School Days Life

School days life.... haia, so history.....

1987 - Teacher's Day - My very first gig!!
Played Eric Clapton's Wonderful Tonight(Though it was in the afternoon) and Bad Company's Shooting Star, on the very same stage that I had my Public Canning a few weeks before...... hahaha....
After that become rock star already......

p.s - dun ask me how old i am......
we all go around katong , parkway , tampines look for pirated CD shops go there for FREE shopping spree...
everytime like to compete wif my frens how many CDs we kapo in a given amount of time in the shop....

Hahaha. Katong shopping centre right? Basket the layout of the shop, so many blind spots. Went there with huge books, if i saw anything good, it goes inbetween pages and i'd walk out. Guilty concience took over soon after and i stopped.

hehe this thread's becoming something like a "confess your bad deeds during school days" thread.
there was pirated CD shop at the katong shoppping centre basement last time....

i was a freaking dumb dumb as to steal a Cossack PC game right beside a mirror and the fella stopped me before leaving the shop and u know lah my frens were like "wha lau eh julius , what the hell were u thinking?!?!?!?"
drama drama only.... :lol:
I got caught once at a small stationary stop. The owner was kind enough to let me off. But the experience shook me up man. I mean really bad. Hit the concience like a nail into wood. Bam. That was it, time to be a good boy.
whahah i got into deep trouble.. some kid is so stupid that took our sms for real that we wanna whack him up.. den his dad called the cops.. blah blah.. almost expelled sia :lol: even went to bedok HQ.. kena scolded by the detective :lol: .. he even teach us.. 'want to scold pple wan whack them up use ur mouth lah.. u send sms got evidence u noe.. stupid!' but left us with warnin onli.. never put it down on papers :o

lol.. i think secondary school days are the most dangerous time to go astray la.... after that.. we start to think more matured.. :)
Oh ya.. and we go around kapo people's stunt bike :lol:.. kena specialised and haro bikes alot whaha.. den still got lobang to sell them off lol!!

eh.. those in the east.. bike kena stolen.. im sorry! :D

den i still rem.. on august 9... yea.. national day 2 or 3 yrs b4... halfway stealin.. kena 3 police car come sia!~!.. i think some one report we suspicious.... sigh..... adrenaline came sia..... from den on stopped hahahah

den machiam want act professional bike stealer.. still got big big cutter sia... heavy whahaha.. so childish last time
Things I remember during my sch days...

Play marbles, one-leg and football..
The great canteen food
The 40 cents tetra-pak milk
Catching, trading and selling of spiders, both Kang and Boo...
Sing Singapore(was in the choir man.. wahaha... :lol: )
The farewell concert where 2 of my classmates and I played Patience from GnR..

Playin football, badminton and cricket for sch/class/house...
Blue tapes
Girls, girls and girls...
More Blue tapes...
Having frens from various type of personalities (the bengs, the mats, the slackers, the nerds, etc..)
The not-so-great canteen food...
My computer club teacher... (she was soo cuttteee....)
Did I mention Blue tapes??

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
prefect in school now...but i influenced a quarter of a quater of the school into metal , rock and guitar heh.

I remember sec 1-2 we ran around school pressing those red color alarm stuff...and than run around primary school and back to our sec school...dam funny...lucky never get caught...i backed out because i just didn't want to get into trouble.So i stood from a far and watched the action.
fight with friends, go suntec and then in the lift, i kerna surrounded, then they whack me so bloody hard...i shoot 1 fist up and whack someone's mouth, dunno who until they stop.

We trap people behind the door and start pouring water on that guy, then pull him out and beat. We took turns to get beaten up.

Go detention many times, let NCC officer see, warn me not to let him see me again or he'll strip my rank. He said that everytime i go detention. Still a sergent in the end. HAHAHA, cos me and him quite gd friend.

music huh? hmmmmm every morning must sing national athem a few times cos the stupid principal damn guai lan make us sing and sing and sing and sing. she is a B**** a ****ing b****.

come to think of it, i m quite a good boy in school. Not much problems one. :lol:
u know that time at the pirated CD shop on the 2nd level...

basket the shopkeeper damn blur i tell u....

come in kapo 24 CDs in one day inclusive of 2 second helpings and he did not even suspect a thing when we left his shop and came back a few minutes later for second helping....

then the next day my frens came back and it was a freaking mistake they brought one of my frens along.that fella first timer , freak out like hell siah in the shop...scared the uncle see them kapo den u know wad he told the uncle? "eh uncle sorry ah i got no money today , i come back again another day." then he obviously my other frens who were in the shop had to leave because they all know that he indirectly let the cat out of the bag...

then when my frens were counting the number of CDs they managed to kapo for the day underneath the emergency staircase on the ground floor , the shopkeeper was staring at them from the 2nd level and den my frens die die must chao for their life....

that's wad i was being told according to my frens who were involved in that operation... :lol:

my another fren better still , he operate one man show... the ah beng chasing him because he caught him stealing and managed to grab hold of fren smart , he go whack the ah beng up and chao!!!! :twisted:

then another incident my fren and i (all of them guai kia except me at that time) were to parkway after badminton practice...

Samuel : eh julius ( that's me) look at this handphone cover , damn nice rite?hiyah too bad i got no money to buy!!!!"

Julius : eh eh take that handphone cover u just showed me...i wanna look at it

Samuel : okay

Julius : eh ur birthday around this period rite?

Samuel : yeah why?

*slips 15 buck metallic dragon handphone cover into racket bag*

later on the SBS bus....

Julius : *takes out handphone cover from bag*

look on the bright side.If it wasn't for those pao tou kias , we would not have gotton involved in southeast CDC :D

so much for the daycare centre for juvenille deliquents in our school!!!! :D
yaya, wad goes around comes around and stuff liddat anw mi other list of offences includes skipping skol, glue sniffing, getting caught for smoking(when i wasn't), never bring book, never do homewerkchao taf club, defiance, stealing some1s textbook, i tink dats abt it
i use to be the reigning champ of it :lol:

but got one of my fren freaking talented kapo-er (jeremy remember eugene cheah?)

he kapo games like playing the gameshow supermarket sweep like that....

u guys remember that supermarket gameshow rite? :roll:
erm... personally i think stealing is really lame la...
and to see you posting it on a forum , boasting it as one of your achievements in life ...its even worse...