Singapore Idols 2006 Season 2


Aww... DarknessFury, don't bring yourself down to their level!!!

I used to think that bimbos had some mental disorder where they could not control their finger which clicks the shift button. :lol:

but anyways... I guess I'm going to root for Jonathan from now on. If he kena knocked out, I'm going to completely boycott SI. That guy has some serious attitude on stage.
after watching tonight's round--it's anyone's game. Florence actually said to Joakim that 'your fans should let you make a dignified exit'. I'm wondering whether reverse psychology would apply again.
Hady only gets better and better each week. His rendition of Sheils Majid's Legenda was simply...superb. He must have been at the concert when Sheila performed at the Esplanade some weeks ago. He has my vote for sure.

Joakim should not even be in the top 10. Seriously.
hady should be the next singapore idol.he was really amazing!
paul did a good job too and i was suprised when hearing him speaking madarin.
so now my fave are still Hady and Paul :D
hady really amaze me..and because of him.... singing lagenda by sheila majid.... i have broken my promise... ive vote for him.... 10 times.... (of course he worth more that $6)
The best part is when ken commented to Joakim, "i need 2 seconds of peace, (after the crowd shuts up and 2 seconds passes) now that sounds better than your voice". hahahahaahah...
Taylorboy87 said:
The best part is when ken commented to Joakim, "i need 2 seconds of peace, (after the crowd shuts up and 2 seconds passes) now that sounds better than your voice". hahahahaahah...

woo yeah that was really great...he's gonna go out this week...and if he doesnt...i'd have to say i'm a citizen of a very tonedeaf society...
as much as i feel that Joakim can't sing, I however cannot blame him at all for still being in the competition lah.

Its his fans' fault, not his.

Give the boy a break.

snuffleupagus said:
as much as i feel that Joakim can't sing, I however cannot blame him at all for still being in the competition lah.

Its his fans' fault, not his.

Give the boy a break.


urmm...gotta agree to that...

hady really amaze me..and because of him.... singing lagenda by sheila majid.... i have broken my promise... ive vote for him.... 10 times.... (of course he worth more that $6)

I've never thought that i'll ever vote for any Idol, but last night, Hady truly deserve my votes....
Anyone here pissed at Flo's comments on Joakim? I mean who's she to tell people not to vote for him. I mean yeah, he sucks, but you don't have the right to tell anyone not to vote for him. What would she know about dignity anyway? Full of shit i tell you.

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