
kinda same situation as me.
when i think about smoking, i must light one.
if not i'll feel uneasy.
and i agree that it helps me concentrate more in class.
it's just that i dont want to.
Jughead:ya,i smoke excessively just to do otherwise. one or two will help me but more then that, i'll start to have a weird feeling...
i dont see the stress relief when smoking.its like trying to shut a spinning door.

edit: i smoked up to 11 sticks today cause i was in a deep stress/depression.i admit.
i went through depression once.

had to smoke alot to cope with the imense stress.
not to mention the frequent visits to the doctor,
and those pills i have to eat everyday..

i name them 'happy pills'

well at least now im on the road to recovery, (i think)

i dare say people start smoking because their peers do it.

i started because both my bandmates are smokers, and it got pretty boring to sit in the studio alone while the other two went out for smoke breaks.

i used to smoke only then, then i started working at shangri-la hotel where smoke breaks were a great time to bond with your superiors and co-workers without the pressures of work. made lots of friends!

if two strangers happen to be smokers, they break the ice faster over cigarettes.

i think you start to get addicted out of habit- when i first started, i'd smoke maybe once a week or so when i met my smoker-friends and never feel cravings or urges.

once you start doing it regularly and the habit forms, eg "every morning when i wake up" or "every night before i go to sleep" or "after meals" etc, it gets much harder to quit.

if you've been smoking for an extended period of time, you get chills and fevers from lack of nicotine when you don't smoke.

but at the end of the day i think it's mostly the habit that's the hardest to kick. there is a sense of familiarity and security having something between the fingers, and the deep breaths and puffs are quite satisfying.

i've never really been in it for the so-called "stress-relief" though. I enjoy my cigarettes.

But please don't start just for the sake of it, it's a very expensive habit here in Singapore, it's unhealthy, and it smells bad.

Smoking=expensive habit+unhealthy habit+addictive habit.
Shangrila hotel,I remember there were lots of workers smoking at the loading bay area.
no worry aki brader

just have this mantra

"I am a smoker and Im ok with it"..sometimes I think we smokers are being marginalised by the public in general..akin to the 70's having a long hair you are serve last mentality..

I smoke but I dont go around creating disturbances like a a drink and drive scenarios and whathaveyous..being drunk will get you into fights/robbed/molested etc etc..

Yes..smoking is harmful/wasteful and _______(please fill in the blank) but I choose to smoke cause _______(please fill in the blank)

me-I choose to smoke coz I feel inner peace...

I don't personally hate smokers or what actually,is just that I can bear to see my smoker friends suffers later on from the harmful effects of cigarette later on in life.A coursemate of mine,her dad is a smoker and had tongue cancer recently and had part of his tongue removed and replaced with the flesh from his thight and is currently undergoing chemo.Tha's how scary smoking can do to people.
I spent most of my young life suffering from depression, I think my relief was the worst of all haha. I cut myself. I think cutting's the real extreme, though it isn't an expensive method. Perfect for young fellows. But of course funny thing is, now that I have the means to drink to get rid of my depression, I find cutting quite silly. :cool:

From what I've heard, living in certain places will make your lungs go black whether you smoke or not...
Long Hair Poster

Aki et al

In the 70s, the Singapore govt had this view that males with long-hair aspire to a hippie lifestyle i.e. drugs, ganja, free love and so on. So, there was this campaign to discourage males having hair. It is not banned per se, but you will be served last when you go to a govt dept (don't forget, back then there was no Internet and low Giro use, so for most things you have to do it in person). Plus, the Immigration officers will routinely ban foreigners from entering Singapore with long hair. Hence the news articles I posted earlier.

A different world then....
I spent most of my young life suffering from depression, I think my relief was the worst of all haha. I cut myself. I think cutting's the real extreme, though it isn't an expensive method. Perfect for young fellows. But of course funny thing is, now that I have the means to drink to get rid of my depression, I find cutting quite silly. :cool:

From what I've heard, living in certain places will make your lungs go black whether you smoke or not...

Oh my god! Emo kid!

Come on dude, if you're depressed seek medical help! Cutting yourself or drinking is just lame.:rolleyes: (Okay drinking is good but not drink just cause you're depressed.:D)

I smoke a lot when i'm happy, not when i'm depressed. I don't know why. Hahaha.
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i cut myself.
not just the normal wrist area.
i cut my ankles and my hand.

im not ashamed to admit it.
but i think it's stupid.

feels corny and cliche but when you feel so much emotional hurt.
physical pain doesnt affect you.

I'm not emo! Most emos aren't really depressed, its the culture they like. I like to think my depression's now on the minor side because I barely have suicidal tendencies now. Actually my main antidote when I'm down is prayer haha, drinking is more of a little pleasure for me now and then, or when I'm too down to pray (which is rare, thankfully!)
Then why do it in the first place if you don't feel anything? Isn't the hurt supposed to be 'rejuvenating'?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not putting anyone down. I'm just curious that's all.
its a feeling of joy/ecstasy short of orgasm when you tarik after a good meal..words can't describe fully the feeling..but yeah..its very damn shiok..its like sex..have to try it to know the true happiness..

will you tell your kids the same thing? (those 2 cute tods in ur signature)
My ex-gf used to cut herself, with a rusty blade even. Nasty. I'd never cut myself 'cos I'm too much of a wussy. Very very low tolerance for pain.

And just for the record, my ex didn't cut herself because of me. It seemed to be a trend amongst girl school girls at that time. A bunch of other IJians I knew were also cutting themselves. Coincidence, maybe. Never did see the point of inflicting unnecessary pain upon yourself.

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