Sec4 change to short pants!

Thanks to some idiots who keep altering the sch pants to make it look taper and wearing ankle socks...the sch feddup tell us they going to change the uniform so now upper sec also must wear short pants. At first threaten only now they wait to next year then start. Means we sec3 guys next year go sec4 got to change. Arrgh! :cry:

Sorry but AHAHAHAHAHAH! This is just hilarious but i seriously feel for you... It just took a couple of idiots to ruin things for the rest of the school... ask the school to just make the offenders wear shorts the whole year round la... this way you single them out and make them feel like idiots... why dont you guys write a petition... if you need help i'll draft one for you, but make sure you guys can get signatures on them
in nus and ntu, undergrads wear fbt shorts and singlets and slippers for lectures and that is like the most "in" thing now. u should be happy that ur sch is actually quite trendy by implementing those shorts for upper sec.

ROFL, but true. :^
i know nothing about this cos I dropped out of sch before I got to the longpants. but I can suggest , if you really want long pants back, gather an entire petition + group of guys. 'zhng' your short pants to hotpants like those poloboys. gross the sch staff out + parents will write in complain questioning the "sexuality influence" on their sons and it should hold a pretty high chance to bring back the long pants.. but prepared to get your butt cleavage stomped. lol.
or the other idea is tabloid media awareness,
1) wear sch shorts + skin coloured underwear
2) get your friend to stomp-take photo of you in MRT (for example) but photoshop your shorts-exposed-schlong area in mosaic
3) send in to complain that upper sec sch students are "growing boys" , the shorts are causing indecent exposure that can't be helped so bring back the pants. (they can't really ask us to sit with our legs closed together right? we're not like girls wearing skirts, we need to sit with our legs abit "open" cos we need to spread out room for the soldier resting on the rice sacks)

not exactly the truth, but not exactly fake fact either. this could happen.
i know nothing about this cos I dropped out of sch before I got to the longpants. but I can suggest , if you really want long pants back, gather an entire petition + group of guys. 'zhng' your short pants to hotpants like those poloboys. gross the sch staff out + parents will write in complain questioning the "sexuality influence" on their sons and it should hold a pretty high chance to bring back the long pants.. but prepared to get your butt cleavage stomped. lol.

This is one of the funniest things I've read all time here in soft.
Whats the problem? Sec 4 still a secondary school kid.
Perhaps you can either wear back your sec 2 shorts (if they fit), or get your school pants cut down and save costs. :D

Just get used to its how you deal with it that matters not whether its shorts or not. There are other schools that wear shorts in upper sec and that is actually a good thing considering the weather here. ;)
I don't understand why kids can't just respect the school uniform for what it is. Unless you're from a government school, that I totally understand.
Seriously its actually quite a good move to teach those punks a good lesson.But its unfair that the rest are being dragged into it too.

Just live with it man.Should be thankful cause the weather has been very shitty lately.
i think its effin' ridic~
its only pants FFS~

making seniors in a school wear shorts, thats kinda weird

srsly, the whole, come late, wear proper SOCKS, and all that sec school crap~
like enough already...they should just do away with the entire Uniform thing~

Who says it not fun being in shorts. LOL!
Can always compensate by wearing super short shorts and super high knee length socks complete with suspenders :D that would be epic win.

Or protest by sending your leg shavings to your principal. Get everyone to do it.
Thanks to some idiots who keep altering the sch pants to make it look taper and wearing ankle socks...the sch feddup tell us they going to change the uniform so now upper sec also must wear short pants. At first threaten only now they wait to next year then start. Means we sec3 guys next year go sec4 got to change. Arrgh! :cry:

You should start a new salutory catchphrase among your school mates man!

"Wear the hair, loud and proud!"

It helps with dealing with the sulk of having to show your legs for four years! :) Sucks to be in your situation man.

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