suggestions on awesome pedals

how come no one mentioned the Analog Man Mini Bicomp ? its 2 pedals in one. Ross compressor and Dan Armstrong orange squeezer clone all in one pedal. very versatile if you ask me.
relinquish69 said:
how come no one mentioned the Analog Man Mini Bicomp ? its 2 pedals in one. Ross compressor and Dan Armstrong orange squeezer clone all in one pedal. very versatile if you ask me.

and noisy :D
Hmm seems like he doesn't need versatality either. I'm thinking he just wants something to thicken his clean sound, which can get rather thin on some amps without an overdrive in the signal.
thanks a lot for the different for the guitar to amp issue...since i dont bring my amp out for jamming to the studios i feel that different amps have different clean tones. I have tried using a compressor which i eventually gave away due to cash flow kinda gives me the standard tone which i want regardless of what amp i use...its kinda wierd but its what i like.
Taken off visualsound's webby:
The Ross and Dyna Comp circuits are almost identical to eachother
(except for maybe one resistor and one capacitor). However, the Route
66 takes those designs and combines them with an original tone circuit
plus a pre-amp circuit
gah..dis is this what u guys call..GAS? maybe i shud give a budget..MAYBE dat will trim down choices..its around 150 SGD by the way...
Well, its more of what suits you man. Ross type compressor. Optical Compressors. Etc etc.

Go read, research on those. Then figure out what you need.

$ should not be too big an issue... getting something that doesn't do what you want is a bigger problem.
Heh that narrows it down quite a bit. Compressors are not cheap devices if you want a good one. If you up a bit more you can get goose's, 150 best you shop around and try as many as you can. Probably won't be able to get an optical one.
tvontheradio, again, its what YOU want.

You're asking the same thing again and again, but missing the point. You ask, "Which is BETTER?", when the KEY POINT is... "which SUITS you better?".

Its NOT about the budget, its not about what I like... its how it would suit you or the music you play!

Come on man... you never mentioned WHAT KIND of clean tone you are after! Its just "a nice" clean tone. Heck. What I think is nice might just turn you off!

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