Soft’s Drum Xchange Singapore Members – Please Register Your Name Here !


Dear Current DXS Members -

Hopefully We can come Up with Something by APRIL 2011 - And we will try our best here - as There is An Informal Discussion Between Myself, James ( Soft) & Alfe Kim ( your DXS Chairman ) on - " DXS 2011 Matters " past Saturday 12th March 2011

Briefly - Discussions were about

(1) Venues Acquisitions,

(2) Restructuring Of Committee Members of DXS ( We Need Working Committee )

(3) More Interesting Programs Installed for DXS that is Beneficial etc etc..

Nick & Members Name " Drummers of DXS "

1 Soft's James (Soft)
2 RudimentalDrummer Eric Wong
3 Phlemingo Eugene
4 blurred Mark Chan
5 vanhelSINGH Jiv
6 killerbee Lennat
7 Jeeper Jasper
8 Zyk Zahrin
9 plainsman Alfe
10 mardadrummer Qaiyum
11 starvingartists Jackson
12 Brainwash Alaine
13 Shred5 Rul
14 rla Rupert
15 MetzalX Yuan Lin
16 Paradiddle Hendri
17 Crucifieldx Callista
18 Frummer Faidhi
19 alvinthedrummer Alvin (Music Lab) & (Pearl Endorsee)
20 mel80 Melyn
21 myner Dave
22 beboptang Audrey Tang
23 smildrumez Syamil
24 snowflier Elaine
25 Nike Niki
26 Drum_hobbyists Fu Man
27 caijunlong Chun Leng
28 spinninsticks LJ
29 lepak Shiv
30 Reuben Reuben
31 Jamella James
32 MassageParlour Azhari
33 Logan Logan
34 Zildjohn John
35 BetterStartLate_ThanNever Lee
36 Kanzer Fredick
37 BebopIggy Raymond
38 DullTheater Nazrey
39 Blissuicide Hari
40 fiqqo Taufig
41 Rustee Jason
42 ConanCassidy Conan
43 QWEbie Jason
44 pacifusion kingchi
45 BlahBlahX Xiang Jing
46 sidmontu Sid
47 Tim097 Tim
48 nazdrummer Nazree
49 XenOgenesis Pearson
50 Lamdrummer Salam
51 hi Liang Hong
52 Boon-SDF Tan Boon (Singapore DrumFest)
53 stephj Jono
54 Don M Dol Mulok (Luis Suliano Nephew)
55 heartbeat Augustine
56 drumusiclover Valerie
57 whirlypopp Wayne Lim Wang Jie
58 apez Hafiz
59 ahpek1 Shahferi
60 EugeneSmasher Eugene
61 Bor Robin
62 deonportnoy Deon
63 Acrimonious Elias
64 Melvin Melvin
65 Weckish Bryan
66 entered2exit Yao
67 ExRocker Anish
68 drumbum Kelvin
69 wiremesh Joshua Thia
70 Himawari Bryan
71 firehorn Shawn
72 ioaka Joash
73 herryk Herry
74 darkcrisp Daniel
75 Ender Karthik Sean
76 yOshiki Swee Lin
77 hazoo Nazrul
78 jenocide Jen
79 emman91 Emmanuel
80 Chaserr Syafiq
81 nkf31 Nicholas
82 drummeright Stephanie Julias
83 Jonathan Johnathan
84 bklk Brandon
85 vlrc Valerie
86 DRMP Nigel (Drum Resources)
87 elsonandhistrumpet Elson
88 DrumDead Chia Jenn Hui
89 ECK Chow Kiat -
90 Vertical Nat
91 weckl-x Hozea
92 gambatak Joshua Thia
93 jukebox Tifanny
94 rayz Dave
95 LordNagrath Nathaniel
96 Phat Phunk Saufee
97 xng07 Jennifer
98 drummerdude Ricky Yeo
99 andyzire Andy
100 Perishz Marc
101 Ceing Chong Ee
102 Churn Churner
103 mihreth Shirley
104 dmr Matthew
105 drumset_raf Rafee Mahmood
106 wiremesh Joshua
107 evident Jethro
108 zack11 Zahrin
109 ipul Shaiful
110 tktgk79 Marcus
111 artofdrumming Richard
112 hazoo Hazrul
113 Starclassic Affan
114 coconat Nat
115 Leonghart Kian Leong
116 Will2040 Willard
117 Pollux#13 Dil
118 Sheylara Qiao Yun
119 Schtauffen Jeremy
120 ryuxdragonx Kay Fong
121 BiGMac Christian
122 chrisxtremes Christopher
123 zack11 Zack
124 Composer of Requiems Nic
125 Jem-Drummer Jeremy
126 ritztree-ritz Ritz
127 arkofnoiracles Syafik
128 JieZheng Ng Zheng Jie
129 Girlpants Dayana
130 SolGrundy Yan Shun
131 Schtanffen Jeremy
132 thedeathbat Ong Guo Ping
133 AKO623 Anson Koh
134 jasontxf Jason
135 ray2 Nick

