Singapore does not have a nice political scene, contrary to whatever you guys have mentioned.
The fact that the percentage of the opposition present in parliament is lower than 20% definitely reflects something. The government will tend to create policies that are one-sided because everyone in the parliament will probably be in sync because they all believe in the philosophy of PAP. No one will question and in the long run, the government will definitely go out of sorts because there's simply no one to keep them in check besides themselves. Many people do not understand the severity of this problem because we are a successful nation! But, we're only 42 years old. Singapore is only 42 years old. PAP is probably only reaching its golden jubilee.
Look, the US Congress has been around since 1776. The House of Common and the House of Lord in UK has advised the UK monarch for literally centuries. And you have to realize, their success is very much dependent on the fact that the opposition and proposition both exist.
It's simple. Even basic laws of physics will tell you. There is no equilibrium when things are only one-sided.