Speaking of boredoms, I prefer OOIOO myself, only that boredoms has more better albums. I couldn't get into deerhoof at all, but I only tried listening to one album.
Not much of a shoegazing fan either. It's just that I can't deny the influence some of the good shoegazing/dreampop bands have on me, especially MBV and Cocteau Twins.
here's a video of Violet Indiana - Purr la Perla (robin guthrie's side project with Siobhan de Mare of mono) that I quite like, more so that I ought to:
YouTube - Violet Indiana - Purr la Perla
Violet Indiana! damn that name I long forgotten already.
wow, holy puck's good. damn good.
here was i listening to tortured soul... YouTube - Tortured Soul at Java Jazz Festival 2006
the first and only song i heard of Saturdays=Youth is Kim & Jessie, and i couldn't believe that it was really M83. I mean i've heard their older stuff and it sounds nothing like Kim & Jessie. Its popish and catchy though, took me two listens to get into it.
Curve is awesome, I love re-discovering old songs on youtubethe video production is so overly dramatic, like an american filmmaker trying to imitate a pretentious french auteur or something.
anyways for some newer stuff, anyone heard of Sleepy Eyes of Death? noo, not those 60's samurai films..
MySpace.com - Sleepy Eyes Of Death - SEATTLE, Washington - Shoegaze / Electrónica en directo / Visual - www.myspace.com/sleepyeyesofdeath
yeah, with their latest being a letdown and all, I wasn't too keen on remembering them..but I always thought they had potential for better stuff.
here's a few more dreampop/shoegazing stuff I like
MySpace.com - auburn lull - MI//PA - Experimental / Indie / Shoegaze - www.myspace.com/auburnlull
new album out, full of nice
MySpace.com - brasilia - BROOKLYN, NEW YORK - Indie / Experimental / Pop - www.myspace.com/brasilia
love their sound and lineup features members of mahogany
MySpace.com - Velocity Girl - College Park, Maryland - Alternativa / Indie / Rock - www.myspace.com/velocitygirl71
I love the vocals
YouTube - Lush - Hypocrite
maybe the genre itself does not appeal much to our music scene here..??