Singapore Idol Finalist? YOUR THOUGHTS!!!!

may be he WAS gay. eh nurul huda voted out ah? oooh i see.
TABITHA AND SYLTRA's VOICE. good... i like syltra's gibson acoustic guitar. nice man...
Farhan was bad... pitchy man.
I'm personally rooting for Sezairi from Juxtapose and Syltra! Voting for Syl not only bcos she's my vox but I'm very impressed with her talents and abilities to shine.

Sezairi is also very very talented to say the least. And he's gonna open the show with Sunday Morning from Maroon 5, how cool is that ????

Sezairi's Facebook page:

Syltra's Facebook page:

James (Soft) has also put up Syltra's performance at a recent fundraising concert in the youtube link below, check her out!!
I hope the winner likes singing rock songs rather than RnB/soul/pop.
we've already got 2 idols with those interest, lets get something new mannnn.

and hahahaha "SHARHAN FAH IS GAY):"???? thats funny mannn. not the gay part, but the spelling part. LOL
both nurul huda and janna have strong voice and yet they are being booted out of the idol.

this is to show that the viewers have no musical taste at all.

btw nurul huda is so damn cute. :mrgreen::mrgreen:
prediction initially:

winner - malay guy with spiked up hair singing RnB
runner up - chinese guy with long2 hair singing Rock

prediction now: i dont know! i hope for a girl winner though. feel like the girls have better voices this time round.
I predict that a Malay Male will win!

I'm hoping that it'll be Sezairi because he's awesome, but I'm guessing that it'll probably be Farhan Shah in the end. The main reason why I say this is because the Malay community has much more unified spirit and will vote much more than anybody else.

Guys will always make it further than girls, because girls vote for guys more than guys vote for girls.

Minority races like Tamils or Eurasians will be out earlier, because their community support is very small.

Malaque has my support, she kicked my butt in a singing competition in JC! She's a really very nice person.
I predict that a Malay Male will win!

I'm hoping that it'll be Sezairi because he's awesome, but I'm guessing that it'll probably be Farhan Shah in the end. The main reason why I say this is because the Malay community has much more unified spirit and will vote much more than anybody else.

Guys will always make it further than girls, because girls vote for guys more than guys vote for girls.

Minority races like Tamils or Eurasians will be out earlier, because their community support is very small.

Malaque has my support, she kicked my butt in a singing competition in JC! She's a really very nice person.

i hope it wont be a malay guy who wins the idol this time. cuz if that happens, it means ppl aren't voting for talent but colour. we want to see talent mannnnn!
I did! And like 50 times!

yes! i witnessed tis!

as u can see during the 1st round, the first three names announced are the 'voters pick'.
the other 3 are the 'judges pick'.

the voters pick are all guys... and yes i swear tat peeps like nurul,tabitha,syltra,malique sang way better than the 3 guys. it just sucky tt they are nt voted in. and tis talents,only 3 will be picked by the judges.


next round etc.

vote properly la! go for talent,not looks! 60cents sia!

i cheer for Sezairi and Faizal Isa!!!!
Tabitha and Mae!!!!

those are my hot fav. yeap. farhan shah disappointment ah...
i hope it wont be a malay guy who wins the idol this time. cuz if that happens, it means ppl aren't voting for talent but colour. we want to see talent mannnnn!

Wow thats quite racist.I believe the past idols are very talented.
Hmm.. I would say Hady didnt deserve Asian Idol though.. thats all...

Taufik great dancer and i believe he is doing well in the malay music industry? yea. not sure abt hady .

i cheer for Sezairi and Faizal Isa!!!!
Tabitha and Mae!!!!

those are my hot fav. yeap. farhan shah disappointment ah...

Tabitha sang and looked really good today lah.. but I wished she had put in more oooommpphh and attitude, singing that kind of song (which happens to be one of my favourite songs of all time :D).

Others? Plain forgettable or just unimpressive... ;)

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