Active member
lemme rip a couple. i rem passing them to grimbrody and gordonzz.
lemme rip a couple. i rem passing them to grimbrody and gordonzz.
ooooppppsss! ok james, in my excitement to share the lovely local music to the people here, i kind of overlooked abt that matter... heesshhhh... bad boy me! hope no one got into any trouble over this thread. sorry guys... to the bands who's music i posted here without your consents, apologies all around... its all in good faith to expose more of our local talents.soft said:i dont think it is a good idea to post songs online without the consent from the respective copyright owner.
i really do not know where u can get them now. i got them when i purchased my Big O at that time. maybe u can try to contact Big O, who knows they might have some back-copies available. but its like 10yr old back-copies man!!! or try Roxy at Excelsior 3rd floor. they have loads of old stuff! (even the cassete demos of bands!)13teenz said:hey bro,
the cds that you collected were way back then man. i remembered the gigs were at WTC amphiteatre. was wondering if you could info me on how to get the NEW SCH ROCK VOL 4 cd. i lost mine. thnx.
hey, i think i saw that in Roxy! call them to check! its the one with the patterns on the tracing paper rite? i still have mine... hehhhhh... singapore answer to Ride, Curve, My Bloody Valentine...AgingYouth said:My fren lost my copy of The Pagans' "Stereokineticspiraldreams"... I'm soooo gonna tear her a new asshole...