Shotgunstart @ Zouk 13th sept !


New member
Hey peep's , this will be the highlight of the band's performance history so far . Come on down for Freemansland's launch of their band privilege card !

We've got a new vocalist in the line up , new songs ( well actually the first time we'll be doing out very own songs penned from the bottom of our hearts) .
This is one event rock and roll fans do not want to miss . It's kinda like a band competition and all as well so we're hoping to win this thing so come on down and support us !! .

This event will feature kick ass bands such as , Audiocean , Faceoff , Sunny violet rays , cig sex AND Great Spy Experiment .

Check . for details
or contact

Bryan - 90270275
Zach - 98311821

for tickets ! :cool: