Soft's Drummer / Drum Exchange- SLOGAN and IDENTITY needed

Yo Bros/Sis

Once Slogan is Up - as agreed by the Committee & James (Soft) - we have to look for Sponsors again liao - Posters & Banners (with the Slogan & A Positioning Statement on it).....T-Shirt we have to pay indivisually(but not compulsory - if you want then buy it, if not it's ok)......

Once Mapex Drums comes in (Reso Head Design gets done & put up), We get Sponsors for 2 Banners (with Slogan & Positioning Statement on), then (if we can get a sponsor for Posters - that will be good), then....we get a t-Shirt Contractor to do Prininting of Tees (with Slogan and Soft Icon).............when all this is done - Kekekekekeke ! we'll get Free Publicity from Press take Photos - publisied it har on a particular Meetup later (this meetup - wah we must have many many Soft Drummers come)..take Group Photos...nice hor!
Yo Bros - I see and acknowledge that there are many good Slogan here....BUT - Let's come up with a Slogan that has a "Macro-View" that motivates drumming within the group as well as the Public - when they see our Slogan.

The rest of the wordings can be included - or so-call - "A Positioning Statement:" - which should communicate to the public as - What We in Soft Drum Exchange is Position as?......this is the Differentiation Aspect that sets us Apart...

Example: - We are not a Drumming what should we used?....The word "Promoting Drumming" is common - every music school is doing that right? what sets us apart here ?... "Drum Exchange" is a word I see that cannot be deviated...this Slogan says what's we are all about.....

"Soft Drummers - Drum Exchange Singapore" for instance tells straight-away - what is it - It's clear, concise and tells the Public what we really are..right?.....The Positioning Statement comes in after this to disseminate info to the public (Drummers or non-drummers) as to what is our direction and aim here at "Soft Drummer-Drum Exchange Singapore"....The aim is to capture The UNIQUE POSITION we are into here (as perceived by others and build it up and that's our Identity......Example of a - - Positioning Statement:- - Enabling A Community Of Shared Drumming Experiences, Passion, Creativity, & Inspiration Towards Sustaining A Great Drumming Spirit & Culture.

Wah see-beh loh-soh again me - but it's something like that ok - it's not easy to come up with the best - but let's all try fellow Softies..cheers !

Keep Up The Good Work !
HAHA yeah..

SOFT Drummers - We Dont dont drum so soft.

kinda catchy..

well the other one i can think off is

SOFT Drummers - Inspired to Drum, Drumming to Inspire

This line has both meanings,
"Inspired to Drum" is wat we Learn from the drumming Greats..
"Drumming to Inspire" is wat we do at our exchanges, to educate our fellow mates..

I guess it fits..

"Drum Exchange" too Straight Fwd.. No twist.. Some ppl might even think, 'Wah?! Join this thing and Go find Ppl to Exchange Drums!'

So yeah, Wat do u guys think?

" Soft Drummers - Inspired to Drum, Drumming to Inspire "
GREAT ! ...let's brainstorm & put on our thinking Cap - It's " OUR " Slogan, Identity and what we want Drummers & non-Drummers to perceived us as....

So far so good - discussion was fruitful in a way, but more concrete and put in some justification/reasons as to Why - "We Proposed a Particular Slogan and Positioning Statement" here - Remember that - Upon Confirmation and agreement on a Particular proposal - This will appear in all our Soft's Drummers Thang ! ..... .

Slogan: - My Proposal

(1) I pick 1st - Soft's Drummers (to be seperated as an Identity here)) - as it sound better & also nicer than just a single sentence "Soft's Drummer's Exchange" - because Soft's Drummer's Exchange" seems to be too confined & has limitation for the future.

and so comes "Soft's Drummers" as an "IDENTITY or our IMAGE"

next comes - the Slogan which is "Drums Exchange Singapore" - This will be perceived as more Macro as it will appeal to the General Public (Drummers or Non-Drummers) - It simply means and correlate- "Drums Exchange Singapore" and is Soft's Drummers

If "Soft's Drummers" is perceived and well accepted later-on as "Drums Exchange Singapore" .... then the question is - What are we really all about -

So - We comes out with a Good " Positioning Statement " - to make it clear & as concise as possible to cover what we are really about --- People reading this - knows what is our Core Direction here in Singapore.

