Somethign good wanna share, drum solo.

Eh, no leh. I personally 'worship' Akira Jimbo/Kozo Suganuma/etc etc. I don't think it's about the schema of japanese "visual rock" drummers that have infected everyone's minds... even though X Japan was only visual for like, the first few years?

It's completely confirmed that Yoshiki cannot do a drum solo. And I really got bored during the video itself. But I appreciate him as a musician.

Maybe you ought to compare Yoshiki to this fellow Japanese drummer... (to you it's fair to compare now, right?)
Jimbo, GREAT drummer. That's all I can say. And by the way, he started at 18 years old. Great inspiration to those who goes like "Nah.... I started too late to be good at drumming".
ha ha Jimbo's da man

Always love casiopea stuff ... check out Satoshi Bandou as well from T-Square ... he is only 22 but has a skill that rivals Jimbo

For japanese rock drummer my favorite would be Junji Sakuma of Siam Shade ... he's da man if you wanna compare to yoshiki

but whatever makes you happy lah
Heh, alright Slapshock... Sorry for suggesting that you're intimate with Yoshiki. Kor Kor sayang sayang ok? Haha... Just wanted to poke fun at you. :wink:

I guess what really appeals to a constantly learning student of the drums would be how other drummers interpret their rudiments around the kit, and in so doing, express themselves. Being shown tt achieving such speed/style/feel is not impossible, is truly inspirational.

However when I saw the Vid u posted, I really felt tt the props given to it was way inappropriate. To me, it sounded like the drilling done at a construction site... the dbl bass was just gng on and on monotonously. Great show of stamina, but is tt all?

He may be multi-talented, but this thread is a post-viewing discussion abt the depth of his drumming from the clip, regardless of how well he can play the piano etc. For those who defend him, your statements abt his drumming are like this hokkien phrase, 'Mai Hiam Eh Sai' (If u don't mind it, it's ok). After all he's damn proficient in piano! The theory of Distribution of talent.

But for the rest of us who choose to differ, we feel of his drumming like the later half of the hokkien phrase, 'Ai Hiam Jiu KanaSai!' (Albeit more diplomatically- If you're really particular, it might not be so gd after all.)

So slapshock, pardon my weird sense of humour in the earlier posts, but think abt this... If you're reviewing a KIA VS a BMW, which car make will be more deserving? Both are legitimate forms of transport right? Similarly, I'm not being narrow minded or stuck up, but i'm stating the obvious: Pple like Steve Gadd and Akira Jimbo are much more proficient in their display of the art.
Yo Yosh, relax bro, dont add petrol to fire, its fine for them to judge Yoshiki solely from what they see from the video considering that they doesnt know much about Yoshiki and whats more those over-hyped talks about Yoshiki's drumming. If i know nuts about Yoshiki, and happen to download Yoshiki's drum solo, i would say the same too, like them i will only impressed by the stamina and double pedal, and next i will asked "is thats all"? ..

but considering that, i never regard yoshiki as a drummer, and yoshiki himself never regard himself as a drummer, it is superb enough for a composer/pianist/conductor to plays drum like that.

yeah its true, Yoshiki conducts an orchestra band too, recently in Japanese Aichi Expo 2005. I got the video of him conducting an orchestra if you want too.

For japanese rock drummer my favorite would be Junji Sakuma of Siam Shade ... he's da man if you wanna compare to yoshiki

Maybe you ought to compare Yoshiki to this fellow Japanese drummer... (to you it's fair to compare now, right?)

i dont think this Junji Sakuma genious can be compared to Yoshiki at all, read my previous posting, more appropriate man would be Yuki of Larc En Ciel, Kami of Malice Mizer or Shinya of Dir en grey.

What make you think that Akiro Jimbo is fair enough to be compared to Yoshiki? Because they both Japanese? Again, Akira Jimbo is a commercial drummer, going around the world with his Yamaha showing his skills, doing drum clinics, just like any other commercial/sessionist drummer , Yoshiki doesnt do that. You might want to compare Jimbo with other japanese commercial drummer, Yoshiki is in a different field.

And regarding his setup. It isn't just his setup per se. It's HOW his drums are being setup. Just look at those angles! Damned 80s hair metal styled deep toms.
I don't see how a setup like that can be comfortable. I know, personal preference.

