Successful Bands

ha ha ha..yes that too....but very few gals have them in to start with i think a pretty face will do....

To saito: thanks for your understanding. However I must admit that I omitted some details. :oops:

The reason why we reached there at 4:45 is because our bassist was having a jam session with his previous band from 2-3, and we had our own rehearsal from 2pm to 4pm.

We have an issue with nerves, I'm afraid. We had not jammed in 2 weeks. :?

I'll admit it is bad time management on our part, but seriously I'm not pissed at the remarks, I'm frankly amused!

And for the record, I'm not pissed at Roy or whoever, but i do feel that when an agreement has been reached, especially regarding timeslot, it is important for both performers and organisers alike to adhere to the timeslot agreement.

The reason why we walked off is also because my bassist had his O level paper on Monday morning, and the band had already asked too much of him by making him come to a jam, then a gig, which would have been postponed to 9:30pm.

And regarding ethnicity, ask anyone who has jammed with me: I treat everyone equally.

About the whole 'rock and roll band playing at an emo gig' issue.. I understand it perfectly... it has also taught me to never sign up for gigs which might have clashing genre issues.

Beer-cum-chat session anyone? I can't blanjah though...

Kash, as much as my bassist is only 16, he's a solid bassist and I'd say that he's the one who makes the least musical mistakes in my band.

I don't see anything wrong with asking people out because I'm sure a chat does not neccessarily negate one guy to buy everyone drinks.

And in all honesty when i ask people out it's in the spirit of enjoying another person's company, not treating people for the sake of treating.

Not everyone is as generous nor as affluent as you seem to make yourself out to be.

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