GREAT ! ...let's brainstorm & put on our thinking Cap - It's " OUR " Slogan, Identity and what we want Drummers & non-Drummers to perceived us as....
So far so good - discussion was fruitful in a way, but more concrete and put in some justification/reasons as to Why - "We Proposed a Particular Slogan and Positioning Statement" here - Remember that - Upon Confirmation and agreement on a Particular proposal - This will appear in all our Soft's Drummers Thang ! ..... .
Slogan: - My Proposal
(1) I pick 1st - Soft's Drummers (to be seperated as an Identity here)) - as it sound better & also nicer than just a single sentence "Soft's Drummer's Exchange" - because Soft's Drummer's Exchange" seems to be too confined & has limitation for the future.
and so comes "Soft's Drummers" as an "IDENTITY or our IMAGE"
next comes - the Slogan which is "Drums Exchange Singapore" - This will be perceived as more Macro as it will appeal to the General Public (Drummers or Non-Drummers) - It simply means and correlate- "Drums Exchange Singapore" and is Soft's Drummers
If "Soft's Drummers" is perceived and well accepted later-on as "Drums Exchange Singapore" .... then the question is - What are we really all about -
So - We comes out with a Good " Positioning Statement " - to make it clear & as concise as possible to cover what we are really about --- People reading this - knows what is our Core Direction here in Singapore.
Enabling A Community Of Shared Drumming Experiences, Passion, Creativity, & Inspiration Towards Sustaining Great Drumming Spirit & Culture. - Does this cover all our aspect ??? and Macro enough for our future growth ? ....this is a suggestion and you can all adopt and work along this line too - if you want to...use Key Words.
The above - The Identity (we can't change that - afterall we are "Soft's Drummers" here, plus the Slogan " Drum Exchange Singapore " which is a Unique Position we occupy here will set us apart from other Institution (most of all it is really what we are truly all about), and the Positioning Statement - tells people what we do here in Soft, ... as Soft's Drummers - an image we can all be proud of someday through good publicity and awareness as we grow and build this community - - - It becomes our Culture, our drumming way of life here - and as mentioned - we cannot change individual attitude towards drumming, but we sure can influence somehow or rather a good attitude towards drumming - - - - Brothers & Sisters - Isn't this is what we are all about....
Ok ok ok - above is just an example I set out - to justify a Proposal - Can we now have your Proposal along justification like this - or you could all - expand/minus from above example too -- - -It's OURS..lets us give our best to this........
The BANNER (we will have 2 of them - large one) will have all this on them - for a Start - Tees will be second thing comming up very soon after this......OUR 1st Sponsored MAPEX DRUMS wil also be depicting our Identity & Slogan - then hopefully ( No problem I guess) by next year Febuary 2008 - Our 2nd Drums will also have that...........As drumming activities grows and through our participation & attendance - Public will know us better - a Better Image hopefully as we grow that we can all be proud of - A Soft's Drummer"...
We want to build Wide & Good Publicity too here, but without all the above in place as a prerequisite - there is no way for us to move fast forward ahead. Getting Sponsorship will also be easier later on if we achieve all above.
Cheers ! .. . . .Please Contribute and thank you all