Wired, X Japan is 80's glam/hair/visual band, what you expect? That videos alone was in 1992 which is already near the end of Japanese Visual Rock era's, in 1992, Glam Rock is outdated in America (only in 70's Americans hear Glam rock), Nirvana was popular at this time, but in Japan is different. Again X is hair metal band. Thats why i always accept your comments on Yoshiki because you're judging him solely on the video you seen, refer to my first paragraph.

But really, that snare angle is retarded

Maybe Yoshiki plays comfortably that style, but not to you? Maybe if Yoshiki see's your setup he will say your snare angel retarded too? Its his style mah, what does that got to do anyways? :)

Ok here i upload Yoshiki's Piano Solo, this isnt his best piano solo which is in 1989, the best one would be the one in 1992 where he plays Tchaikovsky SWAN LAKES and Chopin's FANTASIE IMPROMPTU, yeah, FANTASIE IMPROMPTU.

As for Yoshiki's best piano work was the one he composed a piece for Japanese President Anniversary in 2000 which named "Anniversary". Another one is his works on KISS - BLACK DIAMON which Yoshiki converts the rock and roll songs into a pure classical piano piece which was released internationally in 1994 for KISS TRIBUTE KISS MY ASS


Kiss My Ass
Erscheinungstermin: 13.06.1994
Titel: 12 Laufzeit: 49:18

Kiss: Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley,
Bruce Kulick, Eric Singer

- Deuce (Lenny Kravitz)
- Hard Luck Woman (Garth Brooks)
- She (Anthrax)
- Christine Sixteen (Gin Blossoms)
- Rock And Roll All Nite (Toad The Wet Sprocket)
- Calling Dr. Love (Shandi's Addiction)
- Unholy (Die Ärzte)
- Goin' Blind (Dinosaur Jr)
- Strutter (Extreme)
- Plaster Caster (The Lemonheads)
- Detroit Rock City (The Mighty Mighty Bosstones)
- Black Diamond (Yoshiki)

Just to add on, Yoshiki also works with some international artist like Roger Taylor (Queen ex-drummer) in Roger Taylor albums which Yoshiki composed 2 songs for Roger Taylor called Final Destination and Foreign Sand. Yoshiki also work with George Martin and London Philharmonic Orchestra in Yoshiki 1991 Eternal Melody I and II, and some other international artist.

In this 1989 piano solo, he plays J.S Bach's FUGUE IN Gm and later he continue with his own composition call UNFINISHED.

And also, this is my first time ever see Yoshiki visually (before that i never ever seen Yoshiki before), so this video is my very very first X/X Japan videos which i got 6 years ago. Just to boast now i own 40 freaking GByted of X and X Japan collections. Huahaha.

Download it guys, 2.9 MB Only, and its free.

Alamak seems like im giving info on Yoshiki already, sorry ah, but good for those who might want to know a little about him, that one only about Yoshiki as a pianist, i havent tell you about:

Yoshiki and his band X / X Japan
Yoshiki as a conductor
Yoshiki as a producer
Yoshiki as a owner of his record label call Extacy Record (based in Los Angeles)
Yoshiki from a spoilt-brat-punk-kid-with-spiky-hair-who-love-to-do-crowd-dive in 1980 to a millionaire who now owns a bungalow, 1 black lamborghini and a mercedes in Los Angelas

But this is Drum forum, no need for me to go till so far. Im not promoting Yoshiki (no need for me to promote, he got so many fans already outhere, but if yoru're interested about any of the "Yoshiki as a/and his ......", you can always ask me, i would love to tell others on what i know about Him, hehehe)

If i got time i can post Yoshiki best piano work in Soft keyboard forum.
WOW ... You really are a dedicated fan of Yoshiki / X Japan, slapshock ... phew ... a true X JAPAN fan .. but. whatever makes you happy man 8)
Yeah, a true X fan, not like some girls who go crazy over their looks and claim "IM THE BIGGEST X JAPAN FAN" but only heard Rusty Nail and Endless Rain before, and when asked "DO YOU KNOW THAT YOSHIKI AND PARIS HILTON ARE GOOD FRIENDS" she will like, ughh.. i hate that bit*h, why on earth YOSHIKI close to her! No! No! YOSHIKI-CHAN.. stay away from her .. kudasaiii~

for whom interested;

Yoshiki Blindfolded Drum Solo. Was in 1995 Dahlia Tour, short hair already, no more ah gua look. (Ah, i never say this one great or good ahh.. dont flame me :P )




slapshock: I guess we all get your point. Yoshiki is multi-talented. But like you said, he needs no more promoting. Isn't this thread about drums anyway?
You can be certain that I do respect Yoshiki as a musician and a multi-instrumentalist. But I definitely see little in him as a drummer.

