Shredcow's Cliché-ed Clip

hey Anthony! Hahaha... I've gotten a band already. Well. Sort of. Like sessioning for them.
Maybe I'll do the Singaporean thing and bug you for a gig... :lol:

Pathein, that's the first time I've heard the song... but I still couldn't finish listening to it. :P I dunno... I have issues listening to the 1970s bands... :cry:
hey does sound very much like one of ur older music piece..

but the piece u played some time back was a demo of some pedal i tink..or was it pickups? :lol:
wah. You can remember ah. 8O

Its a solo for a song (Raising Lazarus) in one of my bands, using an RG7621. I only reused 1 lick dammit! :lol: I realised after mixdown, that this was so, but heck, its done right?

Ah, it was a demo fo the RG7621.
whole lotta wankin there Mr.Cow ... :lol:

...improvement in feel.. ha ...good! good !!

a good tune has a balance of technique and feel ...imo !!
wank = feel.

The faster u play the less u bother with empty space and sustain and vibrato!! :twisted:

But ya lah... working on "feel" at the moment. Was good to use the whammy bar again, made me re-realise how much I actually missed that thing.