Simple Songs that Speak Volumes

I don't listen to much music, frankly. Its more of a casual browse, oh, I like this, I take it, and listen to it without covering their songs, to try and assimilate (spelling's wacked) it into my playing.

I like to listen to stuff thats usually in the rock/metal context, but with a twist, so to speak. And yeah, everything is connected to my guitar so here goes:

Started with Mr Big, because Paul Gilbert got me going on the guitar. Still a fan of PG, though he does get repetitive nowadays.

I listen to Freak Kitchen because of the outrageous guitar work, unique rock. So Steve Vai drops in here too. These 2 are the push to play differently, to get out of the box.

I like listening to Blind Guardian, Nevermore, Spock's Beard, a little Queen, because I like the way their vocalists compose the vocals, how they layer their stuff in different ways than the standard "in 3rds all the way". Blind Guardian is the main inspiration to why I compose with too many guitars....

Those were the main influences... along the way there's... Rage, S.O.A.D., some weird J Rock stuff thats passe, Brian Szeter, the usual guitar greats, and now, I'm trying to get into fusion/jazz stuff.

Good music = stuff thats different first and foremost. Its got a unique character, when I hear, I know who's playing. Then 2nd, its gotta catch my attention. Thats all.

I don't listen to much. I tend to sit @ home and compose more than listen.

Now tell me how much I'm missing out there. :D
Crawldaddy said:

Wah... scally all the ibanez-toting shredders start converting to acoustic.. then spoil my market.

but I have my MANDOLIN!!!

seriously, welcome to the club, ShredCow.

Nothing beats one person with their acoustic, and maybe a tambourine or harmonica playing along.

I wouldn't convert to solely acoustic ba.

But its fascinating to listen to the singers in that stripped down format.

Something, I've seen less guitarists do, much less electric guitarists.

While the guitar cannot be a human voice, I reckon it can get close, its just that, I'm not good enough yet. Or something.

I need to quit working and play full time. :lol: Silly-ness.

shredcow: ah ok. i'm amazed of the way you post. i don't seem to detect a hint of irony in it. seems like you're the real deal here :D
SherT said:
Both Hands would probably rank as one of my favourites right now.

That was from her first album, released back in 1990 (when I was only 1!). She's gone a real long way from then, changing her styles somewhat as a new album came out. She's played angst, jazz, chillout, or just folk as we know it. Now it's become more mature, in a way.

But man, I miss her old stuff.
Re: ..

rottenramone said:
shredcow: ah ok. i'm amazed of the way you post. i don't seem to detect a hint of irony in it. seems like you're the real deal here :D

Sorry, I don't quite get you, what "irony" were you thinking of?
fored said:
SherT said:
Both Hands would probably rank as one of my favourites right now.

That was from her first album, released back in 1990 (when I was only 1!). She's gone a real long way from then, changing her styles somewhat as a new album came out. She's played angst, jazz, chillout, or just folk as we know it. Now it's become more mature, in a way.

But man, I miss her old stuff.

I only have Little Plastic Castle (not sure if I got the title correct). Great stuff!
Awwww so sweet! Moo has an emo side afterall. Heh. :D
There comes a time when we realize it is harder to move than impress.
Me like love ballads by Engelbert, seems to bring me into another world. Also, Paul Anka writes v nice songs lyrically, but his voice isnt the best ard. I always tot how nice it wld be if i was born in the 50s, can see so much transition from the old world into the now fast pace modern IT day.

Eva cassidy always does it for me... Her voice is OMG, from heaven. She does mainly covers, but her rendition of songs only make the songs sound so much nicely. Her voice carries so much emo, n does show u that she was gg thro a v bad time. But God bless her soul, may she RIP.. do read up on her man, v sad...

Eric clapton-old love
Any stan getz pieces
actually, i just switch on to gold 90fm

btw im only 24 haha
i guitar and a vocal huh...

these are my favourite acoustic acts at the moment

death cab for cutie - i will follow you into the dark
teddy geiger - for you i will (confidence)
sheryl crow - soak up the sun

yeah i think thats about it...

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