My own opinion:
1 listen to SgIdols, and I was damn turn off. I might not be a super talent or music critique, but they all sure did NOT earn the right to take my money. I for one, would not spend a single cent on their albums.
In my biased opinion, the good singers are all out. Olinda is good, but she can only suit a limited style (which is not bad...but bad for the competition). The rest is like, pure rubbish. Singing is not fantastic, alot of wannabe imagery. I will not say my individual opinions on the Sgidols coz I'm sure it'll anger alot of fans, especially those under 18.
I really do prefer the old style singers and bands who go by the circuit, such as bands like Electrico, Observatory...etc Even individual artiste that were singing in competitions and pubs such as Kit chan...tanya and stephanie sun...etc.. These are tried and tested talents that I have no doubt in party with my $$
As for the fasttrack of SgIdols that is decided by the whims of non-discerning tone-def fans (eg. friends who vote for the sake of friends and not talent)... well, I'm definitely not a convinced person.... unless u show me some clay aiken...or fantasia barino...
This is all my opinion, so take it with a pinch of salt.