SLAYER in S'pore (photos added in gallery)

The turnout small, cannot blame what. Singapore how many metalheads only.. Saw some people from other countries too but not many though.. Anyway i thought the bass drum mic was so solid it was so loud damn ncie lah!
oh well you gotta understand and thankfully enough they at least got here... supposedly they almost got cancelled... and the reason it was short was because slayer was informed rather late about the cancelling of 5 songs and only could replace it with 2 or 3 i think...
hmm why did they give a shit? we all didnt give a shit and smoke right after everything ended inside..muahaha..they should have just gone ahead with the 5 songs which was not allowed...but anyways it was still one hell of a show
panz3rr said:
hmm why did they give a shit? we all didnt give a shit and smoke right after everything ended inside..muahaha..they should have just gone ahead with the 5 songs which was not allowed...but anyways it was still one hell of a show

probably cause of liability constraints.
they've got to answer to management if they get sued by our good ole censorship assfecks. the never ending authority chain. :(
It's not the getting sued or getting in trouble that Slayer cares about, but the fact that they would not be able to come back to Singapore, and subsequently may be banned from other countries which were on the fence for hosting the band. In that respect, the fans suffer, and Slayer does not want that.
This is probably the first and last time Slayer comes to singapore anyway, Araya looks old and tired.. But it was a great concert though!
omg i'm just interested to look at those girls being squeezed among the group of hairy monster they call man! :twisted:
the gig was ok for me...the crowd was good...the set was damned short but Angel of Death was phucking crazy....

my damned neck hurts....
my neck is slowly getting better.

Someone said there will be footage and photos and stuff on stomp?

Not there =(

I got infront of the camera a few times.
hey wtf on that shirt it says unholy alliance tour on it! mine says tour 2006.

one of the roadies gave me 3 guitar pics one of tom, one of kerry and one of jeff and im thinking about trading them for a drumstick. did anyone catch daves drumstick?
i framed them!