Enabling A Community Of Shared Drumming Experiences, Passion, Creativity, & Inspiration Towards Sustaining Great Drumming Spirit & Culture. - Does this cover all our aspect ??? and Macro enough for our future growth ? ....this is a suggestion and you can all adopt and work along this line too - if you want to...use Key Words.

The above - The Identity (we can't change that - afterall we are "Soft's Drummers" here, plus the Slogan " Drum Exchange Singapore " which is a Unique Position we occupy here will set us apart from other Institution (most of all it is really what we are truly all about), and the Positioning Statement - tells people what we do here in Soft, ... as Soft's Drummers - an image we can all be proud of someday through good publicity and awareness as we grow and build this community - - - It becomes our Culture, our drumming way of life here - and as mentioned - we cannot change individual attitude towards drumming, but we sure can influence somehow or rather a good attitude towards drumming - - - - Brothers & Sisters - Isn't this is what we are all about....

Ok ok ok - above is just an example I set out - to justify a Proposal - Can we now have your Proposal along justification like this - or you could all - expand/minus from above example too -- - -It's OURS..lets us give our best to this........

The BANNER (we will have 2 of them - large one) will have all this on them - for a Start - Tees will be second thing comming up very soon after this......OUR 1st Sponsored MAPEX DRUMS wil also be depicting our Identity & Slogan - then hopefully ( No problem I guess) by next year Febuary 2008 - Our 2nd Drums will also have that...........As drumming activities grows and through our participation & attendance - Public will know us better - a Better Image hopefully as we grow that we can all be proud of - A Soft's Drummer"...

We want to build Wide & Good Publicity too here, but without all the above in place as a prerequisite - there is no way for us to move fast forward ahead. Getting Sponsorship will also be easier later on if we achieve all above.

Cheers ! .. . . .Please Contribute and thank you all
nkf31: good suggestion: - so maybe we include it into the Positioning Statement: - as

Enabling A Community Of Shared Drumming Experiences, Passion, Creativity, & Inspiration Towards Sustaining Great Drumming Spirit, Ethics & Music Culture.


Enabling A Community Of Shared Drumming Experiences, Passion, Creativity, & Inspiration Towards Sustaining Musical Drumming Solution, Spirit, Ethics & Culture.

PS: - Aiyah: something I dunno how to put it in lah ...hahahaha - can you all improve on this....make it sound nicer or more professional here - please help....and I think - maybe too long liao the sentence - make it a little shorter if possiblebut must cover every aspect...can?
Hello Bros/Sis: -

I was thinking - Slogan should be Short eg.

Nike: - Just Do it !

Coca Cola: - The Real Thing

Henieken Beer: - (Probably the Best Beer In The World) but - They have change their Slogan to ( something like I can't remember exactly on the TV - " Always Delivering xxxxxxxx)...anyway

The above companies has a Strong Established Image/Brand Identity - Nike, Coke - so their slogan will differ from ours and it should in a way - because "SOFT DRUMMERS" say as a Brand/Identity is not well-known here in Singapore - there is still little awareness of our Existence...right?......

SO from here - I propose that - We must make it clear to the Public of what we are actually all about and must communicate this very clearly - for the start....

