Superband on Channel U


I wonder how do those bands cover WuBai, Shin & Beyond without amps & drums man? So that means onli can enter 1/2 guitarist(s) + 1 vocalist?

Then why haf SuperBand competition?
looks like it's just plublicity la to look out for rock band and stuff ultimately they are looking for boyband or girlband that's where the money is right now ma

I've send an email to them let's see how they reply lah
don't lose hope rockers still possible just do unplugged version la but vocalist must be super kilat and plus can only do slow rocks la i guess
lol i dun think any bands would wanna do unplugged version lor...liddat the quality gone liao how to compete?no distortion no overdrive...
haha i think it might be only for the auditions round. But no doubt this competition will concentrate on the commercialised boybands and girlbands. So sad eh.
wierd but this isnt stated on the channel U site, its on the channel U forums , some dude posted it, i think its not true.. O.O..
maybe when the date is nearer they will release more detailed information, if not.... many softies will get real pissed off on the category "rockband" without the rock!!!! ha ha :smt014
teraslasch said:
wierd but this isnt stated on the channel U site, its on the channel U forums , some dude posted it, i think its not true.. O.O..

LoL maybe that guys from a boyband and he's afraid of the competition from the softies :wink:
hey... no amplification allowed... but acoustic instruments are... so.. DRUMS ARE ALLOWED!!! weee... -_-"

haha acoustic bass... acoustic guitar... acoustic keyboard... i mean piano...

ooh what fun, it is to play, with-out amp-li-fi-ca-tion... :twisted:
guys don't get pissed, i think it's a scam by some forumer on channel U forums.. it isn't officially stated so on the channel U page.
I think its for the audition only bah. But then again they may be usin this rule to prevent bands that are "too rock " to participate or the auditions are jus for choosing those that have the looks and stage factor. (They probably not too interested in the music) If u look at all the finalist of Project Superstar almost all are good lookers.
yah i think no amplification is only for initial rounds audition only.. it will be ridiculous in the final if you don't see any electric guitars on stage. Probably for initial rounds they want to seave out those that cannot make it vocally first.
Anyway, Mediacork doesn't really wanna promote local music or bands...They just want to make money...Just like last year Singapore Fireworks Festival show at Esplanade Park, Mediacork only record and broadcast Energy, Tanya Chua and those Taiwan singers, but there is also a local Chinese Rock band called V's performing with them on the same stage and same day but F*ck they never show V's on Channel 8...I was so disappointed and piss off with the local media...I think V's is one of the best local Chinese Rock band around here and they wouldn't loose to Mayday or Shin...It's not they are underground, it's the truth local media doesn't wanna promote the local bands. :x

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