Shit I want to vent my anger...

my 2 cents worth :oops:

malaysian idol is without a doubt, BETTER than our $ingapore Idol.
yes sure, must support local talent, maybe to us soft.commers, we go for quality. QUALITY AS A SINGER, not quantity of fans you have rooting for you.

in this case, i remember one of the judges saying that "it is not what you want but what people want" and "this is a singing contest not a popularity contest"... :?

what the people want is a popularity contest. what we want is a singing contest. cos if it's a singing contest then damn well let the judges make the decisions! if you're gonna leave the contestants' fate to the home viewers and the supporters then be prepared for a friggin popularity contest lah!

we'd rather support a band competition cos i think that is where the real talents are. no online polling or sms voting...just play live on the spot and let the judges decide.

speakin of which, the asian beatsfinals will be held at sentosa on the 4th of dec, fort siloso beach. :P 10 bands!!
zouk out is happening on the same island too. let's make sure the support for the local bands drown out the bengs and lians!! LOL.

dhalif said:
metal sialllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!!
dont be liddat.. as musicians.. we must learn to accept different genres as possible.. absorb and deliver.. only way you can be versatile dude..
versatility is very crucial in the scene.. you blardee versatile.. ppl need guitarist.. straight away find u... you blardee versatile.. ur name will always be remembered.. and lastly.. you get respect. but then again.. u dun be so versatile den become arrogant or sombong laaa attitude laosai.. u go down the drain too.. =)

thks 4 ur advise......... it's very truth..... need 2 be versatile....... n u r a really good adviser....


u noe all these thing about the sg idol shit... well its jus a matter of perception... i agree with dhalif in a sense tht if u noe tht u can play.. why bother bout wat others say... rem: u cant satisfy the whole world man... pple have diff tatse have diff agreements.. and they dun look at the same things in the same way as each other do... personally... i dun really bother much bout sg idol... they are they... music is about expressing urself... its about bonding with ur frenz.. family... its a artform... to me.. personlly.. its self-expression.. if u noe tht u can play an instrument well... and others dun appreciate ur stuff.. dun go drown urself in sorrow.. instead look forward.. plan ur course tht u wanna take in the future.. doesnt mean tht the gals look out for looks tht means u canr make it.. theres market for everything... if u are really good u will stand out... take metallica for example... at tht time.. pop still rule the airwaves... but wat happened? metallica came rte in with a album tht changed their life.. the black album.. and it was really good... the public loved it... so u see.. if the music tht u make.. is really something.. why bother bout the looks and glamour... noe in ur heart tht deep dwn inside.. this is something tht u feel tht u can and have acheive the most in life.. and if music is really ur thing.. it doesnt really mattter who gets the recognition... as long as u are doing the thing u love most... recognition is like a benefit thing u noe? its like an encouragement for u to go on in ur music career... if u dun get tht its ok... ur music will break thru... pple would start listening to ur music.. and noe tht u are good... pple can fuss over all these looks and talent thing.. but rem wat music is to u... and have some confidence in urseleves man.. anybody is capable doing great things... its jus wats in their head and hw they look at themselves... so u see guys.. chin up.. continue to support the local music scene.. i seen alot of talented pple.. with and without looks.. but tht din bother much to me... but their talent.. so pple.. continue to persevere in ur dreams.. as a fellow musician.. my wishes to u.. and stay true to urself... peace out.. \m/
Haha, Singapore idol is a singer's arena along the lines of pop.
You know what, i actually joined in for fun and was kicked out at the 2nd audition, and i was singing Kurt Cobain's "Come as you are". Dick Lee told me my voice was more suited for rock bands.
I think if anyone wants to judge SG idol, they have to judge it from a singer's perception. And if it's all about pop, then ya know what pop is all about. There shouldn't be any correlations between idol contest and band competitions. I think the two are just world's apart. Neither has band festivals has anything to do with Ah bengs and lians listening to Zouk Out techno music.
As much as popularity contest goes, i think it's the same for all music. I hate to face the facts here, but how i wish there is such polling and SMS for bands in Singapore. At least we bands don't have to struggle in some ulu pub or place performing and so few paying attention to us. But many bands that do make it also makes it with a certain % due to popularity, though i believe pop has greater emphasis on popularity than any other music markets. As yet anyone insults techno, but again the dance DJ/producers are also struggling for that popularity contest and anyone who would buy their albums. It's as much the same old game the way i see it, just a different scenario and style.
What i really feel about the idol contest is that it defeats originality. Every singer has their own style, and the contest is trying to choose a singer that is versatile in all styles. Basically, instead of getting the singers to focus on their personal uniqueness and style in relation to their type of music, the contest pushes them to fit in with every genre of music. I mean, how much originality is that going to be, makes them just a copycat in the end.
yeap i agree with most of it. to each to his own. music is individual and different and to be appreciated. wads most disgusting about the contest is.. not all of the contestants can really sing. furthermore. some are are just kept in the show due to popular votes. not real talent. perhaps its true tt as pop singers must be versatile cos like pop music can be very volatile ... one minute boyband... next minute madonnna- like electronica or got R&B hiphop influences or blues influences( has anyone seen westlife's latest album ? a cheap jazz ripoff) ... but that dosent give reason for bad singing ? one cant just sing badly thru all the qualifying rounds and still manage to get into the top four ?

