Steven Lim strikes again.

You people are actually discussing about him?Haha i thought nobody gives a crap about all are only rubbing his ego..
no but seriously i feel like calling that number to see if its really him...
i mean posting your hp number for everyone online..... thats just asking for it.
hey marc, what's up with u la... are you that narrow minded? what's wrong with finding someone entertaining? doesn't mean i find him entertaining means im gay..if people listen to QUEEN and like freddie mercury, does it make them gay? gosh, a stadium filled with thousands and thousands of gays in a queen goodness.

and take that jap dude, hard gay razor ramone.. tons of people find him entertaining and funny, including me..does that make them gay?? nvm...dun wanna rant anymore, go and think about it..

Chan Min, if u do call that number, let me know the outcome, lol...
i don't find gay guys like him being entertaining... queens aren't gay for that matter...

elton john is though...

have u ever seen the gay club in singapore??? them gays are rich, driving merc, bmw and not so cheap cars u find around sg... but if u find that entertaining, than so be it.. it's just a statement does it mean it's fact?

if u really find him entertaining, might aswell go join him and maybe he could give make a video titled, "typical singaporean feat amnesiac"

people nowadays.. u can get good quality funny videos through local comedy sitcoms and they're much professional than him..
freddie mercury is gay for your info, not sure about the rest of the band. And how do you know steven lim is gay? stop being judgemental..

different people are entitled to their own brand of comedy/entertainment. doesn't mean they like it means they have to be a part of it.. use your brain pls.

this will be my final reply to u here. no point arguing further. i have said what i wanted to say. have a nice day.
aiyo stop it much angst in these forum. keep it cool guys! everybody has their own opinions yeaa just chill.....

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
hahaha... wah flamewars for steven lim... thats just hilarious...

anyways... if anyone really loves our local comedy sitcoms like... "under one roof..." , "moulmein high" or... " VR man" then please go ahead and watch our local channels. im sure they provide hours of entertainment on end.

the only thing worth watching about steven lim's desperate attempts for fame is his unprofessional approach... thats why its funny? he does everything WRONG... thats why its funny. its like watching american funniest home videos , except its the same guy that walks into a glass door, falls into the water and gets his nuts kicked out by a little girl.

btw marcdadrummer , what were you doing at the gay bar and why were you checking out all the gay guys and what cars they drive etc... whats it with you with the "Gays are rich!! wow!! look at their sports cars~!!! " ...

plenty of straight guys doing well in life also you know... :wink:

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