Lombardo: Yeah! That never stopped either. You know what was so cool that we did? We did everything in our power to promote ourselves when we were first starting out. Check this out, we would go to high schools, jump the fence, and stick flyers in every single locker at the school. For our light show, we would bring our own lights because we were SLAYER. We brought in our smoke and pyro and for our lights we would go and steal light bulbs from in front of houses — you know those colored lights — and go and make our own light show with those things. We were determined.
Me and Kerry [King, guitar] would go to buildings and say, "Hey, we would like to rent your building for a show and throw a rock concert," so we were our own promoters. We would go to arcades that would have a little room for bands and ask them if we could play. That's how we were. That, sometimes, you don't find in bands today. Automatically, they play a club and they think they're famous. They get big heads and think they're the shit. It takes a lot more than that. You have to pursue it and not wait to be catered. It was always me and Kerry and this friend and we had this big old megaphone, "See SLAYER at this school, at this time," and drive up and down the streets.