quality singing and good talent has not really surfaced in the show due to blantant commerical exploitation.

but seriously the singapore idols participants arent versatile at all....

And sly is making rock so gay...
refer to cultural vs musician thread... its true must be more open minded ... cannot be so bigoted... whos to says whos gay and who isnt ? besides, sylvester is j-rocker style rocker rite ? ever seen X-japan :P :D 8O :lol:
i think sylvester has got too airy a voice to sing any form of rock. he's more suited for boyband pop. being in a rock band does not make one a rocker.
To iansoh,
I have a curious question, not that i'm siding with Slyvester, i feel his singing sux, but i really wonder, what actually makes one a rocker??
parablue74 said:
To iansoh,
I have a curious question, not that i'm siding with Slyvester, i feel his singing sux, but i really wonder, what actually makes one a rocker??

the 'feel'? :lol: 8O :wink:
well, if it ain't obvious enough, the singapore idol is NOT about having talent, or a penchant for singing. its rather having the APPEAL to the mass audience. hence the term 'idol' instead of talent quest.

you see, good singers have been kicked out of the show as they don't have the mass appeal to the public. somehow, its a 'show' show, if you don't realise yet, that the audience is somehow being 'forced' to root for their favorite idol, not forced literally, but rather, having it transfixed in their mindsets tat they SHOULD be voting etc, with very good hosts & judges telling us that every week. its almost propaganda-ish.. and the big gulps were VERY irritating. haha... the show will tell how much audience power has over this. we all know, out of the four, most probably daphne will be out.

nothing against this sweet young thing, but i believe her time has not come yet. she does have a sweet, sugary voice, attributes to drool for, and yeah..she's got a sweet face. but somehow, her songs sounds the same, over and over again, BUT, she's got a growing fan base. [includes me.but i'm not voting.]

hopefully, i'm proven wrong, and that she'll get kicked out? for the sake of the competition, coz all 3 remaining are better than her. but we'll see tonight. [and daphne, if you happen to ever read this, yeah, HI!!! =) ]

somehow, i find that its getting true nowadays, that mass appeal do become more important in the faces of the fans. look at heavyweights in the metal industry, they do get the following, but is it as big as the gimmicked [my 5 cents] bands? or those sugary sweet, distorted but radio-friendly tunes bands?