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DXS - Soft's Drum Xchange Meetup On 11th June ( Saturday) Next Week At GRID - SCAPE 4th LEVEL .... Hope To See and Meet All Our Friends, Buddies/ Drummers There --- It's Been Really Awhile --- Let's MeetUp ..OK !

The Link:-*scape-level-4-a.html#post1121120

A Thank You Note To - MAPEX ! - - For Being Soft’s DXS Main Sponsor Since Day 1 - - - Till Todate – From The Committee Of DXS Here

and - - - -

YES…YES - - “ DXS Members ” Would Love to be ABLE TO TEST-DRUM on – MAPEX Orion Kit &
FALCON Double Pedals “ --- … In Our DXS Meetups ! – Thank You MAPEX…
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Yes I am also Wondering --- Is there anymore Meetups for Drummers over here at Soft ? ... Anyone wanna be in the Organising Committee ? Check with Alfe Kim ( Our Chairman ).

Fresh Blood ? Yes No ? ...

Gosh.. DXS - - We are FROZEN
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The Below Is the Past List Of Soft’s DXS Members & Drummers

DXS Members Officially Registered At Soft's Forum
1 Soft's James (Soft)
2 RudimentalDrummer Eric Wong
3 Phlemingo Eugene
4 blurred Mark Chan
5 vanhelSINGH Jiv
6 killerbee Lennat
7 Jeeper Jasper
8 Zyk Zahrin
9 plainsman Alfe
10 mardadrummer Qaiyum
11 starvingartists Jackson
12 Brainwash Alaine
13 Shred5 Rul
14 rla Rupert
15 MetzalX Yuan Lin
16 Paradiddle Hendri
17 Crucifieldx Callista
18 Frummer Faidhi
19 alvinthedrummer Alvin (Music Lab) & (Pearl Endorsee)
20 mel80 Melyn
21 myner Dave
22 beboptang Audrey Tang
23 smildrumez Syamil
24 snowflier Elaine
25 Nike Niki
26 Drum_hobbyists Fu Man
27 caijunlong Chun Leng
28 spinninsticks LJ
29 lepak Shiv
30 Reuben Reuben
31 Jamella James
32 MassageParlour Azhari
33 Logan Logan
34 Zildjohn John
35 BetterStartLate_ThanNever Lee
36 Kanzer Fredick
37 BebopIggy Raymond
38 DullTheater Nazrey
39 Blissuicide Hari
40 fiqqo Taufig
41 Rustee Jason
42 ConanCassidy Conan
43 QWEbie Jason
44 pacifusion kingchi
45 BlahBlahX Xiang Jing
46 sidmontu Sid
47 Tim097 Tim
48 nazdrummer Nazree
49 XenOgenesis Pearson
50 Lamdrummer Salam
51 hi Liang Hong
52 Boon-SDF Tan Boon (Singapore DrumFest)
53 stephj Jono
54 Don M Dol Mulok (Luis Suliano Nephew)
55 heartbeat Augustine
56 drumusiclover Valerie
57 whirlypopp Wayne Lim Wang Jie
58 apez Hafiz
59 ahpek1 Shahferi
60 EugeneSmasher Eugene
61 Bor Robin
62 deonportnoy Deon
63 Acrimonious Elias
64 Melvin Melvin
65 Weckish Bryan
66 entered2exit Yao
67 ExRocker Anish
68 drumbum Kelvin
69 wiremesh Joshua Thia
70 Himawari Bryan
71 firehorn Shawn
72 ioaka Joash
73 herryk Herry
74 darkcrisp Daniel
75 Ender Karthik Sean
76 yOshiki Swee Lin
77 hazoo Nazrul
78 jenocide Jen
79 emman91 Emmanuel
80 Chaserr Syafiq
81 nkf31 Nicholas
82 drummeright Stephanie Julias
83 Jonathan Johnathan
84 bklk Brandon
85 vlrc Valerie
86 DRMP Nigel (Drum Resources)
87 elsonandhistrumpet Elson
88 DrumDead Chia Jenn Hui
89 ECK Chow Kiat -
90 Vertical Nat
91 weckl-x Hozea
92 gambatak Joshua Thia
93 jukebox Tifanny
94 rayz Dave
95 LordNagrath Nathaniel
96 Phat Phunk Saufee
97 xng07 Jennifer
98 drummerdude Ricky Yeo
99 andyzire Andy
100 Perishz Marc
101 Ceing Chong Ee
102 Churn Churner
103 mihreth Shirley
104 dmr Matthew
105 drumset_raf Rafee Mahmood
106 wiremesh Joshua
107 evident Jethro
108 zack11 Zahrin
109 ipul Shaiful
110 tktgk79 Marcus
111 artofdrumming Richard
112 hazoo Hazrul
113 Starclassic Affan
114 coconat Nat
115 Leonghart Kian Leong
116 Will2040 Willard
117 Pollux#13 Dil
118 Sheylara Qiao Yun
119 Schtauffen Jeremy
120 ryuxdragonx Kay Fong
121 BiGMac Christian
122 chrisxtremes Christopher
123 zack11 Zack
124 Composer of Requiems Nic
125 Jem-Drummer Jeremy
126 ritztree-ritz Ritz
127 arkofnoiracles Syafik
128 JieZheng Ng Zheng Jie
129 Girlpants Dayana
130 SolGrundy Yan Shun
131 Schtanffen Jeremy
132 thedeathbat Ong Guo Ping
133 AKO623 Anson Koh
134 jasontxf Jason
135 ray2 Nick

