Suggestions and Comments on the new site

well apart from the theme/colors etc which im sure will be taken care of soon, i'd suggest that the fonts be slightly smaller, and have more posts on a single page of a thread, having to click through multiple pages is slightly annoying IMO.

also, the music around the world section seems to be pretty underutilised, maybe consolidate the various countries into a south east asia,australia etc section.
I wasn't aware that "delete last post" option was available in the old forum. One way is to just edit your post and erase the content. But then the post will remain.

If your post were the last one in a thread, you could delete it if you chose. Thats what the "x" in the corner is for :)
Unsane, you can increase the number of posts you view in a page by clicking "User CP" - "Edit Option" - then look for "number of posts per page".

As for smaller fonts, IE should be able to do that. Those are user preferences - while some may prefer smaller fonts, others who's eyesight are not that good may want larger fonts.
-When avatars are back, it should be 100x100 megapixels.
-when signatures are back, it should have a limited size so it won't look annoying.
-Only let mods to delete posts.

That's all I suggest for now.
Yeah, I think so:
- when avatars are back???
- when signatures are back???

And, I think private mess full with 30 PMs.... so small!!!
PMs are for quick communication for discussions related to the forums. They take up server space, especially since we are not paying for it. For larger storage, just go for the standard emails. That will put a load off SOFT.
well the vB should had been full customized than it hsould had been open to the public. this is like totally new. Bad.
its difficult to use or not used to it yet. But one thing is tt, when i post thread, it says only allow me to put up to 4pictures, but, when i uploaded 4, it says exceeded so i can only put 3pictures...

and also, i hav to sign in everytime i come here
why is my nickname now imported_j_m_s?

I tried logging into j_m_s but i couldnt then i looked around and i saw my posts under this name.

Possible to change it back

haha. sounds wierd.
A suggestion to the mods. How about having each page have 20 or 30 post? Now I see its currently 10 post per page. Having 20 or 30 or even 50 post makes it more convenient to read.
kena ban oso leh... lol

wat is tat all abt ah?

anyways, tis new things are beta IMO. sumtinks i do not noe but still, beta to move on than sit back n rot.

power la James!
A suggestion to the mods. How about having each page have 20 or 30 post? Now I see its currently 10 post per page. Having 20 or 30 or even 50 post makes it more convenient to read.

The solution is given already - if you read the previous posts in this particular thread. Mine is at 40 posts per page.
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hi guys,

i'm not aiming at anybody here, but i think i should speak up for james while he gets the rest of the site up and running. vbulletin may not seem like much now, but it's a lot more powerful than what we had previously. if you've seen or one of the more complicated vb sites, you'll know what i mean.

the support level for vb is a lot higher than with phpbb as well, mainly because james has had to shell out quite a bit of money for the license to run it. you get what you pay for.

i don't think you guys should be shooting james when he hasn't gotten the software up and running to what he wants it to be yet... the bottom line is, james does not owe us anything. he's been willing to spend money to fund this site so we can have a place to talk about local music. if you don't like it, nobody's forcing you to post here.

rukawa: have you tried checking if the "remember me" box is ticked when you log in? i haven't had any problems on my end yet.

james: with regards to server load... you might want to lock the larger threads (e.g. soccer discussion) and create [part2] and [part3] etc. talkbass faced the problem of too many cpu cycles taken up by the db and they did just that... problem solved.

for those who find that the new color/layout is not pleasing, not to worry. i will take some time to make it look like how it was before, and better.

if you experience any abnormal operation in the site, do post them here. such as being 'ban' or missing graphics. i will work on them.