spreading the love for my bro bro edder and misse!

OPen up a holy grail pedal. Its small. I dunno why its such a big enclosure. Some pedal guru, expound on this phenomenon please!
Whoo hooo... new info just in! Prices to be confirmed but definitely affordable!

Available for order now
Micro Q-Tron
Little Big Muff
Metal Muff With Top Boost
Nano LPB-1
Nano Switchblade
Nano Bassballs

Micro Metal Muff
Micro Stereo Pulsar
Nano Small Stone
Nano Clone Chorus
Nano Muff

Micro Stereo Clone Theory
Hum De Bugger
Stereo Polyphase
Nano Pocket Metal Muff
Nano Dr. Q
Indigo_blues said:
anyone have any info on the circuits in these nanos? Are they the same as their big brothers?

Should be same but the pcb build might be surface mount = smaller components for a smaller space >>> bad for mods/repairs but as long as its analog ...be happy !
The best waste of space ever! Behringer took the similar enclousure of EH and make it their own pedals. And the space wasted is truely breathtaking! Lucky they dont charged for wide open air.. :lol:

gsonique said:
Indigo_blues said:
anyone have any info on the circuits in these nanos? Are they the same as their big brothers?

Should be same but the pcb build might be surface mount = smaller components for a smaller space >>> bad for mods/repairs but as long as its analog ...be happy !

thanks for the info dood. :)

finger itching on the trigger... :lol:

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