DXS Members Not Officially Registered At Soft's Forum
1 Gary
2 Tony Zee
3 Terry (Pro Musique) Mapex
4 Dennis (Yamaha Music School)
5 Arthur Lee (Swee Lee Music)
6 Nazreen (Tama's Friend)
7 Sallie (Mapex Endorsee)
8 Mohammad Noor (Mapex Endorsee)
9 Fairoz (Mapex Endorsee)
10 Bobby Singh (Mapex Endorsee)
11 Jen Geck (Ranking Sports & Music)
12 Tama Goh (Tama Goh Production)(Pearl Endorsee)
13 Mr Peow Gee San (Accent Musical Equipment Pte Ltd)
14 Gilbert Nogales (DrumFest 2007 Drum-Challenge Champion)
15 Ong Wee Kian (Tanglin CC) Benson

Dear Soft’s Drum Xchange Singapore (DXS) Members & Committee of SBCS and all Softies.

Plans To Rejuvenate DXS & Getting A Home In 2014

I have spoken to James ( Owner of Soft Music Forum) here & Alfe Kim ( DXS Chairman ) that we should and shall try our best to bring back to life …. Soft’s Drums Xchange Singapore.

Committee Members Of Soft’s Drum Xchange Singapore 2014 –

James ( Owner Of Soft Mucic ) , Alfe Kim ( Chairman ) PA Trainer, Mr.Tama Goh ( Advicer To DXS ), Eric Wong( Initiator & CM ), Fu Man ( CM), Choon Leng ( CM), Melvin ( CM), Jeremy Lua (CM), Kean Ong ( CM). Jackson ( CM).

Just to recap …… DXS Objectives & Purpose; -

(1) Soft’s DXS is for the Drumming Community to meet up in person in a Physical Meetup Environment to Share The Drumming Hobby

(2) Any Barriers that cause a Division among Drummers will not be tolerated too.

(3) DXS is here to build a sense of belonging for The Group of Drummers, and let them take Charge/Ownership of this Group DXS in which they belongs, Involvement is foster through here. – and that’s how “Soft’s Drum Xchange Singapore” and it’s slogan came about in 2007.

(4) The Slogan “Inpired To Drum, Drumming To Inspire” was accepted by DXS members contributed by Jiv. The Logo & Design was done by starvingartists…This forms our IDENTITY/IMAGE for Soft’s Drum Xchange Singapore till todate.

