Singaporeans and Perth


New member
I'm just wondering, becuase i've met so many Singaporeans that have studied in Perth, why they go to Perth. whats so good about it? I've never been there myself and my friends say its boring.

So why Perth?

Why not Sydney 8) or Melbourne :?
perth is peacefullllll. haha

anw racism rate in aussie is so much it's boring.. what have we asians done! :?
BlackMoo said:
Singaporeans bro.

Hmm yeah thanks for that, it didnt look right.

There was a thing in the 70's when people thought the asians were coming to take over aust. but I think only the older people would have those negative ideas.

Younger aussies shouldnt be racist, but you get racist people everywhere. the media also plays a big role in painting a picture on other cultures and that where the ethnocentric ideas and values form
haha i went to melbourne to study. the racism there wasn't that pronounced, in fact, i got along pretty well with the aussies. been to perth for holiday several times too, a little on the slow side, great retirement place really. city life not as vibrant as melbourne imho. my cousins are studying there now, in fact, they migrated. why? dunno. guess parents chose there. but they said its boring too. kinda wished they were back in sg. haha. think singaporeans in general don't get the racist sting as some other folks of other nationalities. in melbourne and perth at least, i know its not the singaporeans who get it as bad. but you do get some twerps every now and then, who call you "chink" etc. ignore them and life is fine really. :)
Most students go over to pursue their degrees because they

a)want an overseas degree at rates lower than UK/USA
b)cannot make it into the local uni
c)want to have an easier learning pace
d)they want to do a course not available locally
e)Poly grads are entitled to complete their courses much faster

As for why Perth?

a)Mel Uni is too tough too qualify
b)Syd also not easy
c)Perth has reasonably cheaper and easier to qualify Uni
Perth is cheaper, Melbourne is too expensive. As for the racism, my friend was called a "chink" (a racist remark on chinese) and had a middle finger shown to him by some australians while he was walking on the street. But overall , they are not racist as according to my friend.
Australia has gone bad. its not safe anymore. even as an australian, I was abused by ethnic people in the street.

And melbourne is the 2nd most multicultural city in the world i think.
at least it's still safer than Britain.
by ethnic, you referring to aborigines?

I think Melbourne U and Monash U are good institutions. Opinions anyone?
Melbourne U is the Top U in Aust, I think. Not that easy to get in as compared to other aussie u, and its more expensive too.

The australia prime minister is John Howard
Vaiyen said:
at least it's still safer than Britain.
by ethnic, you referring to aborigines?

I think Melbourne U and Monash U are good institutions. Opinions anyone?

ethnics as in arabs and greeks,italians. those middle eastern/ mediterainian people.
nitrovo said:
Australia has gone bad. its not safe anymore. even as an australian, I was abused by ethnic people in the street.

And melbourne is the 2nd most multicultural city in the world i think.

i was studying in Perth during 1997, peak of Pauline bitch Hanson's political career~!
TOTALLY screwed up ~! Had glass bottles thrown out of cars at us ... kinda like a glass bottle driveby ... lol ~!
But we were armed as well ... so ... mini war erupted ~
Had to leave after 1/2 a year ...

den went to Melbourne to continue studies ...
Totally DIFFERENT ~!
The ppl there were nice .... very few racist... normally surfacing when they are drunk, coz they dun have the balls to say stuff like dat when they're sober ~!
But those were small shits dat got their ass kicked by ppl of their own race.
Really nice ppl in Melbourne ~!
i don't like Perth. it's boring. i'm also a little bitter because my ex studied in perth. hahahahaha. no i'm kidding, i'm not bitter. but it IS pretty boring, i can't imagine wanting to live there. actually to be honest, i can't imagine wanting to live anywhere in australia. :?
Well i'm not 'native' to Australia, but I've had other people who have been born over seas and moved to aust, and were giving me trouble becuase I was born in Australia. its so stupid. why can't people get along, at least stay in their own country if they are going to come to a new country and cuase trouble like this.

This one time on ANZAC day (special day for australians and kiwis remebering the soldiers in WW1) we had a special ceremony, and i saw a teenager, who looked greek or lebonese or something (its hard to explain, but they are the ones that act like the RnB gangsters in america, with their done up cars and carrying knives. well at my school anyway)

so there was this kid, during the 1 minute silence, laying on the ground talking to his friends and laughing. I was so angry at his disrespect.

thats all :)
australians stereotype asians as bad because they allowed a lot of vietnamnese into their country some decades ago out of sympathy. The viets then caused social chaos by committing many crimes and stealing(they used to leave their stores unmanned, and there would be a bucket of change for u to pay and take change by yourself, no one would cheat), but when the viets came, they stole the money, cheated...everything we cant blame them for stereotyping all asians as bad. However, its pretty scary to be in perth, just look at any traffic light, there will be flyers promoting racism against asians pasted on "STOP THE ASIANISATION OF AUSTRALIA!" or "RACISTS ARE PEACE LOVING PEOPLE WHO WANT A PEACEFUL LIFE"...etc. other states not so racist, only perth is particularly racist.

At an airport in perth, my mum went to one of the food outlets to order a chicken sandwich, and she told the woman there, "Can I have a chicken sandwich please?", and the woman gave her a black face and mockingly said, "You've got to pay for it.", my mum, not getting it at first, replied, "yea, i know, I'd like a chicken sandwich please", and the woman replied again, "You've got to pay for it.", only on the third time, did the woman sell her the sandwich...I was really damn damn damn freaking chitut knn angry when i heard about that! i wanted to go to that shop and scold the damn woman...but it was too late, had to board the flight... :x
Part of the reason for the alienation of asians is because they excel in certain fields and therefore pose as serious competition to the locals. Lots of doctors are of chinese descent in Ozland. Racism is everywhere.

Sometimes racism might even be politically movtivated so that the ruling party can avoid having to deal with real social issues such as providing solutions to proverty and disease.
Timex said:
Sometimes racism might even be politically movtivated so that the ruling party can avoid having to deal with real social issues such as providing solutions to proverty and disease.

Happened a lot in Malaysia during Mahatir's tenure.