IMHO, i think that the days where people follow the musicians instead of the musicians catering to their audience are long gone...of course, there are still people, like most of us here, who still cares for quality, coz we know that THAT is the one that matters. =)
ah yes i saw that coming. it's simple. it shows through in your personality - your choice of music; your behaviour/mannerisms though this one's more subtle. more importantly, it shows in the way you perform your music whether u're a rocker or not. such as your tone, and the way you improvise and deliver a song.

the only image i've gotten from sylvester is that of boyband singer. what with all his trademark wink and all. *shudder*

and to all rockers and lovers of rock music in the forum, no offence meant hey.
HAHAHA the trade mark wink... well i think he can sing man ... i dunno why..but i think hes good.
couldnt stand the justin timberlake cover he did.... with the " shoulder shrugging " move ........that was a really really pathetic attempt to "dance" ... he aint got no soul brotha . stick to his rockish stuff and i tihnk he'll win man..hes pretty versatile for a j-rocker lookalike.
iansoh said:
ah yes i saw that coming. it's simple. it shows through in your personality - your choice of music; your behaviour/mannerisms though this one's more subtle. more importantly, it shows in the way you perform your music whether u're a rocker or not. such as your tone, and the way you improvise and deliver a song.

the only image i've gotten from sylvester is that of boyband singer. what with all his trademark wink and all. *shudder*

and to all rockers and lovers of rock music in the forum, no offence meant hey.

no offense . i havent heard sylvester sing b4 but got 2 pple in this thread earlier mentioned bout him singing at heartrock singapore b4. and . his singing is supposedly quite decent. lets not pass judgement till we see him sing rock songs/ really perform. besides . Singapore idol = pop idol not= rock idol concert. hes just doing mainstream stuff.

its like equating the sound of a fender to a gibson. different types of sound.
ok bad analogy but ya get my point ? its an unfair comparison ?
When i first saw Slyvester, i felt he really look like the typical poly guy trying to behave like a rocker. He's got that look!!! You know when people who really like chinese music and try to get to rock music and do something that is chinese rock. These are like medium rare steak that is neither well done nor rare.
And i guess maybe he is either born with that look or he may really be a wannabe rocker. Sometimes, it's really hard to judge by impression until you really get to know a person. I mean, anyone of us here who claims ourselves to be a rocker can't actually be heavily scrutinise when we go to the public and perform. Someone might say the exact same thing to us, that we are "not cool enough!!", "not a rocker!!" and so on and so forth.
I don't think there actually is a real definition of a rocker, what i believe is that there are few identities of what is perceive as a rocker. I believe there are people with wilder personalities and can't help being wild, and there are people who have more nerdy personalities and can't help being nerdy, then there are those "medium rare". I mean, all these are just trend!!! What really matters is whether the person loves rock music. I mean, so what if Slyvester is not a rocker by trend, so what if he behaves the way he behaves, the question is "Does he really like rock music???", and if he does, i glad for him...
parablue74 said:
When i first saw Slyvester, i felt he really look like the typical poly guy trying to behave like a rocker. He's got that look!!! You know when people who really like chinese music and try to get to rock music and do something that is chinese rock. These are like medium rare steak that is neither well done nor rare.
And i guess maybe he is either born with that look or he may really be a wannabe rocker. Sometimes, it's really hard to judge by impression until you really get to know a person. I mean, anyone of us here who claims ourselves to be a rocker can't actually be heavily scrutinise when we go to the public and perform. Someone might say the exact same thing to us, that we are "not cool enough!!", "not a rocker!!" and so on and so forth.
I don't think there actually is a real definition of a rocker, what i believe is that there are few identities of what is perceive as a rocker. I believe there are people with wilder personalities and can't help being wild, and there are people who have more nerdy personalities and can't help being nerdy, then there are those "medium rare". I mean, all these are just trend!!! What really matters is whether the person loves rock music. I mean, so what if Slyvester is not a rocker by trend, so what if he behaves the way he behaves, the question is "Does he really like rock music???", and if he does, i glad for him...

he performed at heart rock singapore . heart rock singapore and another dude here at forums said he sang pretty good... still ... even though i dun really like his singing and his "sell out" . i still think he deserves a big hand for his guts to go audition and try out for singapore idol ... he deserves respect for trying and using as many styles of singing in the competition ... lets not hurl brickbats at these people , look at what they have done and not what they have not or are not .