(5) With the above in place – members order their Tees at cost from starvingartists back then, and Rudimentaldrummer managed to get 3 Drum-Heads and managed to seek the DXS Design done up for free by a drummer – Mr. Augustine. The 2 Banners was paid one by Rudimentaldrummer and the other was paid by James (the forum owner himself).

(6) With this Identity in place – the group grew from hereand the Slogan tells us why we are here for ….. “To Inpire Drumming As A Hobby To Singaporeans” and to build “A Healthy Closely Knitted Family/Community Of Drummers Here”

(7) We hope that together with a Common Beliefs – we can influence drummers towards having the Right Attitude Towards Drumming & Music As A Community – beside sharing the drumming hobby towards excellence.

Another most important POINT – DXS realize that in order to make this happen – we have to “KEEP IT FREE” for all the drummers.

(1) Free as in – Everyone Owns this Drum Xchange – It’s not mine, it’s not just Yours – It’s Ours and so everyone have a part to play and be responsible here to keep it Healthy & Grow It. (Ownership & Involvement By Everyone).

(2) Free – because drummers who comes to DXS are from all walks of life, many are hobbiest, students, potential new drummers, foreigners working here etc…. but, there are also many others eg Professional Drummers, Music Company Selling Products, Music Schools Instructors (who attend and join us with certain conflict of interest among themselves which is only normal as in a competitive market) – all these people have their own interest/agenda for sure ( and we have to accept this – it’s not wrong here) but DXS have to managed Political Issues here as and when – when it arises- - -

(3) The DXS Committee of Soft’s Drum Xchange Singapore cannot be deem to be seen by any of DXS drummers as having an Ulterior Personal Motive or is seen with Special Interest even in taking sides and not been Neutral in the way we are running DXS or else… The Community Of Drummers will break-down and not grow to it’s fullest potential – thus this is our greatest concern where we as Committee Members have to expedite the greatest care in handling situations that are inevitable and are here at many a time – to balance this area….The Committee has to be very tactful and careful here – as our objective is to Strategically Grow As A Group & As Individual which t is of utmost importance to us as a Whole here.

We are just a Social Drumming Group that wants to build a pool of drummers in Singapore to share this passion & hobby – Our Obsession & Desire to drum better together as a Family through sharing is our Core Beliefs and we want to see Drumming in Singapore at the World Map one day hopefully. We believed we have great Drummers in Singapore and together we will grow to be better drummers through SHARING.

What keeps us altogether is only through “A Healthy Drumming Culture” & “An Xchange That Is Deem To Be FREE” - -

Mapex Sponsor ( formerly Terry from Pro Musique) sponsor us a Drum Kit and Ranking Sports sponsor a Carlos then.

Year 2007 did marks an Important year for us all Drummers at DXS in the past – eg

(1) The initiation of Soft’s Drum Xchange Singapore

(2) Singapore DrumFest 2007 (the 1st ever within Asia to bring in an Event at such a Large Scale by Tan Boon)

(3) A lot of Drum Clinics and MasterClass was organized then.

(4) Drums Companies are endorsing Singaporeans Drummers here eg Pearl & Mapex and more to come probably

(5) The preparation for Singapore Drum Festival 2008– where ‘Soft’s Drum Xchange had volunteers to help out”.

New Special Activity came up in 2008 – “Hammering & Re-Creating Cymbals” –where we can share how to Rejuvenate Better Sounding Cymbals by Fu Man

On 23rd Fenuary 2008 – 8 to 10pm – Drum Battle Event was carried out at BasketBall court out in the Open for Jurong Green CC – Chinese New Year with Mexican Embassy.

Past Venue -

Our Past Venues for DXS was from L Cube Studio to Ulu Pandan CC, to Jurong Green CC ( where we wanted to make it a home initially – but unfortunately – in the end didn’t ) to NLB ( National Library Auditorium Geylang Branch ) …to Scape.

In Order To Revive and Rejuvenate Soft’s Drum Xchange Singapore, the 1st thing we need to do is to look towards … Strategic Alliance here between A Permanent Venue By Sponsor large enough to house our Drummers of Soft’s Drum Xchange Singapore,

Warmest Regards

Soft & Soft's Bands Collective Singapore