyes. ButI'll be there only at 3pm in the afternoon cause I need to work.

Swee Lee Year End Sales is no marketing gimmick. Afterall asked ourself - How Many Music Companies here - offers a 50% Discount, and how much variety or numbers of products do they offer if there was - maybe very little - (Now That's a Marketing Gimmick). We all know - Swee Lee is the largest Music Stores in Singapore with containers of instruments comming in every month and being the Largest Distributor for many a well-known products - have a QUOTA to meet (This I strongly believed) so....they put up a yearly offer - with the objectives of hitting a required Sales Quota each year by whichever Principal- To us - IT's all gain and no lossess - But we must remember - Swee Lee Cannot Pleased Everyone, even if they wish to...that goes for every company....Think positive...and see you all there tomorrow.

I wish you all get what you wanted and be happy.

PS: - I don't work for Swee Lee...I'm a customer there. By the way the Sales People there are all very nice people - get to know them better.
Sorry if i was a bit exaggerated by calling 'airing ur views openly and blatantly' lambasting but i do believe that swee lee is already very generous to offer this sale to us. As for the late announcement, it probably boils down to the fact that they do not want such long queues, so that every1 can get something they want. But then again, if MFOs go in 1st and grab all the good stuff, then it isn't very nice issit? It all boils down again to planning. Maybe they cld impose a qouta on how much gear ppl can buy?
naive little turds thats the way life is. got money got privilege, no money dont talk so much and b|tch. if u think its unfair then buy mfo, dont expect cartier-style service if you're paying giordano prices.
loldude333 said:
Sorry if i was a bit exaggerated by calling 'airing ur views openly and blatantly' lambasting but i do believe that swee lee is already very generous to offer this sale to us. As for the late announcement, it probably boils down to the fact that they do not want such long queues, so that every1 can get something they want. But then again, if MFOs go in 1st and grab all the good stuff, then it isn't very nice issit? It all boils down again to planning. Maybe they cld impose a qouta on how much gear ppl can buy?

To each his own, you have your own opinion about this of course.

The late announcement is actually a norm that Swee Lee has been doing all these while, it's nothing new actually and have nothing to do with " Having such a long queqe - it's expected & envisgae and understood by everyone....cause everyone wants to enjoy the priviledge discount...

As I had mentioned, Swee Lee cannot pleased everyone in this sort of event and has nothing to do with Fair/Unfairness....It's just that if you are a member (their company policy).. in which you have to pay the S$100.00 a year as member - of course you are given the Priority or Priviledge to go in & pick what you want first,,because you pay and members has it's priviledges (I believe many companies does that not only Swee Lee). This is to be fair to paid-members or else it defeat the purpose being a paid-member.

So for those who are not paid-members, you queqe lah (1st-come-1st-basis) which is fair to those people who put in the extra effort either to go there early...For those who want to take their time, don't wanna rush type, easy going and hope to get the best-buy without paying & joining as member and wants to reap the best benefits of Swee Lee Offer - How Can ? - The World is like that one !.....and then complain saying...not fair here & not fair there - but think about it - If any person can just walk in and do that - then....that is really poor planning by Swee Lee Management my friend.

As regards to how many items a buyer can buy - I believe they do restrict each buyer on how many items they can buy - and that's fair, so that non-members can also enjoy the priviledge..

You see - I think Swee Lee already try their best to make it's customer happy, but some will not be because some items had been grap by people already.

At the end of the day - The long queqe depicts that Swee Lee is very successful in it's Campaign or whatever we want to call it (The 50% Sales) ... It's a good company.

Let's appreciate !

PS: - I'm not a member of Swee Lee but I know everyone there WELL ENOUGH ...I would say & I do buy quite a number of things there...besides I'm a Student Drummer there till todate. I call one of them saying I'll be there in the afternoon 2morrow- He say..."You Queqe"....So they are very very just & fair. I think I better pay them...the S$100 and join as member.
I've never been to any of SL's sales and tot of popping by on Sun to perhaps buy a thing or two...I'm curious as to whether all items at 50% off retail or certain items only?
:smt017 hhmmph...
Yes, there shld be some rich pickings left. I heard that they may bring in fresh stock on saturday nite. And dun 4get, the variety at sims is better than that at BB.
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