I agree that there are many beautiful Slogans take for example "Soft Drummers, We Drum Hard" - what does it means to public at large - ? DOes it differentiate and tells exactly what we are all about now - The Drum Exchange I mean and the objectives.....It's not easy to come up with it - it's tough really....think along the line -

We can have a beautiful line of Slogan - but if it communicate the wrong meaning / idea to the public as to what we really are - the perception of drummers & non-drummers will have on us - will not be as what we actually wanted to project ourself as now - The Identity Of Soft Drummers & All It's Exchanges..........keep em ideas pouring in....this is brain-storming

Is this our aim & what we wanna achieve in- our Monthly Drum Exchange & for the future? - using Key words that are inspiring to eyes of Public? (discuss & share)
Enabling A Community Of Shared Drumming Experiences, Passion, Creativity, & Inspiration Towards Sustaining Musical Drumming Solution, Spirit, Ethics & Culture

Soft Drummers (our Main Identity/Icon cannot be deviated here at all cost)

"Drum Exchange" - Cannot be deviated too here - That's What we do each month here in capture the Position in a Marco way for now and future - of course one can input "Drum Exchange Singapore" to hold on to this position, but have to managed it well.

All the above set our roadmap here - and guilde us along and tells other how we manage the Drum Exchange in a way and making it into our way of life here within Soft's drummers....

PS: - I didn't use Drum's Meetup because Drum Exchange sound so much nicer and better and much more meaningful.
Thks Bro DT - Let's think along this line = "Constantly In Motion" what does this means to a non-drummer or general public, says who has an interest to drum ? ... Would it be too Vague as in communicating to them - What Soft Drummer Is All ABout and have little meaning ?.... I dunno...just my thought...

Remember this is a discussion.... (say you are wearing a Tee-Shirt, with Front Portion - a small Soft Logo and the word Drummer), the Word "Drum Exchange Singapore" somewhere at the centre.........and the wordings (which is our positioning statement) all behind the Tee-Shirt = " Constantly In Motion"

The Banner will also stae the same thing - to get a Uniform Identity so that it's build a very clear identity of Soft's Drummers. Colours of Words or Logo or whatever - will all have to be uniform and conform to SOft Identity that we will have to check and be agreed by James (Soft)

just throwing idea opinions thoughts around.
Hey Bro don't sarbo we all drummers ley - Wait every Band-Members expect only "Drummers Are The Time-Keepers In A Band"...then they blame us whenever something screw-up with songs...wah chai-lat...die lah..we'll be murdered. :smt040
RD... ok lah... spare ourselves... this is the best i can think of... The Groovy Ones... 8)


groove n. 1. A long, narrow furrow or channel. 2. Slang. A settled routine. 3. Slang. A situation or an activity that one enjoys or to which one is especially well suited. 4. Slang. A very pleasurable experience. --groove v. grooved, groov穒ng, grooves. --tr. 1. To cut a groove or grooves. --intr. Slang. 1.a. To take great pleasure or satisfaction; enjoy oneself. b. To be affected with pleasurable excitement. 2. To react or interact harmoniously.
quite funny la
the way u put it.
like macam..tengah steam2 like that
but its kind of cool though.
eh.why dont we come up with some nice2 words?
then on the meet up itself.
we really brainstorm.and see what comes out?
wouldnt that be better?
i mean.u can la.give some2 ideas.
then meetup itself.
RD can pop up the topic of this
then we can make the final agreements
hAllooo dudes..

Inspired to drum, Drumming to Inspire.

Short and sweet wat? unless english not gd then ppl will find it hard to understand la..
Adaptation from DullTheater:

SOFT's Drummers- Constantly in Rhythm
SOFT's Drummers- Rhythm in Motion
SOFT's Drummers- Rhythm in Exchange
SOFT's Drummers- Rhythm Exchange!
SOFT's Drummers- Beat Exchange!
SOFT's Drummers- Open Drumming (adapted from computer terminology, eg; Open source, Open Office)
SOFT's Drummers- Open Drums
SOFT's Drummers- Drum Exchange!

A little off topic, When we confirm a Logo and slogan,
can we have them printed on drumsticks for souvenir :D