Shredcow's Jam


New member
Got a little bored so I thought I'd do a jam session over a repeated backing track I made. Did not take a thematic approach, just a straightforward jam with normal penta/major soloing.

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Would love to have comments on the tone!

Setup was Guitar --> Blackstone Overdrive (Red Channel) --> Boss OC-2 --> Skreddy Screwdriver --> Sansamp Original --> Boss DD-3 (hi cut mod)

Mix down was done with some compression to even the volumes out.

Backing track repeated Am(add9) / Dm7 / G / C - Bdim7 forever.
hi very nice playing! but i prefer a more rawer tone, i tot the sound was overly "computer processed", dunno how to say, its like i'd prefer amp overdrive to using an effect pedal. haha, but reallllly nice playing. ;)
Nice work as always. 8)

Which pedal was used for solo/ the little chugs of rhythm? The lead sound, super smooth and organic. I would have preferred a bit more warmth and mid. Other than that, generally great tone, I'm sure you had fun playing with it.
Hey MichealAngelo, thats an interesting point of view there. :) This overly processed tone could be either the Sansamp or the compression to mp3... the .wav file does sound quite a bit warmer. Or ... wait till I get my amp. :P

The pedals were always on. :) All the way. I didn't touch the pedals except for the OC-2 at the end. Its bascially the guitar's pup combinations:

neck out of phase in parallel with bridge in parallel
neck out of phase
bridge in parallel
bridge in series
neck in series / split
neck in series with octave

You can hear the differences... vol knob was max all the time.
lol yea i noticed tt when recording stuff, wat comes on the computer doesnt sound like whats on the amp, OR perhaps its just my taste for those brighter n rawer sounds. :P

edit: btw, to be most honest with u, i dont really understand the tech talk u made in your last reply. sth abt neck n bridge n parallels...etc. :oops: sorry for my ignorance.
hey man...pretty cool tone...but not my cuppa tea for the playing, tt's pretty damn sweet :D hope to hear more stuff frm ya :D
daniel !

i somehow .. prefer this side of u . something away from ur 'unorthordox' way of playing .haha. but its real cool lar nonetheless.. ur own style.

the playing was great man !! the tone .. hmmm . i find it yea.. a lil too .. processed like that . but man the dynamics and all . are still fairly clear.

tone is in ur fingers man !!
man .. make a vid or smth man !!

the best thing u can get is ur fellow softie on vid man .

seriously .. i love seeing videos of ppl jamming.

make another of ur early morning jam or smth .aha.
i like the neck tone variation..i feel the bridge tone kinda dirty and dry (did u off the delay?)overall tone not bad ..i mean can do..

Bro can u suck out a little vol on the bass part of the backing track.Coz i think its a bit loud and distracting to your guitar tone..or perhaps u can eq it to make it tighter...

best of all i like the octaves...its kinda balance not like same other octaves that i have heard.
Like wat Micheal mention ur method or recording do make a diff so as the compression on the mp3>wav (vice versa) sound big u need to mic it .
Get a Shure 57 sure it will do wonders... 8)
Hey Siva, yeah, this is "normal" playing. I guess we all have to conform the to the norm every once in a while aye?
Early Morning jams... well... there's been a problem with my webcam and I've been lazy. 8)

penguin, the delay was on thru out, I realised, with the mixdown to mp3, the delay effect was lessen quite a bit, and the mp3 is 192kbps! There's a lot of detail missing and the overall sound is colder.
For the backing, I added compression because I thought it would bring out the sound, wanted the bass to boom!
Main problem with mic-ing is family. :) They don't take too kindly to an electric guitar wailing away @ 1am. So its been a compromise for me all the time.

Okay, so far I'm getting the tone is processed sounding, a lot... keep the comments rolling, I like what i'm hearing.
Let me know, is the tone is vintage? Modern? Different?
im hearing ur song thru a comp speaker...i bet it would be different if i were to hear it on a studio monitor...

well to me sound wise..ur considered modern mayb a bit hybrid..hehe
i do like digital recording.(modelling and the likes)
no amps mics ...

for recording normally i record dry...add effects later..that way if i dun like the delay or chorus...i`ll just edit it...
thats just me...
I prefer to record dry too, except for chorus and the delay, which my software can't emulate the way I want it to. :P

For my tone, i'm aiming at something different. I don't want to sound vintage or old school, neither do I want overly modern like Vai. Looking for something without that irritating compression and bloom (e.g. tubescreamers) and something that gets a lot of bite in it, a bit of hair.
did u record through a recording interface or through ur sound card? I find that if you record through the sound card, the tone changes alot....almost like a lot of compression....very dead sounding....
aye beast, its straight to a crappy laptop soundcard! I've been considering those recording interfaces but am considering a new computer at the moment, which is more essential. I mean, right now, i can only have like 8 guitar tracks going on with minimal effects...
love the rhythm parts, but solo wise has a tad too much compression... but i love the tone and smoothness of the tone...

its got a hotel california sorta feel to it... but yeah, something that the majority of us can enjoy...

not ur usual stuff with the odd time sig and the disonnance...
but the solo parts the tone is really really sweet...
woo nice tasty playing there. not a big fan of the tone though. for me it's either you go all the way modern(like Vai/PG) or old school/vintage like Slash. and somehow not here,not there. like the tonal variatons though. and it does sound abit dry, maybe like what you said, some effects got lost while converting the format. good work mate, cheers :D
Thanks for the heads up on the tone guys. ;) I'm working on it... perhaps sitting on the fence is my style?

Eh Razrash, dun think I am getting soft ah. :wink: This was done in a moment of weakness!
I like your style dan, but your sound not enough balls la.. Lacking in the midrange. The rythms are nice and chunky tho. I think you need a better soundcard.
moment of weakness, but i think u gotta try doing something like this with ur usual style.. it would be interesting..