Swee Lee End of Year Sale

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Seriously what is your issue.
My request to list prices is not a complaint, it is a valid request.

I do not need SL to give me stuff I can afford.
I just don't want to waste my time there if there is nothing worth queueing up for. Or to find out that the item I want is out of stock.

City Music does a better job by letting us know how much their sale items are on their website.

SL has a website, it can list it there like what some online stores do.
It does not need to list all items, but the "highlights" of the sale.

I don't need SL to entertain me; their service, prices and product knowledge has gone down the drain since I started buying from them during Raymond's time in the 80's. I get a much faster response from Tom Lee in HK via email than from SL. When I e-mailed SL to match Tom Lee's prices in HK, it kept quiet. Not even an email to say, "no, we can't do it." When I call by phone, people are not sure. What can I say?

I spend at least $5k on gear a year, so I don't think I qualify as a talker.
But in the last 5 years, I have not found a compelling reason to shop in SL, despite giving them several chances.
ok people.. lets just sit down and think about it. It's all marketing tricks that this SL people are putting us consumers through.

No price list of sales =
people coming in to see what they have to offer. It might backfire because some won't go if they don't have the pricelist, but it's a proven method that not releasing any information will get most of the customers. And the more people go in to get stuff from SL, the more publicity. You all speak of bad service, yet some of you still go there because of the prices. It's a trick of business. People will know about the bad service first, then while keeping themselves updated on the bad service, they stumble upon a 50% sale. And they go ZOMGWTF??!!

That's trick number 1.

Having last minute sales will also mean more cash in a way. If you really want something from them, who on earth won't save from the early days? Don't tell me you're gonna save only after you hear that there's a sale?? People that are serious buyers will always save early and wait for the opportune moment to get things. SL knows this very well. They prevent un-serious buyers from coming in to buy. If you're gonna save 7 days before a sale, how much would you save up anyway? In a way, they only hope to have people that are really buying things come in, and not to sell their service to those that are not serious about anything. Thay may take that statement up the notch by bad service, but you get what I mean.

What SL does is all marketing and management tricks. Don't get thrown off and start a fight about it. We are all consumers, and to heat things up just because of an act by the seller(forgot what they're called), means we are not thinking in right terms. For a marketing plan to cause a stir between people, it's just weird. It should be happening in between the customer and the shop. Don't expect good and super service from ANY of the shops, and you'll be fine.

shadow_z3r0 I suggest you rethink your post for a moment. Just because one retailer decides to list all its prices does not mean others have to follow suit. No one is doing a diservice to you by not doing so. If you want to find out what's on sale, I don't see what is so difficult about making a trip down there by yourself, that is if you really want the gear and have the means to buy it of course.

I've been to a couple of sweelee sales and never have I seen an itemised listing of prices match to products. For the last sale softies got to make enquiries via the forum and managed to get prices. Its a privilege not an entitlement. Every single sale, year end or mid year, as far as I can remember states "Up to 50% off" very clearly. I've never been dissapointed.

I don't believe Sweelee is doing any, as what you mentioned "marketing tricks". If that is your concept of what marketing is, I'll have to say that you're very wrong. If Sweelee does something like what is refered to as "Bait and switch", advertising 50% off and when you get there most things are not, then that is a wrong doing on their part.

I've been to a couple of sales and I have never experienced this.

Even the last sale, during the middle of this year, lot's of stuff were slashed 50% off, even the expensive custom shop stuff in the glass room.

I seriously don't get the mentality of the consumers on this thread.

No sale complain, got sale complain.
Local mentality of most buyers here.

I feel like buying mfo membership to go in 45mins earlier just to taunt those people waiting outside the door.
I dont usually have the time to do this, but since its after exams, i think ill take 5 mintues to look through your "argument".


1. Firstly, i dont think it is a marketing trick. There are items in the sale which are WORTH getting. And by worth, i mean that it is as cheap as you can get anywhere in the WORLD. For instance, i got my ibanez rg3120 at 1600 the last sale. It works out to US 1k. The guitar SELLS for US 1.4 k on all the major US websites. The point being, not ALL items may be WORTH getting, but SOME definitely are. If you are serious about getting your item, do your homework to see if it is. If you dont feel that the savings is of a substantial amout, then simply dont buy. Whining makes you look silly since it aint going to change anything.

2. I dont get what you are talking about the "trick of business". Your sentences dont seem to follow in a logical and coherent manner. You might want to try rephrasing it so people can actually understand what you are saying.

3. You mentioned that having a last mintue sale "prevents unserious buyers from coming in to buy". What on earth is an unserious buyer if he actually buys things?

4. The rationale of having a sale from the company's point of view is not to make the people happy. They dont have to cater to a particular crowd of people. You assume that most people dont have the financial power to spend without scrimping and saving throughout the year. I think you are mistaken. There are SOME people like this, but i can assure you there are plenty of others who are not.

5. Yes, a sale is definitely a marketing plan. If you think its worth it, get it, if not, quit whining.
Here's a little consumer tip for those who decide to go "camping":

1. Plan out your budget and list out those things you want to buy. And most importantly, STICK with it!

Shopping during Swee Lee sales day can get a little frenzy and emotional. You see lots and lots of people grabbing stuff around you and when GAS or "kiasuism" sets in, you want to follow suit. You may buy things you don't need on impulse. Exercise self control and don't let emotions overwhelm you. "People make purchases on emotions, and then justify their purchases with logic". This is something sales and marketing people use to their advantage.

2. If the thing you want to buy is sold out, then it is sold out. Just forget about it. Look for it again another day, and move on to the next item on your list.

If your choice item is gone, don't go buy another item to "console" yourself (unless it's something you really really need). It's the quickest way to buyer's remorse! Yes, you may have camp outside for hours.....but think about it, which is better of the two?

(i) Don't buy anything now and save your money. You can buy the stuff you always wanted another day or another place.....because your wallet is still intact. OR

(ii) Spent all your money on things you don't really need just because you have queued for hours and are "already inside". Besides regretting on your purchases later on, you may also have depleted the money for the item you originally intended for.

Sadly, many consumers fall into category (ii), and guess who's laughing all the way to the bank? It's no coincidence Luther's Classifieds have a field day after every Swee Lee sale! In nut shell, don't buy for the sake of buying.

Anyway, happy shopping.

I believe what he say was some what right too. People who don't really know about sweelee will not be prepared for the sale. Let's just hope it won't be so packed this time and all of us will be able to get what we need.
I believe what he say was some what right too. People who don't really know about sweelee will not be prepared for the sale. Let's just hope it won't be so packed this time and all of us will be able to get what we need.
i'm not gonna explain myself really..

already tired of writing a post that you all took wrongly.. and there's some stuff that i didn't say but was shoved right into my mouth..

i'll just shut up.. lol..
Hey shadow its alright. Guys, the purpose of this thread is to share with others abt the swee lee sale. Its ok to share ur views and all right to clarify but PLEASE DO NOT LAMBAST PEOPLE JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T AGREE WITH THEM. We, as a community shld stock together, not be seperated over trivial matters like that.
did u call them up or went over there personally to check on its availability? if so u can take the gamble of wanting to stay overnight or not. its abt luck :D
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