So yes, I'm glad you understood where I was coming from, slapshock. And also, thanks for the info.

But regarding the angles, I mean, really, it's just impractical tilting your snare and your toms like that. It can only result in damaged and dented heads. Usually its done just for the visual effects (after all, it doesn't actually LOOK and FEEL comfortable, and of course, is detrimental to one's playing), and well, that's what irks me about this whole "visual" rock thing.

But different strokes for different folks, they say.
Yo Yosh, relax bro, dont add petrol to fire, its fine for them to judge Yoshiki solely from what they see from the video considering that they doesnt know much about Yoshiki and whats more those over-hyped talks about Yoshiki's drumming.

Hmm, I don't say this biasly, but I think the only 'over-hyped' talks abt Yoshiki are coming from you Slapshock.

but considering that, i never regard yoshiki as a drummer, and yoshiki himself never regard himself as a drummer, it is superb enough for a composer/pianist/conductor to plays drum like that.

It's ok if you don't regard him as a drummer, or even if he himself thinks likewise. Bottomline is, this is really a drum thread, nuff said. If he is as notable behind the drums as u say, then pple will surely compare him to the more reknowned, established players wad.

It also doesn't matter if he's a composer/conductor/pianist. Once he enters the drumming world as an artist, sure kenna judged based on drumming, and drumming alone.

I do listen to X Japan's music at times... But enuff already pls?

Live & Let Live! :)
Well... if it makes anyone happy, he's waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than Joey Jordison as a musician!

Feel any pride yet?

Um, anyone?

I think Yoshiki is a kick ass drummer but hes piano stuff that he did are even more kick ass man!!!! Totally respect him for hes one of a kind talented musician....

OK back to the topic of like drum solos, isnt this thread abt drum solos? I've seen Yoshikis, Joey Jordisons, Lars Ulrich, Dennis Chambers Steve Gadd, Neil Peart(is that the correct spelling), dave... bla bla bla....

but wad caught me most is the drum solo done by 12 yr old Tony Royster Jr., have u guys like seen the vid? man that kid makes u wanna quit drummin man.... do download it yeah....
i was a huge fan of yoshiki/x japan in 1996 and still listen to them once in awhile, how this thread has turned out though is making me cringe MAJORLY 8O >.< ~

i feel slapshock really digs Yoshiki the idol and music artiste more than say, yoshiki the drummer, yoshiki the pianist etc.

slapshock... frankly speaking yoshiki is really not much of a drummer or pianist. i think your keyboardist already can play most, if not all of the stuff he did. perhaps it was the 'style' which he pulled it off, or the presentation which won you over. but of course, i might be doing a crazy thing here by telling you this (a fan at the height of frenzied passion??? *flee*)

i won't do that holier-than-thou thing by telling you one day you will look back and feel a little silly/wrong etc. but i'd say keep your options open dude, you may or may not feel this way in future, but i'm sure you're starting to realise that, what (yoshiki) may mean the world to someone, is actually shit to someone else!

my own take on this is... the majority of us would find a constant 160-170 bpm double pedal in a drum solo to be monotonous - if you don't dig the hairdo, the looks, presentation, lighting and effects.

warm regards

*clears throat*

I get an erection when i watch yoshiki's drum solos.

mel80 said:
Is it just me or are we having a Yoshiki overload here? lol.

HAHAHAHA!!! Apparently. Slapshock is kicking into overdrive abt Yoshiki..

Nvm, even the ocean got high tide and low tide. :wink:
doublestrokesg: Perhaps my knowldge of Yoshiki as a musician make whatever i post seem "over-hyped".

plainsman: yeah, you told me you're a huge xjapan fan way back in 1996, i remember that, maybe as for what you said, maybe its true maybe its not, we'll see 5 years later :)

Vio: oh i never know you get an erection seeing Yoshiki hit the drums, anyway, your jacket still with me. The jacket that was given by Yoshiki to Taiji in those good ol' days. I missed.

Vaiyen: If you really keen, i can encode, not only Fantasie improptu, i got the video of he playing Mozart's Turkish March too, but he didnt play whole pieces.
Bottomline is, too much of anything can become very very annoying. It's not just Yoshiki. If someone starts rambling about Steve Gadd or Akira Jimbo 24/7 here, we'd all probably get irritated one day too lol.