Singapore Idols 2006 Season 2

ALiP_BoB said:
Some local band like Ronin. Not sure what genre. But i heard of them b4. Just never heard them play. Didn't bother. X Japan can kick their ass with both eyes closed and a hand tied behind their back. :lol:

Dont compare with X Japan, thats a disgrace :evil:

Anw, Electrico performance can be find in anywhere, any gig, any pub and clubs, the difference is, they are in a different league :lol:
wah lao eh...say electrico until liddat...
at least support local music mah.....
just no support for dancing monkees! :lol:

I dun need clean cut pop albums.
If the music is there,and there are the roughness to it,its PART of the music.

and i think local recording is not really bad.
^ yeah,Bob,u must not have listen to alot of local music.

they GOT bass! OMG! go listen to Lunarin's The Chrysalis.and if u dun hear bass there,then i think u must have hearing deficiency :P

ALiP_BoB said:
Im not talking abt the bass guitar. Im saying that it sounds THIN. :twisted:

thin is a very bad descriptive word.its more of a rough recording.but that was last time,things changed already. u go listen to Taufik's album and then tell me about "thin"

they dun sound trebly nor like a 64kbps song anymore -_-"" u really gotta start listening to local
interesting. i thought this was a singapore idol thread when it went into the topic of recording.

vheissu : most studios go into digital recording already. not too sure which still uses reel tapes. reel tapes are costly.

ALiP_BoB : I won't try to put up a defence for "local recordings" , it's not even about "majority wins" here. my point being : it's true singapore's recordings sound thin compared to the Fat USA/UK's. but if you have even read up or watch any of their "behind the scenes/in-the-making-of-this-album" recording video footage. the amount of professional gear is endless, not to mention the magical ppl who handle them with years of experience and trade secrets, easily cost up to a million bucks worth. professional audio engineers with pro studios recording professional musicians. there you go a great album with global support. to compare with singapore, even if any studio can buy so much killer global standard equipment, it's either too much for the audio engineer (usually they have a team there.recording/mixing/mastering/producing etc etc) to handle .... or as simple as a wallet damaging bill that no local band can afford. so simple said, your stuff costs $1 million, but what, you're gonna earn $50 (average standard studio recording rate) an hour to recover back your losses? don't think so. business doesn't work that way hehe. but that's not for you to worry as a end-consumer. just try to understand being in our shoes.

take appreciation that the local scene is picking up..[www] audioreload/Soft/pure rock/rampage on airwaves/smallfry (podcasts) [radio] with power98's power jam and 987fm's "Home" programs that try to play local music. former radio stations that didn't last in the past also. [media] local bands are appearing in newspapers and magazines. [tv] superband on channel U etc. and join us all to give local music a chance. cos each one lesser local-music-skeptic is a next generation of your lifetime's influence and support. hope i make sense.

P.S : and yes, I am trying to hypnotize you. :lol:

90¢ worth
i dun have any Taufik songs,only heard them on my cousin's radio a few times

but yeah,Local recording doesnt suck,ask me for some local bands when u come online.dun think i'm just talking shit man,i respect local efforts!

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