SG Players Come In!!

haha k thanks but i nd comments on it first to ensure its a good buy.... anyone? oyea n y the guy say its angus young sg special?
i dun tink its the original piece, he mods the SG Special to Angus Young specs, but its a Gibson, so why not?
as big a fan of ac/dc and angus as i am.
the only Gibson SG that i want now is the '61 reissue.
and the new Elliot Easton SG if the price is right, has lots of custom touches including a plek setup,
mattleesc said:
NAPALM! do you have a g400 fittable batwing pickguard? i have a 61' style one for trade if ya want.

nope dont have man. i was thinking of putting one on a sg special, so i dont have a spare pickguard to trade